Dr Greenthumbs G13

The part where Nevil posts that he gave DoubleD and Jim Ortega (dogless) the same cut:)

Doc cant lose, he got it from one of them;)

How does crow taste?

As I clearly stated:

Anyone .. accurately and in full quote Nevil as saying that Dr. Greenthumb has pure G13 and this exchange can end with me saying that regardless of the mountain of evidence against it being pure G13 that I was wrong and that Dr. Greenthumb evidently does have pure G13. That is all it will take is Nevil saying that Dr. Greenthumb does in fact have pure G13. Not some claims made by others of what others have or allegedly have and some dubious evolving link of how Dr. Greenthumb came about having whatever he has .. but Nevil saying Dr. Greenthumb does have pure G13.

Who can and will post an exact quote where Nevil says that? If someone can, please do it because I would rather have to admit to being wrong and seeing this finally end than have it remain the never ending story.

You did not come close to achieving that. Care to try again, and maybe this time put some actual effort into what you do?
I was just reading the Mr Nice forum about this and payed close attention to Drum420's posts. I can see why people thought you were him because the arguments are nearly word for word the same. One thing that ws different that i noticed was Drum was being called out by a lot of people and acted and came off as a whiney brat baby, which you dont seem to. Other then his argument, would you agree that Drum comes off as a brat with a vendetta?

People got called out on both sides and I'm not surprised he got defensive when no one else had any facts in their arguments and mainly used condescending statements to try and prove their arguments. I don't see it as he had a vendetta as much as I see it as he was arguing the facts that are out there like I and many others have.

No, it is the reason I chose this site to hang out on most of the time over the others that I am a member of and others I lurk at.

This site is overflowing with people who do not know their asshole from their earhole when it comes to the past and pot and growing and strains and I felt I could be of more use here than on some other site where most people actually know what they are talking about.

I, in part, repeat myself because of how the very same things are said or asked here repeatedly. There have been times when the exact same question has been asked five times or more, in different threads, in one single day. If you are going to attempt to help all five that means you will pretty much repeat yourself at least five times on that one subject in that one day alone.

Then of course there are the pathological liars like frmrboi and OGMan, and others, who continually go on and on repeating made up bullshit, some of it personal which is what brought my personal life into things in the first place, so maybe you want to blame me for replying to them but with as hard as I worked in my life to achieve what I have achieved when frmrboi make one of hos cracks, like when he said I live in a; "shack" by a lake, I am going to tell him, and anyone else who reads my reply, that the; "shack" he referred to is 2,750 sq. ft. and that the; "shack" was paid for in full on the day I closed on it and that the; "shack" is on the shore of a 50,000 acre lake.

That is rubbing someone's nose in their lie. That's called spiking the ball.

Why do I mention 39 years of cannabis growing experience? Because that is more decades of experience than many here have in years of experience so when someone reads what someone else claims, that is inaccurate, and what I write, they will know whose advice to take.

Why do I mention my being part owner of a nursery and how four family members have degrees in horticulture and how I have read most of their college textbooks and how I have picked their brains for information, and continue to do so, and how I have performed hours upon hours of research online, research of actual scientific experimentation, and not reading claptrap on sites like this, and how long before the Internet was even thought of I was wearing out library cards checking out books on horticulture? It is so people who read my advice know that unlike about 90+% of others here I am not parroting things I read here or on sites like this that are in most cases at best half truths and often total inaccuracies, myths, urban legends, personal opinions, beliefs formed from what is believed to have been learned and is often called actual experimentation but was not performed in any way that would meet any level of accuracy or control that true experimentation requires, and old hippie folklore.

It all connects and intertwines with a desire to help others. It shows a level of experience and true factual knowledge that most here are totally incapable of coming anywhere close to, so it helps others to know to ignore what most say because it is inaccurate or at best it is only at least partially inaccurate.

It's the egomaniacs who don't know dick but want and need to appear to be cool and good growers and intelligent to others, when they are none of those things, who keep this site an online university of ignorance and who attack anyone who obviously has more experience than they do and who obviously knows more than they do. Their egos are threatened by it. They know that someone, even if only one person, will have the intelligence and common sense to see through them, and they cannot stand the thought of that happening.

So they post stupid pictures of some fat guy with a goofy grin wearing a dress and say it's me of post a picture of some nasty looking fat babe and claim it is my sister, or they take a message of mine that did not go into the same level of detail as later messages did and attribute a totally different meaning to what I said and then use the meaning they created to claim I lied. Sadly their incredibly weak intellect causes them to actually believe that they made some real statement with real impact when they do those sort of things.

