Dr Greenthumbs G13

The statement that Kangativa is Nevil's partner was used as if it carried more weight than it might have been attempted to use to imply. Word usage in different countries can be different and Kangativa did not say business partner or partners in breeding strains. Google how the word partner is mainly used in Australia.


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Originally Posted by drum420
He's going to tell you but he won't post it on the forum? The G13 in the pics doesn't even look like the Pure G13. Did he say he gave them the original G13 clone or did he give them a hybrid? Why would he not want to talk about the differences of the the original description of the cutting and what is being called G13?

Lol.....Of course he is going to tell me ..I am his partner and I see him everyday.
Also what part dont you understand about PM him

The statement did not carry much weigh on the MNS forum because the discussion rages on. Some say it's real and others say it is not and some say it might be.

Yesterday, 09:15 AM

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roz, rodwal- you two guys are the best. you can have a conversation about something this controversial and keep it dignified. my deepest respect goes out to you both for too many things to list..
ok, here it is one last time:
i have two gov. plants. the one commonly referred to as g13 is not the same plant as the airborne plant. the photos should bear this out. the closest to my g that ncga has ever come are the free bwxg13 i sent him some time back. both of my g clones were acquired right here in washington state from a medical patient i know with an interesting to say the least background. the airborne clone was taken to canada by me to vic high and he used it in his breeding. i grew it twice and tossed it. when i find better plants than these two i will quite happily get rid of them and all the bs that goes along with it.


hi all,
sb, I too appreciate your honesty, but your're still under the wrong impression. THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT DEVELOP THESE PLANTS, THEY ARE ALL FROM DEA CONFISCATED LOTS. They are ALL tested and certain ones are kept (for exactly what reasons I don't know) and distributed in certain cases. Somehow I just can't get that through peoples heads.
I don't think aliens are involved or genetic engineering for that matter (except for maybe one particular plant)but that's not what we're talking about here. All the info is researchable if you put your mind to it. People want to believe in super-secret government projects, but it's all much more mundane than that. I do get these plants from a source that is certified by the dea, that's all I am going to say on the subject. You can believe me or not, it doesn't matter. Because again, it's not me that's important, it's the plant. I apologize to anyone to whom I have given the wrong impression.

hi ctg,
my g and airbornes are completely different plants. the airborne g13 i got from ncga. i took a cut of it to canada and gave it to vic high, he used it for killer queen. i grew it once and let it go. it was not potent enough for me. the seeds i sent to wesos were .75 airborne g13. i gave my g13 to imsdl, so if you have it from him it's the real deal, if not, i cannot verify it.


Genetic note
This strain has the origial Sag bluberry from 1999 the 98 Aloha WW and the G13nl f. I do have a redow Airborn G13Bw that will be a very limited offering. The original BW crossed with the Airborn G13 a devistating version . I bit less flavor than the 99


Our originals will be out as soon as we finish up on this never ending year. We will be releasing the original G13Bw ( which used Blazers G13nl) as well as an Updated one made with the Airborne G13.

hi ctg,
my g and airbornes are completely different plants. the airborne g13 i got from ncga. i took a cut of it to canada and gave it to vic high, he used it for killer queen. i grew it once and let it go. it was not potent enough for me. the seeds i sent to wesos were .75 airborne g13. i gave my g13 to imsdl, so if you have it from him it's the real deal, if not, i cannot verify it.

To simplify:
Airborne's G clone comes from Neville's The Seed Bank G13 X NL2 f1..


NCGA G13BW = Bluewidow male (sag blueberry x aloha ww) X (G13xNL)

I have so much more saved in my archives its just a joke and not a funny ha ha joke ether.

Yesterday, 09:55 PM

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I understand plenty and my point here was simple that was to say that its prity shameful and a low act to call a person of shanti calabor a lier it is piss week he has done so much for so many people for years who else gives 15 to 20 seeds in a pack of seed who else replaces peoples seeds when there seeds dont make it in transit or there germ rates fail or are low with even more seeds than before no one yet some in here have the hide to call such a guy a liar shameful.

If Neville sed he gave it to x people then he did but what Neville told shanti is what shanti has told us that is it in short form fellas.

Originally Posted by Unclepeter View Post
exactly if this is now the "truth" then Jesses endorsed thread by shanti is bullshit!. which I'd then say means lots of stuff is bullshit.. but hey stories sell things and we seem to have a master story teller!.

Well were did shanti hear the story from in the first place ?.

Jack Neville's g13 is the real deal pacifics were not she had 3 clonres she called g13 cant you guys read and work that out for your selfs how can seized cannabis from growers the DEA have taken be g13 they are seized plants from growers that could be sweet tooth or even sk1 think about it a minuet.

If the g13 is a clone only strain as claimed then how can there be so many versions of it its impossible there can only be 1 clone and many hybrids of that original clone or there fakes.

I am not saying doglas did not get it from Neville if you read back to the start of this post i sed that he is a credible guy a honest guy and some one that is a stand up guy his ward is soled so in short if he says he has it then he does.

