Darkroom Growtent Ventilation Help


Well-Known Member
I purchased a Darkroom Grow Tent 4'x2'x6' I currently have a 400 Watt Mh/Hps Cool Tube Light w/Digital Ballast. I need to get ventilation setup for my grow tent, can anyone please help me set-up my ventilation and tell me what I need...I was thinking of getting a 6" Fan with Filter so I can have it pull from the Filter through my Cool Tube Light and out the tent....not sure if I will need a supply fan or what size, any help please??? I have only $250 to spend, I just want to make sure I have a correct set-up.Thanks:leaf:


Active Member
sounds like you're going in the right direction...

Carbon filter, inline fan, tent.

Check out the grow tent club thread to see how they have theirs set up...in case you were wondering.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
your tent is 48 cfm. a 6 inch is pelenty to cool it, id also add a speed controler to it. filter should be 5 inch as well. 4 inch would be enough but the fan being 6 and i always add a bit extra to be sure im smell free.
GP filter has a cheep one at 6 inch and 375 cfm for about 100 bucks. has a 2 year gaurantee with it. no need for an intake fan.


Well-Known Member
Letric Thanks for the point in the right direction on the Grow Tent Club....Good looking out. I am a NEWBEE and I want to make sure I get everything set-up right so i dont waste time or money. I have watched DVDs and I have a book. Do you have a grow tent? If so any pointers or tips for a newbee??? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Medi 1,
So I will need to purchase a 6" fan that will run from a Carbon Filter through my Cool Tube to 6" fan mounted inside my tent pulling air out? I tried my best with the diagram but hopefully you will see what I am asking and talking about. I have read that its better to have filter out of the tent cuz of it generating heat. Also where can I get a speed controller, I am going to look up those fans you suggested, good looking out bro, thanks for taking the time to help a NEWBEE out. Much RESPECT to you all who help us NEWBEES!!!!! Peace.:leaf: I found this package deal on ebay for $200 tell me what you think http://cgi.ebay.com/6-INLINE-FAN-CARBON-FILTER-COMBO-ODOR-CONTROL-SCRUBBER-/230538475318?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35ad29f736



Active Member
Usually your ducting will start attached to the carbon filter inside the tent. So it usually goes like this: carbon filter -> ducting -> inline fan (pulling air from carbon filter) -> ducting -> to cool tube (pushed air from inline fan) -> ducting -> exit tent and away (still being pushed from inline fan).

Putting the inline fan before the cool tube lets the fan run a bit cooler and saves some wear and tear on it.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
if your going to use a cool tube then yes push throgh that but a hood is betetr pulled through, pull through the filter and if the filter isnt in the room it does no good for smells. your pic is the right way but e fan infront of tube if usingt hat. then same size holes for intake as fan is...so min 6 inch. may need more depending once its all set up and running.

heres my threa dim doing now on my grow room build. almsot done here. im suing an Ostberg fan. its the only one out there that is UL certified so if you are medical and get inspected they cant say shit about it not being safe. these are made in sweeden are more cfm for same size as vortex and are a fair bit cheeper to. votex being what id say is the most popular oines out there.

heres a link to these new fans, the link is also my shop so if you have any questions ask away on products.


and the filters i use....we are chabgin the name back to Dragon soon from the GP name. these also used to be called Phat filter.



Well-Known Member
TaoWolf and Medi 1,

Here is a updated diagram.....tell me if I got it correct now? Also with me setting up this way I will also have a TowerFan inside the tent as pictured. Is that going to be ok??? I dont need a fan for supp;ying air inside the tent? Sorry for being such a NEWBEE. Also here is a pic of a 33 day (Veg)Unknown Strain that I planted, its my first grow and I made a lot of mistake with it. I had a basic setup in the corner of my bedroom. I am moving on Tuesday so that when I move i will have my tent set-up finally. Thats why I want to make sure i get my plan approved by all the seasoned growers before I start dumping money for it. So tell me what you think of the diagram now???? Thanks for taking time out to reply back to us NEWBEEs.:leaf:


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
looks fine to me. now loose the mh and get a hps....lol double your lumens...430 dual spec from hoirtilux


Well-Known Member
My light is switchable from mh to hps. I have a hps bulb already, I have read that mh is the way to go for Veg and hps for flowering. So are u saying that I should Veg hps 18/6 and Flower hps 12/12?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i veg 24 on. more light more growth. and i only use hps. mh is old news. they doi have a better qualtiy colour being blue buit blue also dioes off way fatser than red or an hps. hps have close to double the intensisty to also make up for the diff colours. some will make claims they cause stretch buty mine sure dont. seems those usualy arent using the light as it was intedned and to far away.
the veg light ime is a personal preff. less just cost less is all and makles more stretch not growth. growth is regulated by a couple hormones called auxins and cytokins and are light regulated. so when we use less the ballance is off and some claim more growth but in actulity its just more internode stretch.
with the 430 horti you also get 30% more blue in with the red of hps...and a bit more lumens than a reg hps 400


Well-Known Member
I'm running 600w in the same tent, you'll need at least 430cfm 6" inline fan, 2 oscillating fans and an intake fan

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
430???...his room is less than 100 cfm. thats over kill for a fan. suck the tent inside out.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying you must have experience cooling 400w in the area he's asking for if you think my suggestion is overkill.


Well-Known Member
I have a DR120W which is 2' x 4' x 5' and have been running my Lumatek on 600w Super Lumens with a 6" 430cfm inline fan and cool tube. There are vents at the bottom of the tent you can open if you think it will suck it right in, or you can use a fan to suck/push/pull air in, either way, my tent has never been "sucked in."

The difference in temperatures is about 2 to 3 degree's when I switch my ballast to 400w, if I ran anything less than 400cfm I would have heating issues.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i used to use a 430...but no my advice is from me workin at a nute co and i test equipment and do research so i need tight rooms. and 25 years of being at this helped some to
dam i just torew down a 6x9 with 2x 600 and used a 450 cfm and was just right. now im in a 10 x 11 and use it to cool the lights and use an 8 inch to scrub the room. i onkly have 2 of the 600 hooked up now and will be adding 2 more and only use ther 1 x 6 icnh for them. they draw direct from ouitside air only to cool lights,. the 8 inch works the room and smells