I honestly feel very bad about them. To allegedly be adults but have the intellect and level of maturity of a sixth grader like they do is really, really sad.

Well, i do believe you know a lot about growing and i have never had to answer questions over and over like that, so i can see your point on that. I see alot of the bad info you speak of on growing threads and people like you, not you, but like you, have helped me sort through the BS. I admit i dont see what that has to do with this, but Im just going to leave that dead horse alone.
People got called out on both sides and I'm not surprised he got defensive when no one else had any facts in their arguments and mainly used condescending statements to try and prove their arguments. I don't see it as he had a vendetta as much as I see it as he was arguing the facts that are out there like I and many others have.

I meant apart from the argument...i know you agree with him but when Kanga tried to calm him he just got worse and to me Kanga was anything but condescending. surprised you dont see that.
I meant apart from the argument...i know you agree with him but when Kanga tried to calm him he just got worse and to me Kanga was anything but condescending. surprised you dont see that.

I read it but Kanga's statements were not to the point, very vague, and he was being secretive like dogless which I think led to some of the statements drum made. I do think it's hilarious that Kanga bashed Greenthumb and said Greenthumb ripped him off.
Well, i do believe you know a lot about growing and i have never had to answer questions over and over like that, so i can see your point on that. I see alot of the bad info you speak of on growing threads and people like you, not you, but like you, have helped me sort through the BS. I admit i dont see what that has to do with this, but Im just going to leave that dead horse alone.

What it has to do with is the following, and also a few other messages that were recently posted that I did not quote.

Originally Posted by bajafox
Haha, I stopped reading his posts when he started repeating himself, that must have been a while back. I skipped most of the Excodus cheese and rock music talk, unless something was mentioned towards the validity of this strain being real, then every other post was just pointless....

I'm not backing him at all, just saying that his inquiry did help shed some light on the subject. His approach, IMO, could be better.

Personally, we wouldn't see BT post much in here if he didn't keep getting baited in by the same bullshit over and over... The spammers are the only one's keeping him around by literally making him repeat himself.

Originally Posted by Dr Gruber
If he gets baited by the weak spammers then he must have a problem. So what is it, a tractor beam, no self control , etc?
Thats just his excuse to keep repeating himself to discredit others.
People got called out on both sides and I'm not surprised he got defensive when no one else had any facts in their arguments and mainly used condescending statements to try and prove their arguments. I don't see it as he had a vendetta as much as I see it as he was arguing the facts that are out there like I and many others have.

Dude? WTF?

Give it up on the split personality shit, were on to you;)
Dude I'm MNS all the way. I'm just not sure DrGT is this huge monster yet.
I know that the original G13 died. It's in the descriptions of the G13 crosses on MNS website.

It's not impossible if they knew eachother or of eachother when Neville got his cut. Not likely, but not impossible.

I never said there was a back and forth between DrGT and DD. I said DrGt says he got the clone from Dogless who labeled it D/D for some reason.

Is it the idea that the G13 clone is so rare that make it seem impossible that any one person could have it in it's pure form?
Cause after Nevil got it, it wasn't that rare anymore.
Your missing my point. This whole fight is because most people don't beleive it's possible that DrGT has G13 after all this time (which is true, its a hybrid), but if Neville got one then it's not all that impossible is what I was saying.

I know the original G13 is dead and long gone and yes it's kind of an outrage that DrGT would claim to have pure G13. And $100/seed is robbery, but DrGT say's he got it from Jim or 'Dogless' and I don't have any reason not to believe him yet.

I'm reserving judgement til someone of authority give a final say so.
Dude I'm MNS all the way. I'm just not sure DrGT is this huge monster yet.
I know that the original G13 died. It's in the descriptions of the G13 crosses on MNS website.

It's not impossible if they knew eachother or of eachother when Neville got his cut. Not likely, but not impossible.

I never said there was a back and forth between DrGT and DD. I said DrGt says he got the clone from Dogless who labeled it D/D for some reason.

Your missing my point. This whole fight is because most people don't beleive it's possible that DrGT has G13 after all this time (which is true, its a hybrid), but if Neville got one then it's not all that impossible is what I was saying.

