Dr Greenthumbs G13

No one is changing their arguments. No one said DD had the real G13.All anyone was saying is that he isn't selling S1's of the original Clone and from the sound of dogless's post he isn't. Dogless said he worked the clone so greenthumb is selling S1's of a BX or something.
Important info in this post bolded.


Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 14


Hello my brothers,
Sad to see that my good friend Dr. Greenthumb's name is getting shit on especially on this site.
First of all I want to thank Dr Greenthumb for still not revealing that he got the G13 cut from me. And I am sure if you ask him he will still tell you all that he didnt get it from me. He gave me his word that he would not disclose me as his source and he is a man of his word. Doc is the type of friend that you can trust till the day you die. I have been growing his strains since I started growing after I was released from prison. I have grown out his Columbian Skies, Endless Sky, Bubba Kush, Dope, Oh Zone, Cheese and can tell you that they are all top shelf strains. They were everything Doc told me they were and some.
I just wish that all who are skeptical would get a taste of any of his strains. They would surely be apologizing for calling him a thief or a liar. When grow and smoke reports begain to surface with all positive results you all are going to wish you would have bought some sooner. Thats if they are still available. I spoke with Doc and he is tired of people who have never grown any of his strains questioning his integrity. He is thinking of shelfing it and only selling it in crosses. After reading this never ending witch hunt I have offered to buy it back.
I also want to thank all my good friends that have been here on the front lines fighting my battle with thier support.
If people are waiting to hear from Nevil about the legitemacy of Doc's g13 you will have to wait until his friends are done testing it out. Nevil knows how the G13was rejuvinated but will not revael how it was done at my request. Nevil knew back in Aug that " a well known breeder had purchased the strain" way before Doc started selling the G13 in its pure form.
I have no plans to reveal where I acquired the cut all I can say it came from a hippie commune in my home state. It doesnt bother me to say that since there are at least a 100 of them.
I have an email and p.m.'s to and from Nevil and I would never post a conversation even though Nevil allowed it. But at this point with all the hate I will post one

Originally Posted by dogless
Hey Nevil,
I am never one to ask for any favors but I do indeed need one from you right now.
I am getting harrased over a post (Dr greenthumbs g13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that I posted here. It has gotten to the point that I am recieving some very hateful messages not to mention my name is all over the boards. Can you please come to my defense? You are the still the King to all and your word would settle all this bullshit. If you recall when I first got back in contact with you that I had the G13 worked and that I had sold a cut for a large sum to a canadian breeder. A long time before this bullshit started. Please help me lay this shit to rest.

Hi Jim
I understand about the hateful messages. I've stopped posting because I'm not willing to deal with anonymous trolls without a stick to beat them with.
Regarding the G13 cut, both you and DD got the original from me. Kangativa is posting pics the HawxG13 grown from the seeds you sent. As I said earlier to you in a PM, one of them is almost a copy of the original G13 cutting.
I regret not having made fems of the G13. Mine lost vigor and died. It's a good job that you and DD kept it going. I look forward to getting it back. The G13 would seem to be the ideal medical cannabis type. It's probably time to bring back the pure indica lines. I was fond of the HPxNL1 (British Hemp posted some nice pics of HPxNL1) and the HP.NL1xG13.
I've already told these people that if Dogless starts talking, they should "sit" and pay attention. I regard you as an authority on indicas. I don't know what else I can say.
When we do your pure indicas, Kanga will post pics of them too. It's about all the proof that we can offer on the net.

You have my permission to post this PM if you like.
Kind regards


1. Doc is thinking about shelfing his golden unicorn? lol gee I wonder why? Probably because it isn't what it is claimed and he is now emberassed.

2. Dogless says he got it from a hippie commune and neville says dogless got the cut from him....They can't even get their own story straight.

3. Kangativa's pics are of HawxG13....it isn't even doc's fucking G13!!! So why are you guys using the comments/pics from that post as proof?

The posters below are retarded...

The haters have been owned;)

Im glad we had Doc's back, and fought for him the last couple months, it was worth it.

Long live Dr. Greenthumb !!!

