Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

I agree..I cook mine for 4 hrs. And is plenty. No need for all that extra cook, the best thing you could do is press the trim out until out is dry with no moisture our butter left in it...when I do mine it comes out a fine dry fiber it's piety cool
I read almost halfway through this thread and and see so many people say to .cook it for very long periods of time. Although I am no expert in this subject, I don't believe this is necessary and here's why. I take my trimming scissors with a good 1/8"+ of caked on thc and stir that in my butter while it's cooking, it takes literally one stir to completely dissolve all the thc. That tells me thc dissolves very quickly into your butter and an overnight cook is not necessary. I've only ever done 3 batches and I think the longest I've done them is 2 hours and all turned out very well for what went in. Most recent time was 2/3 oz finely ground (coffee grinder), very dry, mediocre popcorn/bud for 1 stick and I eat the cookies 1/4 at a time to get the desired (strong) effect. Going by memory it made 12 cookies, so that's 48 doses.

Just my 2 cents, if you like cooking for like 12 hours, more power to ya =)
A while back I read of using a potato ricer for squeezing the remaining butter out of the duff (probably on this thread) - I got a real nice Stainless Steel one off of Amazon for cheap & brother it is worth every penny !
A while back I read of using a potato ricer for squeezing the remaining butter out of the duff (probably on this thread) - I got a real nice Stainless Steel one off of Amazon for cheap & brother it is worth every penny !

Yea that was this thread.I posted it. I think I posted my whole process, do you get the awesome fiber I'm talking about
hey folks read some of the posts here wanted to add my 2 cents... I have been making butter for a long long time back in the day we used comercial kitchen equipment huge stock pots on a commercial stovetop a thermometer a lot of weed and a lot of butter. that was then and this is now.... I always run it through the blender with enough water to get it movin. chop the shit out of it till it looks almost like a green smoothie if the trim is wet I freeze it a day or 2 before I use it. I always come out with scary powerful results.... put me down for 18 hr. the other day and when I woke up I felt soooooooo refreshed and ready to take on the world. I feel the 2 key points are chopping it up in the blender and then the special tool wich I will get too. I don't really measure anything I just eyeball it wich is probably why it comes out too strong somtimes but just little adjustment on the dosage and all is well. so I covered the blender part already next comes the crock pot with an eyeballed amount of butter we will say 2 sticks for this run then pour in the blended trim I then run on hi for 2 hr. then low for 2 hr and now the fun part everyone loves, back in the day when we were dumb and full of cum we would pour it through a cloth then squeeze the butter out with our bare hands burning the shit out of ourselves for the cause. Fast forward 15 years and hey check out this cool new tool I got, you all may have seen it before or heard of it.... A fucking potato ricer.... I use one to squeeze the moisture out of my morning hashbrowns before I cook them but wait, you could squeeze your weed with that thing. If you are really anal about things you could put a coffee filter in the bottoom of it to keep any bitches that squeeze through the lil holes from scuming up the bottom of your butter but I really don't care about that so much. The trim that you blended with a lil water and cooked for four hours comes out a fine dry fiber... it is beutiful and soooo dry but by useing a potato ricer you squeeze every last bit of butter out of the fiber getting the most bang for your butter check it out I highly recomend you pick one up there are bigger ones they are expensive this is the one I have and use
here it is... I like the thing someone said about re melting it in fresh water to clean it up a bit. Gonna try that next time since my wife complains about the taste, but you only need a little bit
Yeah, that's the one I got & I love it !
As for the left over fiber - I ended up with "Pucks" of the stuff, not exactly bone dry, but enough to know I got most all of the goodies I was after.

Thank you for the tip & I apologize for not crediting you with this awesome idea.
Yeah, that's the one I got & I love it !
As for the left over fiber - I ended up with "Pucks" of the stuff, not exactly bone dry, but enough to know I got most all of the goodies I was after.

Thank you for the tip & I apologize for not crediting you with this awesome idea.

Mine comes out pretty dry in picks but it brakes right up, might be because of how much I break it down in the blender before I cook it. It's a beautiful thing which river did you get
Stems and stalks do not have enough Trichomes for me to even mess with.
Its all about he sugar leaves & popcorn buds.

