Dear Trump fans,

no, it was a clear case of he shouldn't have been there to begin with, so he deserves what happens to him for being a fucking murdering moron....unfortunately, what happened to him was the scum protected their own, and are now trying to make him some kind of saint...but he's not a saint, he's a fucking murderer, no matter what a geriatric kkk judge says

You seem like a very angry person that doesn't have many facts but you sure have a lot of feelings.

Its hard to believe anything you say considering you claimed Kyle had an assault rifle which is false, and you dont think Rosenbaum was yelling profanities and attacked kyle first which is documented with video evidence.

Do you really think a white guy yelling the n word was there to fight for social justice for black people?

Do you have any proof the cops were told not to shoot people that were wearing medical gloves?
You seem like a very angry person that doesn't have many facts but you sure have a lot of feelings.

Its hard to believe anything you say considering you claimed Kyle had an assault rifle which is false, and you dont think Rosenbaum was yelling profanities and attacked kyle first which is documented with video evidence.

Do you really think a white guy yelling the n word was there to fight for social justice for black people?

Do you have any proof the cops were told not to shoot people that were wearing medical gloves?
you seem like a very stupid person who likes to rationalize i quit responding to you...bye...

first of all, FUCK what kind of rifle he had, the fact that he went armed with any kind of firearm indicates that he went to kill people, there was no other reason for him to go, PERIOD...and any defense to the contrary is a FUCKING LIE, you fucking LIAR. he went there to kill people. he said in a video he released himself that he wished he could go take out some protertors...well he got his fucking wish.
second, if killer kyle had stayed the fuck at his house where he belonged, no one would have yelled anything at him, or threatened him with anything...
there are disturbed people at events like that, and the fact that one guy was yelling anything at anyone in no way indicates that the entire crowd was, or that anyone else in the general area was associated with him...
do i have evidence about the gloves? no, not in writing, but ALL the white supremacist were wearing them, and not a one of them even had a weapon pointed at them by the cops while they were holding the gloves up for them to gonna try to call that a coincidence? i mean, you are a fucking liar, so go ahead, and lie some more...
kyle rittenhouse killed three people in a place he had no business being, with a weapon he had no business having, and no matter how loud you cry about it, he's still a murderer, and always will be, and you're a white supremacist murderer apologist...
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you seem like a very stupid person who likes to rationalize i quit responding to you...bye...

first of all, FUCK what kind of rifle he had, the fact that he went armed with any kind of firearm indicates that he went to kill people, there was no other reason for him to go, PERIOD...and any defense to the contrary is a FUCKING LIE, you fucking LIAR. he went there to kill people. he said in a video he released himself that he wished he could go take out some protertors...well he got his fucking wish.
second, if killer kyle had stayed the fuck at his house where he belonged, no one would have yelled anything at him, or threatened him with anything...
there are disturbed people at events like that, and the fact that one guy was yelling anything at anyone in no way indicates that the entire crowd was, or that anyone else in the general area was associated with him...
do i have evidence about the gloves? no, not in writing, but ALL the white supremacist were wearing them, and not a one of them even had a weapon pointed at them by the cops while they were holding the gloves up for them to gonna try to call that a coincidence? i mean, you are a fucking liar, so go ahead, and lie some more...
kyle rittenhouse killed three people in a place he had no business being, with a weapon he had no business having, and no matter how loud you cry about it, he's still a murderer, and always will be, and you're a white supremacist murderer apologist...

The type of rifle he had matters because either you dont know the facts of the case, or are just repeating gun terminology that the media told you. I'm going to say both of those are true. The type of rifle also matters because assault rifles are illegal for most people to possess and if kyle had one the gun charge wouldn't have been dropped.

You say kyle only had a gun because he wanted to kill people so Grosskreutz only went there to kill people too right?

You're wrong about 3 other things as well. You said kyle killed 3 people at a place where he had no business being but he killed 2 at a place he had every right to be. I'm surprised you didn't use the "well he crossed state lines" arguement too.

You said he had no business having a gun but he was well within the law. It was illegal for Grosskreutz to carry a concealed weapon so he was actually breaking the law.

Pretty much everything you said is based off of emotions but luckily the law doesn't care about your feelings.
The type of rifle he had matters because either you dont know the facts of the case, or are just repeating gun terminology that the media told you. I'm going to say both of those are true. The type of rifle also matters because assault rifles are illegal for most people to possess and if kyle had one the gun charge wouldn't have been dropped.

You say kyle only had a gun because he wanted to kill people so Grosskreutz only went there to kill people too right?

You're wrong about 3 other things as well. You said kyle killed 3 people at a place where he had no business being but he killed 2 at a place he had every right to be. I'm surprised you didn't use the "well he crossed state lines" arguement too.

You said he had no business having a gun but he was well within the law. It was illegal for Grosskreutz to carry a concealed weapon so he was actually breaking the law.

Pretty much everything you said is based off of emotions but luckily the law doesn't care about your feelings.
Good strongman argument comrade :finger:
I know facts are hard to understand for people like Roger since he doesn't have many of them.

I believe you meant to say strawman arguement but I could be wrong.
A jury said he was innocent so according to the law, he is, according to our legal system.