:shock::shock: Well brick top, WBW,stonehead, now what?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: VIVA le DrGreenthumb

So now its your turn...pick from column A or B.
If you believe Kanga about being burned by Greenthumb then you also have to beleive him about Nevile. Thats by your own logic.
A- Greenthumb has G13 and burned Kanga
B- Doc doesnt have G13 and Kanga is lying about being burned.

Pick one please..

It must suck to find your logic has to apply to you also, but you do that alot so its not a surprise that you dont hold yourself to the same standards.
No one is changing there arguments. No one said DD had the real G13.All anyone was saying is that he isn't selling S1's of the original Clone and from the sound of dogless's post he isn't. Dogless said he worked the clone so greenthumb is selling S1's of a BX or something.

So you now have no problem with the price and you believe its the same plant as DD's?

I think you are now reading into Dogless so it will fit your argument...but, we may know more soon, so i guess we have to wait.
.....change the argument to keep em confused.

This thread has been a lot less confusing since I ignored those spammers posts, frmrboi, biggybuds, chemdawg, ogman and I'm probably missing a few others but they haven't contributed anything of substance.

IF smh, brick top and a few others who are labeled "haters" didn't inquire as much as they have, we might never know nearly as much as we do now. Even if it comes out fake (which I'm starting to doubt) at least we will "know" for sure
So you now have no problem with the price and you believe its the same plant as DD's?

I think you are now reading into Dogless so it will fit your argument...but, we may know more soon, so i guess we have to wait.

No I still think it's a complete ripoff and I have no clue if DD has the same cut I do know that the good Dr. didn't get the cut from him. Dogless said in black and white he worked the clone, I'm not reading into anything.
This thread has been a lot less confusing since I ignored those spammers posts, frmrboi, biggybuds, chemdawg, ogman and I'm probably missing a few others but they haven't contributed anything of substance.

IF smh, brick top and a few others who are labeled "haters" didn't inquire as much as they have, we might never know nearly as much as we do now. Even if it comes out fake (which I'm starting to doubt) at least we will "know" for sure

C'mon, even you have to admit that BT hasnt been the voice of reason on this? He has cast accusations and made assumptions about me and others that just dont hold water. Were you at all confused about why i put up Docs picture of the EX Cheese awhile ago? BT purposefully mis read that to cast doubts about me. He has shown himself to be a narcissist who knows all and a hypocritical one at that.
I dont think he is a "hater" but rather a "lover"...of himself that is.
C'mon, even you have to admit that BT hasnt been the voice of reason on this? He has cast accusations and made assumptions about me and others that just dont hold water. Were you at all confused about why i put up Docs picture of the EX Cheese awhile ago? BT purposefully mis read that to cast doubts about me. He has shown himself to be a narcissist who knows all and a hypocritical one at that.
I dont think he is a "hater" but rather a "lover"...of himself that is.

Haha, I stopped reading his posts when he started repeating himself, that must have been a while back. I skipped most of the Excodus cheese and rock music talk, unless something was mentioned towards the validity of this strain being real, then every other post was just pointless....

I'm not backing him at all, just saying that his inquiry did help shed some light on the subject. His approach, IMO, could be better.

Personally, we wouldn't see BT post much in here if he didn't keep getting baited in by the same bullshit over and over... The spammers are the only one's keeping him around by literally making him repeat himself.
He (Brick Top) has shown himself to be a narcissist who knows all and a hypocritical one at that.
I dont think he is a "hater" but rather a "lover"...of himself that is.
Right on ! like why do we need to know how many miles of shoreline there are on the lake he lives by in the house (2750 sqft !) he paid cash for, how many of his siblings have horticultaral degrees etc. etc.
Haha, I stopped reading his posts when he started repeating himself, that must have been a while back. I skipped most of the Excodus cheese and rock music talk, unless something was mentioned towards the validity of this strain being real, then every other post was just pointless....

I'm not backing him at all, just saying that his inquiry did help shed some light on the subject. His approach, IMO, could be better.

Personally, we wouldn't see BT post much in here if he didn't keep getting baited in by the same bullshit over and over... The spammers are the only one's keeping him around by literally making him repeat himself.

