no, it was a clear case of he shouldn't have been there to begin with, so he deserves what happens to him for being a fucking murdering moron....unfortunately, what happened to him was the scum protected their own, and are now trying to make him some kind of saint...but he's not a saint, he's a fucking murderer, no matter what a geriatric kkk judge says
You seem like a very angry person that doesn't have many facts but you sure have a lot of feelings.
Its hard to believe anything you say considering you claimed Kyle had an assault rifle which is false, and you dont think Rosenbaum was yelling profanities and attacked kyle first which is documented with video evidence.
Do you really think a white guy yelling the n word was there to fight for social justice for black people?
Do you have any proof the cops were told not to shoot people that were wearing medical gloves?