Personally i dont like the g13 or g13 hybrid i grew and smoked it fried me posted that in 2002 i see its value but for my personal med use its not what i would use agine i would rather a good sativa any day.
I was a bit skeptical until I talked to several oldtimers that still have the original g13.People have to chill out and either believe greenthumb and buy his seeds or dont believe him and dont buy his seeds.Everyone is putting neville under the gun and he is trying hard to distant himself from any conspiracy charge since the dea has been after him for a very long time.For him to associate himself with american growers? it will never happen.Weed and seeds are still illegal in most states and I highly doubt that greenthumb,dogless,dd,neville or anyone else is gonna tell you where and how they got it or what you want to hear.They could give a flying fawk what your opinions are otherwise they would be here telling you more bullshit.Sounds like a bunch of spoiled fawkin kids here or cops trying to get what they want and that is information.No one owes any of you spoiled brats/cops an explanation so go away already and leave neville and any third party the fawk out of this bullshit.
I was a bit skeptical until I talked to several oldtimers that still have the original g13.People have to chill out and either believe greenthumb and buy his seeds or dont believe him and dont buy his seeds.Everyone is putting neville under the gun and he is trying hard to distant himself from any conspiracy charge since the dea has been after him for a very long time.For him to associate himself with american growers? it will never happen.Weed and seeds are still illegal in most states and I highly doubt that greenthumb,dogless,dd,neville or anyone else is gonna tell you where and how they got it or what you want to hear.They could give a flying fawk what your opinions are otherwise they would be here telling you more bullshit.Sounds like a bunch of spoiled fawkin kids here or cops trying to get what they want and that is information.No one owes any of you spoiled brats/cops an explanation so go away already and leave neville and any third party the fawk out of this bullshit.

lol, I knew you were a greenthumb spammer.

First thing that tipped me off was this statement.

Greenthumb or I mean Stonedmeathead/Bajafox/OG Man/Farmboi/DD I am calling you out! You are very sly with your reverse spamming on this thread. Go away already! Almost 100 pgs of spam on this merry go round. Spend some money and do some real advertizing with your G13 money already you cheap prick! YOUR NOT FOOLING ANYONE ANYMORE FIGHTING WITH YOURSELF ON THIS WORTHLESS THREAD!

You showed yourself and what you are doing, you just tried to say other people were playing the game you are. Here's one of your "reverse spamming" posts. It didn't work out too well for ya, did it?
Ripz from potpimp partners up with dr greenthumb!

Just read that at another site. Probably the same thief!

Now you support greenthumb?
lol, I knew you were a greenthumb spammer.

First thing that tipped me off was this statement.

You showed yourself and what you are doing, you just tried to say other people were playing the game you are. Here's one of your "reverse spamming" posts.

Now you love greenthumb?

Yes i am buying 10 packs of his seeds too
I was a bit skeptical until I talked to several oldtimers that still have the original g13.People have to chill out and either believe greenthumb and buy his seeds or dont believe him and dont buy his seeds.Everyone is putting neville under the gun and he is trying hard to distant himself from any conspiracy charge since the dea has been after him for a very long time.For him to associate himself with american growers? it will never happen.Weed and seeds are still illegal in most states and I highly doubt that greenthumb,dogless,dd,neville or anyone else is gonna tell you where and how they got it or what you want to hear.They could give a flying fawk what your opinions are otherwise they would be here telling you more bullshit.Sounds like a bunch of spoiled fawkin kids here or cops trying to get what they want and that is information.No one owes any of you spoiled brats/cops an explanation so go away already and leave neville and any third party the fawk out of this bullshit.

Wow, what happened?
Im not giving you shit but at why the change of heart?
Everyone is putting neville under the gun and he is trying hard to distant himself from any conspiracy charge since the dea has been after him for a very long time.For him to associate himself with american growers? it will never happen.Weed and seeds are still illegal in most states and I highly doubt that greenthumb,dogless,dd,neville or anyone else is gonna tell you where and how they got it or what you want to hear.

That is a load of hogwash. Nevil does not have to state who got what from whom and when and how and where. He only has to state if going by appearances Dr. Greenthumb's G13 appears to be what he at one time had.

As for lying low and hiding from the DEA, why did he start this thread about a strain he is working on, or wants to make? Did he only since become concerned and feel the need to fly under the DEA radar?

08-19-2010, 09:09 PM

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Posts: 1,145

Grail: The Ultimate Haze Hybrid
I've decided to start a new thread. It's a subject close to the hearts of many growers/breeders. It's something we need to take action on, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. We need to put aside our prejudices and ego's in this quest. It's all about the end result.

I'll give you my understanding of how to work with this variety.

As I said before, I got a total of 7 plants from the original seed stock. They were all different. The Original female (the one that I didn't keep a clone of) and Haze male A, may have been siblings, but just as likely not. Yet there was a common Haze like thread among all of them. This tells me that there was likely no pure haze among them. Haze did not improve when put back to itself as I was told and later discovered. People who think that B.C. is the hope for the future ( if it can be resurrected) are likely to be disappointed. A NL5xHzA would be the best mate for it to test this out. Haze males A+C were at best half brothers, but certainly shared a common ancestor, so my guess is that the inbreeding co-efficient to the haze ancestor in Nevil's Haze is at most 37.5%.