If he gets baited by the weak spammers then he must have a problem. So what is it, a tractor beam, no self control , etc?
Thats just his excuse to keep repeating himself to discredit others.
If he gets baited by the weak spammers then he must have a problem. So what is it, a tractor beam, no self control , etc?
Thats just his excuse to keep repeating himself to discredit others.

I don't know him personally so I couldn't really say.

But it's obvious even I, who's been labeled a Greenthumb hater by his numbnuts, have the will power to ignore BT.
Important info in this post bolded.

1. Doc is thinking about shelfing his golden unicorn? lol gee I wonder why? Probably because it isn't what it is claimed and he is now emberassed.

2. Dogless says he got it from a hippie commune and neville says dogless got the cut from him....They can't even get their own story straight.

3. Kangativa's pics are of HawxG13....it isn't even doc's fucking G13!!! So why are you guys using the comments/pics from that post as proof?

The posters below are retarded...

Another kid without a clue,

Fucking playstation and Xbox's fucked our youth up.
Bricktop is an out and out liar.

When you grow up you might eventually realize that just because you want to interpret what someone says in a way so it then says something other than the person's original meaning, that you have not changed the real meaning, that you did not change anything, that you did not change actual events, that, as in this case, you did not go back in time and undo what was done, that you did not go back in time and stop be from ordering Dr. Greenthumb's Acapulco Gold and then growing it. All you did was attempt to attribute a new and different meaning to something I said roughly two years ago simply because at the time I did not go into detail and go on a long rant about the fake Acapulco Gold seed Dr. Greenthumb sold me, and others, and only included myself in a group by saying the old timers from the 60's and 70's, which I am one, who tried it knew it was fake, that it was not the real deal, that it was not the pure original Acapulco Gold from the past Dr. Greenthumb was claiming it to be.

You read into my message something I never said or even inferred. Based on what you read into my message, a meaning that was not at all part of what I wrote, you have attempted to use what additional and inaccurate meaning you added to my message as some sort of evidence that I never grew Dr. Greenthumb's Acapulco Gold.

In a previous life you must have been Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels because he said that if you tell a lie enough times it eventually becomes the truth, that that is precisely what you have been attempting to do with me. You keep harping on and on and on and on repeating the same pathetic weak lie in sheer desperation that if you repeat it enough times it will then begin to take on an air of truth.

The problem is that you totally lack credibility, You have proven yourself to be the ultimate Dr. Greenthumb pimp, a total pro-Dr. Greenthump spammer. You have proven that you will stop at no lengths, that you will say virtually anything to attempt to make Dr. Greenthumb appear to be the world's greatest breeder and a magnanimous munificent benefactor of the toking community.

You have proven that you are Dr. Greenthumb's little lapdog and that does just the opposite of bolstering your nonexistent credibility.

Anyway, Neville and Dogless have spoken out on this and backed Doc so this should all stop now

Just when and where did that happen?

05-09-2011, 07:04 PM

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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Somewhere Warm and Sunny
Posts: 766


Originally Posted by drum420
I don't know why you think Shanti backs Dr. Greenthumb as he hasn't publicly said anything about this, and really neither has Nevil so the 2 people that have the experience needed to say one way or the other haven't. According to Kanga he saw a picture and said it looked like G13. Do you not think there are F1 G13 crosses that are G dominant and look very similar? I'd like to see what happens when it gets back in the hands of Shanti and Nevil to see if they really think it's pure G13. If Dr. G's description holds up then I highly doubt it is.

Drum....Thank you. You are right no one has said anything about DR G's plant and we have only been behind Dogless from the start.
Yes I showed Nev the pics and he said that is what my G13 looked like to a T.
We have grown a Haw/G13 from guess who and Nev also said this is my G13 to a T.

Now as I have said before if you will all be patient hopefully some concrete proof will be out around October and this is not from Dr G and it might answer a few questions that you are all after, plus we will be able to be a bit more open about how it all came about.

Hempy as always thank you mate

So Nevil said that the pictures he was shown looked exactly like G13 and also exactly like Haw/G13. So how is that proof of anything other than the pictures looked exactly like two strains, not one, two different strains, one the real deal and one a hybrid. That is not actually proof of anything.