But you know, Kyle didn't act like he thought he was innocent that night. And he did shoot that guy in the back. He was asked to call for help and he called a friend to tell him he just killed somebody, so it's not like he didn't know. Why didn't he call for help? And he did high foot it out of there, jumped into a waiting getaway car, then crossed state borders. Hid out that night. Arrested as a fugitive later on. That's what a criminal murderer does, don't you think?

I mean, an innocent person, seems to me, would have walked up to the police (he waved at them as he trotted by) and told them what just happened. Don't you think? A guy he shot was bleeding out and doesn't even show he cares.

I think he's guilty as all hell.
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A jury said he was innocent so according to the law, he is, according to our legal system.

But you know, Kyle didn't act like he thought he was innocent that night. And he did shoot that guy in the back. He was asked to call for help and he called a friend to tell him he just killed somebody, so it's not like he didn't know. Why didn't he call for help? And he did high foot it out of there, jumped into a waiting getaway car, then crossed state borders. Hid out that night. Arrested as a fugitive later on. That's what a criminal murderer does, don't you think?

I mean, an innocent person, seems to me, would have walked up to the police (he waved at them as he trotted by) and told them what just happened. Don't you think? A guy he shot was bleeding out and doesn't even show he cares.

I think he's guilty as all hell.
i don't think he waved, i think he was displaying that gloved hand, so the cops wouldn't shoot him for carrying a firearm in a riot....
You seem like a very angry person that doesn't have many facts but you sure have a lot of feelings.

Its hard to believe anything you say considering you claimed Kyle had an assault rifle which is false, and you dont think Rosenbaum was yelling profanities and attacked kyle first which is documented with video evidence.

Do you really think a white guy yelling the n word was there to fight for social justice for black people?

Do you have any proof the cops were told not to shoot people that were wearing medical gloves?
Profanities? Oh, noes.
I'm really not a fan of most politicians and I don't think many of them care about the people they're supposed to represent, including Trump and Biden.

There will never be true change unless the left vs right war stops and people realise the government is the problem, not the average citizen that voted differently than them.
Sorry, I was gonna stay out of this.

”The left vs right war” is a stunning example of stinking thinking…and “government is the problem” is the mating cry of the constitutionally ignorant. They’re both tragically common, especially among folks who think of themselves as ‘rebels’, ‘politically incorrect’, or ’real Americans’.

More specifically, it’s common among people who were not alive for segregation and the Jim Crow era, who don’t remember the McCarthy era, the Cold War, the red scare, Eisenhower in the White House, to think this way; for whom “politics” began with Reagan & Vietnam is ancient history to be ignorant of the role *PEOPLE* play in government and the crucial importance of preventing people with bad plans from gaining office. ANY office.

IMO if you don’t remember these things or never paid attention to them, and one *hasn’t* made a point of acquiring a solid grounding in basic civics, then any view one may hold on ‘politics’ or ‘government’ is liable to be mistaken if not actually stupid. In addition, a clear grasp of social, political, and judicial events and trends are necessary to seeing what has changed over the years and *why* they changed the way they did.

Yeah, it can be a lot of work catching up and keeping up; but the founders were crystal clear about the need for an educated and informed citizenry - which is why the first amendment. It’s also why early support for education, for public libraries, for civic virtues (was a real, long-running theme). It’s also why the constitution is amendable. Unfortunately, it’s also why they didn’t correctly assess the dangers - not of erosion, but of infiltration by citizens intent on ‘capturing‘ the very structure of constitutional government *without being noticed doing it*. If you want to lay a solid cornerstone, look into Henry Wallace, and how Truman got the Democratic nomination instead of him.

Trump came up with none of this, and it wasn’t set up for him; Trump is just the thug they plugged into the circumstances they arranged - more Agent Smith than Machiavelli. But without Smith’s power or abilities - just a thug and a bully.
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You seem like a very angry person that doesn't have many facts but you sure have a lot of feelings.

Its hard to believe anything you say considering you claimed Kyle had an assault rifle which is false, and you dont think Rosenbaum was yelling profanities and attacked kyle first which is documented with video evidence.

Do you really think a white guy yelling the n word was there to fight for social justice for black people?

Do you have any proof the cops were told not to shoot people that were wearing medical gloves?

yes, from all angles Kyle was pussy, afraid of a plastic bag..what kind of rifle did young Kyle use to kill that night?
I did a brain-fog mis-post in the middle of that last one - it’s about 2x longer now (“New! Improved!)

To find out just how stupid it is to fall for the “left vs right” notion, you’ll need to learn more about the French Revolution than that there was one. It literally means nothing outside of the French National Assembly in the 1790s; use of it in re: *OUR* government or politics is genuine ignorance - and is done to MISLEAD. Part of the legacy of the red scare, and the rebirth of polarization politics in America.
you know what? i'm ok with all the fucking nutbar republicans running against each other...with the gerrymandering setbacks the republicans have had, the division trump is causing, the further division mitch mcturtle is causing, the people who have already abandoned them over january 6th,
the mountain of legal troubles they're still facing, and covid hitting the mostly unvaccinated republicans so much harder than it hit the mostly vaccinated's looking very much to me like the tradition of the president's party losing seats in the midterm elections may be at an end...if we could get a decent majority in both houses in the midterms, we can steam roller them in 24