I know the original G13 is dead and long gone and yes it's kind of an outrage that DrGT would claim to have pure G13. And $100/seed is robbery, but DrGT say's he got it from Jim or 'Dogless' and I don't have any reason not to believe him yet.

I'm reserving judgement til someone of authority give a final say so.

Burn another one:)

No, it is the reason I chose this site to hang out on most of the time over the others that I am a member of and others I lurk at.

This site is overflowing with people who do not know their asshole from their earhole when it comes to the past and pot and growing and strains and I felt I could be of more use here than on some other site where most people actually know what they are talking about.

I, in part, repeat myself because of how the very same things are said or asked here repeatedly. There have been times when the exact same question has been asked five times or more, in different threads, in one single day. If you are going to attempt to help all five that means you will pretty much repeat yourself at least five times on that one subject in that one day alone.

Then of course there are the pathological liars like frmrboi and OGMan, and others, who continually go on and on repeating made up bullshit, some of it personal which is what brought my personal life into things in the first place, so maybe you want to blame me for replying to them but with as hard as I worked in my life to achieve what I have achieved when frmrboi make one of hos cracks, like when he said I live in a; "shack" by a lake, I am going to tell him, and anyone else who reads my reply, that the; "shack" he referred to is 2,750 sq. ft. and that the; "shack" was paid for in full on the day I closed on it and that the; "shack" is on the shore of a 50,000 acre lake.

That is rubbing someone's nose in their lie. That's called spiking the ball.

Why do I mention 39 years of cannabis growing experience? Because that is more decades of experience than many here have in years of experience so when someone reads what someone else claims, that is inaccurate, and what I write, they will know whose advice to take.

Why do I mention my being part owner of a nursery and how four family members have degrees in horticulture and how I have read most of their college textbooks and how I have picked their brains for information, and continue to do so, and how I have performed hours upon hours of research online, research of actual scientific experimentation, and not reading claptrap on sites like this, and how long before the Internet was even thought of I was wearing out library cards checking out books on horticulture? It is so people who read my advice know that unlike about 90+% of others here I am not parroting things I read here or on sites like this that are in most cases at best half truths and often total inaccuracies, myths, urban legends, personal opinions, beliefs formed from what is believed to have been learned and is often called actual experimentation but was not performed in any way that would meet any level of accuracy or control that true experimentation requires, and old hippie folklore.

It all connects and intertwines with a desire to help others. It shows a level of experience and true factual knowledge that most here are totally incapable of coming anywhere close to, so it helps others to know to ignore what most say because it is inaccurate or at best it is only at least partially inaccurate.

It's the egomaniacs who don't know dick but want and need to appear to be cool and good growers and intelligent to others, when they are none of those things, who keep this site an online university of ignorance and who attack anyone who obviously has more experience than they do and who obviously knows more than they do. Their egos are threatened by it. They know that someone, even if only one person, will have the intelligence and common sense to see through them, and they cannot stand the thought of that happening.

So they post stupid pictures of some fat guy with a goofy grin wearing a dress and say it's me of post a picture of some nasty looking fat babe and claim it is my sister, or they take a message of mine that did not go into the same level of detail as later messages did and attribute a totally different meaning to what I said and then use the meaning they created to claim I lied. Sadly their incredibly weak intellect causes them to actually believe that they made some real statement with real impact when they do those sort of things.

I honestly feel very bad about them. To allegedly be adults but have the intellect and level of maturity of a sixth grader like they do is really, really sad.

You were the one caught lying Bricktop not me and you know what they say 'once a liar always a liar.'
You were the one caught lying Bricktop not me and you know what they say 'once a liar always a liar.'

What you totally fail to realize, or understand, is that no matter how many times you repeat your lie about me it will not alter reality and turn me into the liar you wrongly claim me to be. You could repeat it every minute from now until Gabriel's trumpet blows and it will not ever come close to even begin to alter reality. So how about stopping your lying about me and picking someone else to troll for a change?

It is interesting though how you attempt to brand everyone who says anything against Dr. Greenthumb as a liar.

OGMAN August 23, 2010 at 8:08 pm I bought many strains over the years from many breeders. the doc’s all have been keepers for sure. his S1s of elite cuts are the FIRE.Anyone who says otherwise is either a lousy grower or a liar.