Originally Posted by dogless
Hey Nevil,
I am never one to ask for any favors but I do indeed need one from you right now.
I am getting harrased over a post (Dr greenthumbs g13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that I posted here. It has gotten to the point that I am recieving some very hateful messages not to mention my name is all over the boards. Can you please come to my defense? You are the still the King to all and your word would settle all this bullshit. If you recall when I first got back in contact with you that I had the G13 worked and that I had sold a cut for a large sum to a canadian breeder. A long time before this bullshit started. Please help me lay this shit to rest.

Hi Jim
I understand about the hateful messages. I've stopped posting because I'm not willing to deal with anonymous trolls without a stick to beat them with.
Regarding the G13 cut, both you and DD got the original from me. Kangativa is posting pics the HawxG13 grown from the seeds you sent. As I said earlier to you in a PM, one of them is almost a copy of the original G13 cutting.
I regret not having made fems of the G13. Mine lost vigor and died. It's a good job that you and DD kept it going. I look forward to getting it back. The G13 would seem to be the ideal medical cannabis type. (that last bit is for frmrboi who said that G13 is NOT a medicinal strain) It's probably time to bring back the pure indica lines. I was fond of the HPxNL1 (British Hemp posted some nice pics of HPxNL1) and the HP.NL1xG13.
I've already told these people that if Dogless starts talking, they should "sit" and pay attention. I regard you as an authority on indicas. I don't know what else I can say.

When we do your pure indicas, Kanga will post pics of them too. It's about all the proof that we can offer on the net.

You have my permission to post this PM if you like.
Kind regards

At no point in either message where it says that Dr. Greenthumb's G13 is pure, that it is the original. Some may with to claim it was said and infer that the mention of; "a Canadian breeder" could only mean Dr. Greenthumb, but until it is said then it is only speculation and nothing more.

Also Nevil said; "I've stopped posting because I'm not willing to deal with anonymous trolls without a stick to beat them with." Well, what does that mean? That means he does not possess the proof needed to say with total certainty that anything shown in pictures so far is pure G13 and that only pictures, that he himself said looked like G13 but also looked like Haw/G13 too, have been shown.

Anyone .. accurately and in full quote Nevil as saying that Dr. Greenthumb has pure G13 and this exchange can end with me saying that regardless of the mountain of evidence against it being pure G13 that I was wrong and that Dr. Greenthumb evidently does have pure G13. That is all it will take is Nevil saying that Dr. Greenthumb does in fact have pure G13. Not some claims made by others of what others have or allegedly have and some dubious evolving link of how Dr. Greenthumb came about having whatever he has .. but Nevil saying Dr. Greenthumb does have pure G13.

Who can and will post an exact quote where Nevil says that? If someone can, please do it because I would rather have to admit to being wrong and seeing this finally end than have it remain the never ending story.
How many of you doc gt spammers still believe in Santa Claus? I ask because you guys seem hard to argue logic with. Seems like you believe whatever you want to regardless of the mounds of evidence that speak to the contrary.

Anyway, I'm out of this love fest. I've already made up my mind about g13 and the good ol doc. He won't be fleecing my pockets with his magical beans.
Kangativa, took it back, all is good.

So Brick, how did that serving of crow, that Jim Ortega brought to the table taste;)

Kangativa did not; "take it all back" as in suddenly saying he received his seeds. He said:

Thank you everybody concerned for giving me my answer. I have deleted my post and I would like anybody who quoted it to do the same please, it is not normally in my nature to do something like that and I appologize.
Dogless thank you for getting that out, now I hope that ends all this speculation and we can get on with what we do best......grow MJ.

No where in that does Kamgativa say that he ever received the seeds he paid Dr. Greenthumb for.

And just where was the alleged serving of crow you mentioned?
The part where Nevil posts that he gave DoubleD and Jim Ortega (dogless) the same cut:)

Doc cant lose, he got it from one of them;)

How does crow taste?
Didn't we already go over this? No matter how many times you say it, it doesn't make it true.

