Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

I didn't read through this entire Thread, so its possible I'm asking a previous question; I have some left over leaves from my last harvest that are COVERED with trics. These should make some great butter! But my question is this: the leaves are completely dry and I could easily smash them up in a baggie like the OP said to do, but I don't see the benefit of doing this. I will lose a bunch of trics and potency. Why not just throw the leaves into the pot, whole?

After the water and oil/butter reach the leaves, you will still have the same leafy mess when you're done.
The main reason I would grind would be if I was using bud nuggs. Leaf I wouldn't.
Great community, question!
How much of brickweed med/low quality would you spend to 1LB butter?
anyone tried this butter w/ bricks?
TIPS: I used this tutorial over a year ago I'll share my findings as I have become rather proficient:

1) Don't set it and forget it. Even in a crock pot, it will boil on you so check on it periodically. Setting it at night and leaving it for when you wake up is a mistake. Intense bubbling for too long is bad, mkay?

2) Use good weed (popcorn nugs and prefer sativa dominant) and a coffee grinder. Grind it fine. Ounce of ground weed per pound of butter. Mulitply or divide as neccesary and account for potency (more or less) by smoking first.

3) Get a crockpot with a low and a WARM setting. This way you can dial it back to warm if it starts to bubble too much.

4) Add water to the cook. This only acts as a buffer to burning your butter and separates out in the fridge.

5) Time: 24 hours seems like overkill, 2 hours is underkill. My personal opinion is that 10-14hrs is the strike zone. Stir and lift the lid every couple hours.

6) Wash your butter. After your butter hardens in the fridge, separate from the old water and throw it back in the crockpot on warm with some fresh water for about a half hour. Stir. Refridge. Repeat. I do 2 wash cycles and it cuts the canna taste down dramatically. Doesn't hurt potency IMO.

7) Get 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup plastic tupperware type containers for storage since this is what recipes typically call for. Place in warm water to melt to spread more evenly.

8 ) For high grade butter, fuck cookies, brownies etc. The last batch I made was way too strong for cookies (Mix of Laughing Budha, SLH and AK-47 shake)

My preference is chocolate truffles. A) They are small and easy to dose more or less, B) You can buy foil confectioners wrappers and throw em in the freezer forever. C) Easy to transport. D) You can make a lot at once and they take up little room. Only downside is that working with chocolate is a pain in the ass. If you do make truffles, do the french egg yolk ones and not the ones with cream. Also buy high grade (cacao %) chocolate bars and use powdered sugar...get a silcone mold. 2 of my tiny truffles take you about as far as you want to go and still have a good time.

I had a lot questions when I first started. Hopefully this irons out some of the wrinkles so your first batch is kickass.
^^ Thanks, MrDand007! I'm making my first batch, and I've never eaten marijuana edibles before. I put a little over 2 oz. of frosty, dry trim in with 1 1/4 pounds of butter, as I didn't want to go overboard with my first batch. I just read that the difference between high and low settings on modern crock pots is how fast it takes to get to 212! Both setting top out at the same temp! If you have a 'simmer' setting it's about 185 and a warm setting is about 165. For the first 6 hours I put it on low, but it started to boil harshly, so I'm going to bed keeping it on warm to keep it at 165F overnight. Isn't 212 too hot for our purposes, and is 165 hot enough?
Hey guys, mon had an idea and keifed trim, mon used 2 lbs of butter and roughly 2 oz keif, mon worried because mon didn't "cook" it very long. Mon melted butter in crock pot and once butter was all melted, mon added 2 oz keif and only left for about an hour tops.....

Anyway the butter smells like weed but mon is wondering if needed to cook it longer or not. Edibles don't really do anything for mon unless mon take really high doses.... Mon problem is this butter is not for mon and is for mon brother in army out of state.

Brother got brain cancer and ask me to make some butter, will this butter be ok? Or was it bad idea to use keif? Mon tried butter and did not notice anything but then again mon always stoned anyway and can't really tell.

Mon can make more butter if keif idea was bad idea but mon thinks keif would be better........what does everyone else think?

Wanted to let everyone know the keif idea worked and the butter is extremely strong, however mon did remelt and stirred up again. Mon ate a few cookies and rice crispy made from butter, after an hour or so Mon was so high mon was like wtf why is mon so high and then mon would remember oh yea its the cookies......Brother tried cookies and said he felt effects in about 30 mins. Cookies and rice crispys DO taste like weed tho and MIGHT be too strong for somes liking.
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TIPS: I used this tutorial over a year ago I'll share my findings as I have become rather proficient:

1) Don't set it and forget it. Even in a crock pot, it will boil on you so check on it periodically. Setting it at night and leaving it for when you wake up is a mistake. Intense bubbling for too long is bad, mkay?

2) Use good weed (popcorn nugs and prefer sativa dominant) and a coffee grinder. Grind it fine. Ounce of ground weed per pound of butter. Mulitply or divide as neccesary and account for potency (more or less) by smoking first.