So if we want to go back to a Haze hybrid, we are looking for one not directly related to A or C. So don't talk to me about S.S.H. or Jack Herrer or Diesel or Sage (all the same plant). Double up HzC! I'm not saying that excellent plants can't be produced from inbreeding what we have, but we are going for the Ultimate (Grail). If anybody pinches this name I'll be pissed off.

This should start the ball rolling, I'll continue later.

08-19-2010, 11:05 PM

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Posts: 1,145


Northern Lights 5 crossed with Haze male C. Is the best Indica / Sativa hybrid that I've ever done. HzA male to NL5 was also excellent and was the mother of N.H. The HzC was a complex sweet aroma, while HzA produced plants with a leathery smell, more reminisent of the old Thai's.

Complex liver/ leather smell is what I'm looking for in a good Thai descenant to cross with the Haze.

08-20-2010, 12:01 AM

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Posts: 1,145


I don't Know if you can feminize 5Hz. You couldn't with the mother, but what is the point, why not use the brother? Just because a plant has a wonderful phenotype, doesn't mean she'll have a better genotype than a brother and ultimately, you need to progeny test the "males" anyway. You don't need to "force" a real male to give pollen, they do it happily!

As i see it, there are 2 reasons to change sex on a plant.
1. It's a one off specimin and you don't have equivalent brothers (or sisters).
2. You want to offer customers 100% female seeds. Fine, if they know the risk that some can and do turn hermaphrodite

08-20-2010, 02:19 AM

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Haze A male is dead. So is the weed in Thailand, compared to days gone bye.

08-20-2010, 02:53 AM

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Posts: 1,145


I'm looking for something that is not descended from A or C, but still Haze or Haze like.
I want to use a N.H. male.

I got a feeling that I'd be looking in all the wrong places in Pataya.

That doesn't seem to appear to be an act of someone who is attempting to give the appearance of not being involved in the breeding of cannabis strains, does it?
I'm only loosely following so I may have missed something but I thought the argument is that it went from Neville -> DD -> Dogless -> Dr GT.

No first it came from DD then it came from Dogless and now it's being argued it came from both of them directly and individually so if one theory gets shot down they have another. DD and Dogless were never connected in this tangled mess. Both said they got it from Nevil.
No first it came from DD then it came from Dogless and now it's being argued it came from both of them directly and individually so if one theory gets shot down they have another. DD and Dogless were never connected in this tangled mess. Both said they got it from Nevil.

Yea, I went back and read Dogless' original post on MNSF and saw that it's suggested that the source of his cut is from Neville. This is all pretty confusing. OTOH some things DD said on Breedbay ( Link ) suggested that there is some middle man, who gave Dr. GT a G13 hybrid, sourced from DD.

I conflated the two stories and thought Dogless was the middle man.
Northone was the guy DD thinks gave Dr. G a hybrid but it's all speculation.

Here's another post from Kangativa.


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Originally Posted by drum420
I don't know why you think Shanti backs Dr. Greenthumb as he hasn't publicly said anything about this, and really neither has Nevil so the 2 people that have the experience needed to say one way or the other haven't. According to Kanga he saw a picture and said it looked like G13. Do you not think there are F1 G13 crosses that are G dominant and look very similar? I'd like to see what happens when it gets back in the hands of Shanti and Nevil to see if they really think it's pure G13. If Dr. G's description holds up then I highly doubt it is.

Drum....Thank you. You are right no one has said anything about DR G's plant and we have only been behind Dogless from the start.
Yes I showed Nev the pics and he said that is what my G13 looked like to a T.
We have grown a Haw/G13 from guess who and Nev also said this is my G13 to a T.
Now as I have said before if you will all be patient hopefully some concrete proof will be out around October and this is not from Dr G and it might answer a few questions that you are all after, plus we will be able to be a bit more open about how it all came about.

Hempy as always thank you mate
i totally stay away from seedbanks with this much contraversy,there is a reason for it,otherwise there would be none.thats all i need to know to stay away,its just a red flag.this seedbank gets more bad reviews than bc bud depot!
and contraversy or not,150 bucks a seed is just not good business practice at all,that in itself puts up red flags to buyers(take bc seeds for instance).i know guys who have been ripped of for thousands of dollars and guys who got their seeds,but the end result was just not as advertized and subpar.now im pretty sure ogman is going to chime in hear and try to debunk my statements,but i have read tons of these posts all over cannabis boards,and its always the same guys defending his genetics,ogman being the main 1,thats a little fishy to me.its too bad he didnt just be a solid guy right from the start because he would probably have much more sales than he does now!!i have personally talked to the doc and i found him to be short tempered,rude and a terrible business man,he should hire someone else to deal with customers and just collect the money.

Hey. You just posted this same message at Nevilles' site under the screen name of 123 Chadder. Nice...