Oh, and welcome to RIU bro.
Mine comes out pretty dry in picks but it brakes right up, might be because of how much I break it down in the blender before I cook it. It's a beautiful thing which river did you get
just realized I must have been on my phone when I wrote this.... picks = pucks..... river = ricer.
auto corect strikes again
just realized I must have been on my phone when I wrote this.... picks = pucks..... river = ricer.
auto corect strikes again

I used the blender for the first time this weekend - 1z trim/bud X 1lb butter.
I usually clarify at least twice after this step.

One issue I did have was the trim is chopped so fine that its a bitch to get the butter/water mixture clean of it.
Do you have a "good" method for getting the veg material out of the liquid ?

Oh, and here's the ricer I have.
same ricer I have... I don't have a good way it doesn't really bother me but next run I am definatly going to try a few things... I never even tried the whole change the water and re melt thing I always just rinsed some of the goo off the bottom of the butter and let it be. soo I will have to work on purifacation might b some sort of screening process that could help I will try next run.... fine stainles mesh might be the key after a water change and remelt dumping it through a screen... IDK just thinking bout it... I plan to run a batch in may. my wife doesn't like the taste so it is something I should work on... really I make it so powerful you just need a bite.
I used the blender for the first time this weekend - 1z trim/bud X 1lb butter.
I usually clarify at least twice after this step.

One issue I did have was the trim is chopped so fine that its a bitch to get the butter/water mixture clean of it.
Do you have a "good" method for getting the veg material out of the liquid ?

Oh, and here's the ricer I have.
View attachment 2564027
Have you tried roasting ears of corn on the grill with CB ?
I wrap them in foil, add CB, salt, fresh pepper & garlic powder.
The butter really enhances the corn taste (or the other way around) - so far that's my best "meal inclusive" recipe to date.
Have you tried roasting ears of corn on the grill with CB ?
I wrap them in foil, add CB, salt, fresh pepper & garlic powder.
The butter really enhances the corn taste (or the other way around) - so far that's my best "meal inclusive" recipe to date.

I used to do stuff with it but anymore I just make brownies with it..I used to have one where I would roast some onion in a pan then cook chicken in the same pan then take the chicken out pore some white wine in the pan to deglaze out them added epping cream butter crumbled bacon and blue cheese then pour that over the chicken and onion...pretty good stuff...make a pizza mix it in the sauce...gotta have your dosage right on that kind of
It seems we over cooked it a boiled away some of the butter after all. My cousin was here helping me and I think we may have misunderstood the directions in post #1. We will be trying it again soon, maybe 2lbs of butter depending on how much the trimmings weigh after I harvest.

I followed the directions as closely as possible but for the first hour I believe we ended up accidentally setting the crockpot a bit too warm...

Thanks everyone, updates soon.

BTW, does anyone have a good cookie recipe? :leaf:

I noticed my crockpot was getting a little hotter than I liked, so I put a timer on crockpot 1 hr. on 1 hr. off for 24 hours.
I always find 4 hrs. is plenty, the good stuff in your trim disolves pretty quick, idk why people still insist on 24hr thats just asking for trouble. we run 4 hr and the product comes out very powerful. I think over time processes get diluted with people always trying to come out better than what they were taught then we end up with a 24hr butter run and kids putting 600w lights in 2x2 rooms. there used to be what was called the grow faq on this site in the top bar not sure what happend to it but the recipe in it said 2hr on low and 2 hr on high and that shit works great. not everything in the grow faq was the best info but it shure was better than the nonsense people have been putting out lately.... bottom line 4 hr. is plenty 24 hr. as you folk have learned is bullshit. more time does no equal more gooder
I buy the largest cheaper crockpot with a warm,low high setting...the warm is plenty good after a few hours..the low can get over 225°
I made some cannabutter and it turned out tasting like some kind of green monster. I thought I followed the directions. I used some columbian gold hybrid. After I made the butter I spread a little on some toast and it tasted gross. I havent tried to cook with it because im afraid it will ruin what I am makeing
I made some cannabutter and it turned out tasting like some kind of green monster. I thought I followed the directions. I used some columbian gold hybrid. After I made the butter I spread a little on some toast and it tasted gross. I havent tried to cook with it because im afraid it will ruin what I am makeing

Have you tried reprocessing ?
Melt it again (at low temp) with some water & allow the butter to solidify in the fridge, take it out & rinse the bottom w/ your warm water sprayer.

I do that to reduce the "green" taste.

Oh, BTW, welcome to RIU my friend.