3) Get a crockpot with a low and a WARM setting. This way you can dial it back to warm if it starts to bubble too much.

4) Add water to the cook. This only acts as a buffer to burning your butter and separates out in the fridge.

5) Time: 24 hours seems like overkill, 2 hours is underkill. My personal opinion is that 10-14hrs is the strike zone. Stir and lift the lid every couple hours.

6) Wash your butter. After your butter hardens in the fridge, separate from the old water and throw it back in the crockpot on warm with some fresh water for about a half hour. Stir. Refridge. Repeat. I do 2 wash cycles and it cuts the canna taste down dramatically. Doesn't hurt potency IMO.

7) Get 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup plastic tupperware type containers for storage since this is what recipes typically call for. Place in warm water to melt to spread more evenly.

My preference is chocolate truffles.

I had a lot questions when I first started. Hopefully this irons out some of the wrinkles so your first batch is kickass.

I can agree with all of the above. I haven't made truffles though, I might next time around.

The method spelled out at the beginning is how I start mine, and I do an extra "wash" cycle after initial separation. I found glass "1 cup" containers, similar to Pyrex, that I like to store the butter in. 16 Tablespoons = 1 Cup = 2 sticks of butter. At that size they're really easy to store, and can be cut into smaller portions as need be.
I've used trim, shake, and damn near entire plants, you just need to learn to gauge your potency.

Personal recommendation:
I made a batch and a half of these, used pretty much a whole plant of Liberty Haze. It was heat stressed, and about a week premature. Dude chopped it and was going to throw it away... the edibles were a great success (~2oz of low THC content bud, popcorn and trim, per 1lb butter).
Hello and THANKS for this thread. I have read it through and am going to start at the beginning and read it again:) I have never ever made anything from mj except for an "arse of meself' a few times while puffin torpedoes.LOL Yesterday a friend of mine gave me a bag with 2 oz of very fine ground and sifted MJ from White Lightning trim. He made from shake,leaves,stalk and tiny buds. I was gonna try one ounce-one lb of unsalted premium butter with the water and crock pot. Should the MJ be stuck in the oven to decarb before starting? Cheers eh:)
melt butter, add water, add ground up herb ... no need to pre-treat the herb other than sufficient breakdown/grinding
Just made my first batch of butter last night with 2oz of dried frosty trim from Trainwreck, NL&BB, NY-47 and OG Kush. I remelted the butter and put it into tupperware for long term storage. This was my first time eating, and the butter was smooth, just tasted a little like spinach. I coated a bagel with it and HOLY SHIT!!! 2 hours later my body is tingling and I'm definitely feeling something, although I was smoking all day, too. I went to sleep about an hour later and woke up HIGH AS HELL! I knew I had overdone it, I was so high I couldn't even stay asleep. My vision was fucked up, and I was anxious. I knew not to worry, but I stayed in bed for about ten hours just tripping. I was stupid, heed others advice and take it really easy your first time. I can see liking the high if I just took a quarter of what I did, and I'm gonna make brownies tonight. A whole new world for me, thanks everyone for your experience and advice ;)
I look back on this thread too for the stories.
Not sure what post in here, maybe around the middle? is a post so potent I kept it as a text.

"There was one time I put in 4 ounces to 4 sticks of butter; after was strained returned it to the crock pot tossed in another half stick butter and ADDED in 11 grams of bubble hash, waited 5 hours then unlike the first time, no straining, put in the freezer until solid and when removed from the water the hash stuck to the bottom of the butter. 3/6 people that tried that butter will never eat cannafood again. Long time medical patients too =/. Put it all on the double boiler mixed it up with a couple bars of hersheys chocolate and handed him a spoonful, he ate half of that spoonful.....That was the first time I had to sit and pray with a grown man and his wife, for 4 hours, I felt very very bad...Be can be traumatizing. - Friendly J"
I'm working through a batch of brownies now that are so pwerful all you need is a 1/2"x 1" piece of brownie and your good to go all day, bout a 16 gram piece of one is all it takes which means the 10 I have is like 40 doses.
I read almost halfway through this thread and and see so many people say to cook it for very long periods of time. Although I am no expert in this subject, I don't believe this is necessary and here's why. I take my trimming scissors with a good 1/8"+ of caked on thc and stir that in my butter while it's cooking, it takes literally one stir to completely dissolve all the thc. That tells me thc dissolves very quickly into your butter and an overnight cook is not necessary. I've only ever done 3 batches and I think the longest I've done them is 2 hours and all turned out very well for what went in. Most recent time was 2/3 oz finely ground (coffee grinder), very dry, mediocre popcorn/bud for 1 stick and I eat the cookies 1/4 at a time to get the desired (strong) effect. Going by memory it made 12 cookies, so that's 48 doses.

Just my 2 cents, if you like cooking for like 12 hours, more power to ya =)