Dr Greenthumbs G13

or what if i said that this strain was not really called G13 an infact it was called M,T,S (marijuana truth serum) like it was supposadly created for,what if no one stole a cut an that one of the mystery strains hermied created some pollen that flew on the wind an pollenated some peoples Acapulco gold or northern lights i bet it turns out that g13 is infact a cross of northern lights an acapulco gold seeing that they were the strongest strains at the time
sorry i am high at the min
anyone ever crossed these 2 strains to see what it would look like??
haha wow the debate burns on. I can't believe this thread is still going. Regardless of whether or not it is the "real" g13 or not (if such a beast even exists)...It looks like some fucking bammer for 100 a seed. For anyone buying this crap I got some nice ocean front property in Montana you might be interested in. lol
haha wow the debate burns on. I can't believe this thread is still going. Regardless of whether or not it is the "real" g13 or not (if such a beast even exists)...It looks like some fucking bammer for 100 a seed. For anyone buying this crap I got some nice ocean front property in Montana you might be interested in. lol

i dont think there ever was a strain called g13, me myself cannot see them calling it that even if they did it sounds like some tactical special ops team,its a great story an one of that would deff intice buyers to pay riddiculas prices,
i have a couple of crosses that i made myself using soma's method an some of are really good really heavy yielding an great smoke the largest yielders were a thai skunk x with blueberry now that girl can put out some,they are not propperly breed though just flowered the thai skunk till it popped its nanners out an used them nanners to pollinate some blueberry some royal kush some widows an a big bud have yet to grow all but will eventually
still a shit faced mofo and on yer knees and begging fer mercy, even better.

"On" my "knees?" "Begging fer mercy?" You are funny. But at least unlike you I am not on my knees in front of those frilly skirt wearing military guys of yours begging them for something else, and getting it.
those frilly skirt wearing military guys

anyone else notice Brick Top has an obsession with that " frilly skirt wearing military guys " fantasy ? makes you wonder, eh ?

As of right now there is zero fruit smell to these. Not a whole lot of smell yet at all, i have to get right up on the buds to smell them and at this point it smells earthy with a hint of chocolate. If i rub the stem it smells fecal.
It just started to put off the smell so im sure it will change and get stronger as it goes.
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so here are the user profiles and posts made by "biggybuds" and ogman and chemdawg,i did most the work,but a good buddy pulled a couple threads too!i would bet money that they are all ogman,just go through and look at the posts,especially biggybuds and ogman,they have almost identical posts talking about the exact same things.......ogman,how dare you call me a spammer.you are the lowest of the low,YOU ARE A LYING SPAMMING DOUCHE BAG!!the proof is right here and there is no denying it.i have known this fact for over 2 years,but i did not care until you started with your big mouth.i hope you get what you deserve.

take a look folks,the proof is right in these posts!!!!!

i am still sickened that you could call me a spammer when you have been doing this for a long time.you are such a complete liar,karma will catch up with you i promise!!!!!

and im going to put this out there right now.i did post this on 5 sites to get seeds,but that was just a bonus,and i know i will never get them.you have to be called out once and for all.

so if everyone wants to do the homework you WILL see that ogman and biggybuds are just plain spamming liars.i was right all along!

and yeas i posted this at rollitup as well.
karma is a bitch aint it ogman,i mean biggybuds,i mean chemdawg!!!
ive been called worse frmboi!im only psycho when i fight which is not too often,if i showed that last post from you frmboi to any of my friends they would laugh their asses off.im actually one of the nicest guys i know,im very generous,but i do have my limits and when they are surpassed i just get mean,probably something i should work on,i guess i was a little hard on you,you are just so in your face sometimes,but i guess i get it.
.im actually one of the nicest guys i know,im very generous,.
LOL, well you finally got a second opinion now didn't you ?
nice guys finish last as in "loser"
Ted Bundy was a "nice" guy and for all I know generous.
Better you dissipate your rage here than on one of your neighbors pets or worse, kids.
all differences aside,do you really believe ogman and what he says?im just curious
100 % and I praise him for his tireless efforts to get the record straight against all you Greenthumb haters.
I do also agree you are generous, on one account at least, you're self appraisal.
Dr. David Suzuki has released an alarming study that large percentage of the population have become psychotic from smoking high THC level marijuoana.
The good news is that high CBD level marijuana is showing promising results in being an effective anti-psychotic drug.
Only diffference is I tell the truth
Which truth? The truth about Dr. G getting his cut from DD or the truth about Dr. G getting it from Dogless? Which is it?

You don't have 1 post dealing with anything besides greenthumb. I have around 1,000 that don't have anything to do with this debacle but I will argue my point and debunk lies all day. Your spammer title is totally due to your lack of contribution to anything non-greenthumb related.