Face it, you are a pimp for Dr. Greenthumb and a pathological liar to boot.
What you totally fail to realize, or understand, is that no matter how many times you repeat your lie about me it will not alter reality and turn me into the liar you wrongly claim me to be. You could repeat it every minute from now until Gabriel's trumpet blows and it will not ever come close to even begin to alter reality. So how about stopping your lying about me and picking someone else to troll for a change?
You lied. You got caught. Not my fault. You should have stuck to the truth.
You lied. You got caught. Not my fault. You should have stuck to the truth.

No, you little pathological liar, you took what I said and spun it. Just because I did not go on a rant in the message about being one of the old timers who tried Dr. Greenthumb's Ghetto Gold you have attempted to use that as proof I said I never grew it. You added to my message something I never said and attributed to it a meaning I never meant.

You are the liar. What's more is that is your normal operating procedure to use against anyone who does not praise Dr. Greenthumb, you attempt to brand them a liar.

Here are your own words from last August.

OGMAN August 23, 2010 at 8:08 pm I bought many strains over the years from many breeders. the doc’s all have been keepers for sure. his S1s of elite cuts are the FIRE. Anyone who says otherwise is either a lousy grower or a liar.


You preemptively call anyone and everyone who would have a legitimate complaint about Dr. Greenthumb a liar .. without even having the slightest clue to what their complaint might be and if it is legitimate and if so how legitimate it is and how major of a complaint it might be.

You simply attempt to head them off at the pass by trying to brand them as a liar without knowing anything whatsoever about what sort of complaint they might have, like how Dr. Greenthumb took Kangativa's money but never sent him any seeds.

You held up Kangativa as some pillar of truth and honesty when he said something you felt supported what you want to believe, so now are you calling him a liar? Are you going to call him a liar on the MNS forum, where you are getting your ass handed to you, or will you give him a pass even though he told about how he paid for Dr. Greenthumb seeds and never received them, even after email exchanges where Dr. Greenthumb assured him that he would send them?

Face it troll ... you are a pathological liar that pimps for Dr. Greenthumb, period, thee end.

How many seed does he give you per year so you will keep lying and pimping for him?
No, you little pathological liar, you took what I said and spun it. Just because I did not go on a rant in the message about being one of the old timers who tried Dr. Greenthumb's Ghetto Gold you have attempted to use that as proof I said I never grew it. You added to my message something I never said and attributed to it a meaning I never meant.

You are the liar. What's more is that is your normal operating procedure to use against anyone who does not praise Dr. Greenthumb, you attempt to brand them a liar.

Here are your own words from last August.

You preemptively call anyone and everyone who would have a legitimate complaint about Dr. Greenthumb a liar .. without even having the slightest clue to what their complaint might be and if it is legitimate and if so how legitimate it is and how major of a complaint it might be.

You simply attempt to head them off at the pass by trying to brand them as a liar without knowing anything whatsoever about what sort of complaint they might have, like how Dr. Greenthumb took Kangativa's money but never sent him any seeds.

You held up Kangativa as some pillar of truth and honesty when he said something you felt supported what you want to believe, so now are you calling him a liar? Are you going to call him a liar on the MNS forum, where you are getting your ass handed to you, or will you give him a pass even though he told about how he paid for Dr. Greenthumb seeds and never received them, even after email exchanges where Dr. Greenthumb assured him that he would send them?

Face it troll ... you are a pathological liar that pimps for Dr. Greenthumb, period, thee end.

How many seed does he give you per year so you will keep lying and pimping for him?

Bullshit. When you stuck to the truth and facts I had little to say to you even though I strongly disagreed with what you said but when you got deperate to make your point and crossed the line and lied you changed everything.
Bullshit. When you stuck to the truth and facts I had little to say to you even though I strongly disagreed with what you said but when you got deperate to make your point and crossed the line and lied you changed everything.

You are so totally full of shit. All that changed was I explained my actual meaning which deviated from the meaning you created and attempted to attribute to what I said ... in other words your lie.

You live by revisionist history. I stayed out of the thread for a while, got in, got back out and was drawn back in by others, and of course you when you created your lie about me.

I presented a mountain of evidence to which you kept replying that I had lied so that meant I had no credibility, even though the evidence I was posting came from reputable sources.

More than once I said if Nevil comes out and says that Dr. Greenthumb's G13 is pure G13 as Dr. Greenthumb is advertising it as being that I will more than willingly admit to having been wrong.

But all you do is troll me and claim me to be a liar when in fact you are obviously pimping for Dr. Greenthumb and lying for him since your standard operating procedure is to claim that anyone who is dissatisfied with Dr. Greenthumb's gear for any reason whatsoever: "is either a lousy grower or a liar," your very own words from last August.

