Dr Greenthumbs G13

Convinced, assured, opinion...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, he sounds very convincing :lol:

So by his own words he doesn't know what strain he has but simply hopes it actually is G13? And you're trying to tell us this isn't false advertising? :D Any other business and you'd be in court faster than you could click your fingers :lol: fucking muppet. The argument all along has been that we do not question the quality of the plant, but the what the actual genetics are and he is clearly stating that he does not know himself but is simply guessing :lol: you must feel pretty damned stupid for posting that one eh OG :lol: i belive backfire would be the word of choice here.

Can you say FRAUD!

Here, buy this ferarri for a million pounds, if 50 miles down the road you open the hood and find it not to be a ferarri at all, well we'll notify people of a name change, but we won't refund you. I think it being cannabis or not, he might be putting himself into real legal issues here.
Horsefeathers. Doc knows he has G13 but everyone is waiting on Neville to confirm it. So, Neville is growing it and will tell us in the Fall
Convinced, assured, opinion...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, he sounds very convincing :lol:

So by his own words he doesn't know what strain he has but simply hopes it actually is G13? And you're trying to tell us this isn't false advertising? :D Any other business and you'd be in court faster than you could click your fingers :lol: fucking muppet. The argument all along has been that we do not question the quality of the plant, but the what the actual genetics are and he is clearly stating that he does not know himself but is simply guessing :lol: you must feel pretty damned stupid for posting that one eh OG :lol: i belive backfire would be the word of choice here.

Can you say FRAUD!

Here, buy this ferarri for a million pounds, if 50 miles down the road you open the hood and find it not to be a ferarri at all, well we'll notify people of a name change, but we won't refund you. I think it being cannabis or not, he might be putting himself into real legal issues here.

how come you aren't yapping about his cheese anymore?
Here's what Greenthumb said about it. Now lets just wait for the grow reports

we are getting a lot of grief and hate about our naming this strain g13. the cut came from a very reliable source and we were assured over and over again that it was g13 or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it. we grew it out to confirm that in our opinion it was g13 and used our own experience combined with doubleds g13 as a yardstick since there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description and much folklore. once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant from a reliable source we worked with the plant for a year before releasing it in S1 seed form. it is in the public domaine now where all strains belong and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way it is a spectacular plant and nobody can loose on it or we wouldn't sell it. we have a lot invested in this plant but if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it in a new york minute but not one second before.

how come you aren't yapping about his cheese anymore?

Because i'm waiting on seeds, then he can be shown for the joke he appears to be. Either way i want to know which supermarket he buys his cheese from :D exodus cheese doesn't smell a bit like cheese the daft cunt. He doesn't seem to be very good with his descriptions :lol:
Brick Top, Give it a rest already !!!

Dont you have something better to do with your time ?

Unless someone slips in a message before I send this, this will be the 1,350th message in this thread, and you write as if I am the only one who will not; "give it a rest?"

Now if you are only talking about what I said about OGMan, then you can forget me letting up as long as the pathetic little pathological liar continues to call me a liar based strictly on the meaning he created and then attributed to a roughly two year old message of mine.

He made it clear to anyone and everyone back in August 2010 that he would call anyone who does not think Dr. Greentumb is fantastic a bad grower or a liar.

OGMAN August 23, 2010 at 8:08 pm I bought many strains over the years from many breeders. the doc’s all have been keepers for sure. his S1s of elite cuts are the FIRE. Anyone who says otherwise is either a lousy grower or a liar.


So that is precisely what he has chosen to do with me. Well before this started he telegraphed his punch, he revealed his normal operating procedure as to how he deal with anyone who does not think Dr. Greenthumb is the greatest thing since sliced bread .... and he is now doing it with me.

Try telling the pathetic little pathological liar who has been following his advertised preconceived game plan to lay off. If he will, I will. But if he doesn't I am not going to sit back and not say anything while the pathetic little pathological liar carries out his advertised preconceived protect Dr. Greenthumb's ass game plan on me all based on his spinning something I said and attributing to it a meaning that was not at all my meaning and instead one he created in his own mind.
Here's what Greenthumb said about it. Now lets just wait for the grow reports

we are getting a lot of grief and hate about our naming this strain g13. the cut came from a very reliable source and we were assured over and over again that it was g13 or we wouldn't have splashed out so much money to aquire it. we grew it out to confirm that in our opinion it was g13 and used our own experience combined with doubleds g13 as a yardstick since there doesn't seem to be any one cohesive description and much folklore. once convinced we were dealing with an exceptional plant from a reliable source we worked with the plant for a year before releasing it in S1 seed form. it is in the public domaine now where all strains belong and only time will tell if we were right or wrong but either way it is a spectacular plant and nobody can loose on it or we wouldn't sell it. we have a lot invested in this plant but if in the long run it is reliably demonstrated to not be g13 we will change the name we've applied to it in a new york minute but not one second before.