I was just reading the Mr Nice forum about this and payed close attention to Drum420's posts. I can see why people thought you were him because the arguments are nearly word for word the same. One thing that ws different that i noticed was Drum was being called out by a lot of people and acted and came off as a whiney brat baby, which you dont seem to. Other then his argument, would you agree that Drum comes off as a brat with a vendetta?
Originally Posted by bajafox
Haha, I stopped reading his posts when he started repeating himself, that must have been a while back. I skipped most of the Excodus cheese and rock music talk, unless something was mentioned towards the validity of this strain being real, then every other post was just pointless....

I'm not backing him at all, just saying that his inquiry did help shed some light on the subject. His approach, IMO, could be better.

Personally, we wouldn't see BT post much in here if he didn't keep getting baited in by the same bullshit over and over... The spammers are the only one's keeping him around by literally making him repeat himself.

If he gets baited by the weak spammers then he must have a problem. So what is it, a tractor beam, no self control , etc?
Thats just his excuse to keep repeating himself to discredit others.

No, it is the reason I chose this site to hang out on most of the time over the others that I am a member of and others I lurk at.

This site is overflowing with people who do not know their asshole from their earhole when it comes to the past and pot and growing and strains and I felt I could be of more use here than on some other site where most people actually know what they are talking about.

I, in part, repeat myself because of how the very same things are said or asked here repeatedly. There have been times when the exact same question has been asked five times or more, in different threads, in one single day. If you are going to attempt to help all five that means you will pretty much repeat yourself at least five times on that one subject in that one day alone.

Then of course there are the pathological liars like frmrboi and OGMan, and others, who continually go on and on repeating made up bullshit, some of it personal which is what brought my personal life into things in the first place, so maybe you want to blame me for replying to them but with as hard as I worked in my life to achieve what I have achieved when frmrboi make one of hos cracks, like when he said I live in a; "shack" by a lake, I am going to tell him, and anyone else who reads my reply, that the; "shack" he referred to is 2,750 sq. ft. and that the; "shack" was paid for in full on the day I closed on it and that the; "shack" is on the shore of a 50,000 acre lake.

That is rubbing someone's nose in their lie. That's called spiking the ball.

Why do I mention 39 years of cannabis growing experience? Because that is more decades of experience than many here have in years of experience so when someone reads what someone else claims, that is inaccurate, and what I write, they will know whose advice to take.

Why do I mention my being part owner of a nursery and how four family members have degrees in horticulture and how I have read most of their college textbooks and how I have picked their brains for information, and continue to do so, and how I have performed hours upon hours of research online, research of actual scientific experimentation, and not reading claptrap on sites like this, and how long before the Internet was even thought of I was wearing out library cards checking out books on horticulture? It is so people who read my advice know that unlike about 90+% of others here I am not parroting things I read here or on sites like this that are in most cases at best half truths and often total inaccuracies, myths, urban legends, personal opinions, beliefs formed from what is believed to have been learned and is often called actual experimentation but was not performed in any way that would meet any level of accuracy or control that true experimentation requires, and old hippie folklore.

It all connects and intertwines with a desire to help others. It shows a level of experience and true factual knowledge that most here are totally incapable of coming anywhere close to, so it helps others to know to ignore what most say because it is inaccurate or at best it is only at least partially inaccurate.

It's the egomaniacs who don't know dick but want and need to appear to be cool and good growers and intelligent to others, when they are none of those things, who keep this site an online university of ignorance and who attack anyone who obviously has more experience than they do and who obviously knows more than they do. Their egos are threatened by it. They know that someone, even if only one person, will have the intelligence and common sense to see through them, and they cannot stand the thought of that happening.

So they post stupid pictures of some fat guy with a goofy grin wearing a dress and say it's me of post a picture of some nasty looking fat babe and claim it is my sister, or they take a message of mine that did not go into the same level of detail as later messages did and attribute a totally different meaning to what I said and then use the meaning they created to claim I lied. Sadly their incredibly weak intellect causes them to actually believe that they made some real statement with real impact when they do those sort of things.

I honestly feel very bad about them. To allegedly be adults but have the intellect and level of maturity of a sixth grader like they do is really, really sad.