I have grown since 1972. I have bought seeds online ever since they became available. I have grown every top breeder's gear and some pure pollen chucker's gear too and I there has never been a case with any breeder, top grade or pure pollen chucker, where at some point I did not have some sort of problems that were not my fault.

Low germ rates, slow growth/plants that lacked vigor, more phenotypes that 'Sweet Connie Hamzy' had dicks in her heyday as queen of the groupies, and some were very weak or very poor phenotypes, with some feminized seeds, something I try to avoid, even though I did not have any light leaks and my plants were not under any sort of stress at all I went through hermie hell.

No breeder, not so much as one single breeder that now exists or has ever existed, has supplied their customers with 100% perfect seeds that then produced 100% perfect plants that were all just a baby step away from being the 'Holy Grail,' and that of course includes Dr. Greenthumb.

But since you pimp for him and lie for him you ignore those FACTS and say; "Anyone who says otherwise is either a lousy grower or a liar."

Without giving any consideration to all the various possibilities, right down to non-shipment of ordered seeds, you preemptively blame any and all possible flaws or problems or lack of potency or whatever on whoever purchases and grows Dr. Greenthumb's gear.

You give him a hall pass, a get out of jail free card for any and every possible problem that could, and does, occur at some point or another with the gear from virtually every single breeder.

You cover Dr. Greenthumb's ass even before a complaint can be made by saying; "Anyone who says otherwise is either a lousy grower or a liar."

How in the wide, wide world of sports do you believe anyone will ever believe you to be even slightly credible when you have gone on the records saying that, and now when this Dr. Greenthumb G13 thing pops up you have started screaming liar, liar, liar?

You telegraphed your punch, you gave away your chosen tactic in waiting and now that you are using it, who do you actually think will believe you?

It is trolling little breeder pimps like you who are destroying growing sites. You never do anything other than pimp for your master and attack anyone who does not like you bow down before them.

People like you sicken me and at times make me question if I even want to waste any more time on any growing site if it means dealing with ignorant little lying puppies like you.

There used to be many good growing sites filled with good fun people whose only interest was to either learn or help others to learn how to grow better herb. Then one by one they became infected with people like you and they went downhill and it's gotten to the point where if I ran one I would likely pull the plug on it rather than give worthless trolls like you a place to spout off your lies and pimp for your masters.
Here's what Greenthumb said about it. Now lets just wait for the grow reports

we are getting a lot of grief and hate about our naming this strain g13. the cut came from a very reliable source and we were assured over and over again that it was g13 or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it. we grew it out to confirm that in our opinion it was g13 and used our own experience combined with doubleds g13 as a yardstick since there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description and much folklore. once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant from a reliable source we worked with the plant for a year before releasing it in S1 seed form. it is in the public domaine now where all strains belong and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way it is a spectacular plant and nobody can loose on it or we wouldn't sell it. we have a lot invested in this plant but if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it in a new york minute but not one second before.
Here's what Greenthumb said about it. Now lets just wait for the grow reports

we are getting a lot of grief and hate about our naming this strain g13. the cut came from a very reliable source and we were assured over and over again that it was g13 or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it. we grew it out to confirm that in our opinion it was g13 and used our own experience combined with doubleds g13 as a yardstick since there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description and much folklore. once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant from a reliable source we worked with the plant for a year before releasing it in S1 seed form. it is in the public domaine now where all strains belong and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way it is a spectacular plant and nobody can loose on it or we wouldn't sell it. we have a lot invested in this plant but if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it in a new york minute but not one second before.

Convinced, assured, opinion...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, he sounds very convincing :lol:

time will tell if we're right or wrong but either way it's a spectacular plant
So by his own words he doesn't know what strain he has but simply hopes it actually is G13? And you're trying to tell us this isn't false advertising? :D Any other business and you'd be in court faster than you could click your fingers :lol: fucking muppet. The argument all along has been that we do not question the quality of the plant, but the what the actual genetics are and he is clearly stating that he does not know himself but is simply guessing :lol: you must feel pretty damned stupid for posting that one eh OG :lol: i belive backfire would be the word of choice here.

Can you say FRAUD!

Here, buy this ferarri for a million pounds, if 50 miles down the road you open the hood and find it not to be a ferarri at all, well we'll notify people of a name change, but we won't refund you. I think it being cannabis or not, he might be putting himself into real legal issues here.