OUCH! After going on and on about how Dr. Greenthumb does have the real true pure G13 and claiming that Nevil even said so shooting yourself in the foot like that must have hurt really bad! Hell, with that message you not only shot yourself in the foot but instead in both feet and in both knees.

Clearly Dr. Greenthumb does not know what he is selling that he gave the name G13. If he were positive it is true pure G13 he would flat out say so.

Evidently he felt no need to have the authenticity of the unknown strain verified before marketing it as being the real true G13, and pricing it based on it being something that he clearly is unsure of it being.
Unless someone slips in a message before I send this, this will be the 1,350th message in this thread, and you write as if I am the only one who will not; "give it a rest?"

Now if you are only talking about what I said about OGMan, then you can forget me letting up as long as the pathetic little pathological liar continues to call me a liar based strictly on the meaning he created and then attributed to a roughly two year old message of mine.

He made it clear to anyone and everyone back in August 2010 that he would call anyone who does not think Dr. Greentumb is fantastic a bad grower or a liar.

So that is precisely what he has chosen to do with me. Well before this started he telegraphed his punch, he revealed his normal operating procedure as to how he deal with anyone who does not think Dr. Greenthumb is the greatest thing since sliced bread .... and he is now doing it with me.

Try telling the pathetic little pathological liar who has been following his advertised preconceived game plan to lay off. If he will, I will. But if he doesn't I am not going to sit back and not say anything while the pathetic little pathological liar carries out his advertised preconceived protect Dr. Greenthumb's ass game plan on me all based on his spinning something I said and attributing to it a meaning that was not at all my meaning and instead one he created in his own mind.
You were the one caught lying, not me but don't worry I'll be around to remind you whenever you start your long winded BS from now on. I used to respect you but you crossed the line and lied to make your point and that changed everything. In my eyes you're nothing but a malicious punk now.

You were the one caught lying, not me.

No, you are wrong, and you just lied again. You began a propaganda campaign against me based on you attributing the meaning you wished my message had and using that to attempt to spin and twist what I actually said and meant into what you desperately want others to believe I said and meant.

Each time you use that same claim it is another lie on your part. Just because you deny it that does not change the facts, that does not alter reality and keep you from being the liar that you are.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human being, you are an infection that is part of what has for years slowly been destroying sites like this. Pathological liars who will stop at nothing and who will never give or and will never stop lying all to attempt to make themselves appear to be correct about something.

Your own message on the seedbank review site that I posted several times showed everyone your preconceived, preplanned strategy in regards to protecting Dr. Greenthumb. You said back in August 2010 that anyone who says Dr. Greenthumb strains are not the top of the pops is either a lousy grower; "or a liar."

You said back then that anyone who said anything against Dr. Grenthumb was going to be labeled by you as being one or the other, or possibly I suppose both, and in my case you invented a new meaning to attribute to what I said, you redefined what I said in terms you wanted and needed them to be so you could then lie and make your propagandistic argument.

Before pathetic excuses for human beings like you began to show up in sites like this they were good places to be filled with happy fun loving nice helpful people. Then vermin like you began to infest sites like this and carry your infection of lies and hate and it spread and spread and one by one great growing sites either died out or turned to pure shit.

Sites like this need more than just asking if someone is 18 years old or older to allow someone to join. They need an IQ and personality test so people like you could be weeded out and kept from joining to protect the site from unwanted lying little vermin like yourself.
Before pathetic excuses for human beings like you began to show up in sites like this they were good places to be filled with happy fun loving nice helpful people. Then vermin like you began to infest sites like this and carry your infection of lies and hate and it spread and spread and one by one great growing sites either died out or turned to pure shit.

Show me one photo or one mention of your AG grow before this thread.One. You fabricated the whole thing to make your point.
Before pathetic excuses for human beings like you began to show up in sites like this they were good places to be filled with happy fun loving nice helpful people. Then vermin like you began to infest sites like this and carry your infection of lies and hate and it spread and spread and one by one great growing sites either died out or turned to pure shit.

Show me one photo or one mention of your AG grow before this thread.One. You fabricated the whole thing to make your point.

that should keep the oldfart busy 4 awhile
Show me one photo or one mention of your AG grow before this thread.One. You fabricated the whole thing to make your point.

I have repeatedly explained that I do not post pictures, and why I do not post pictures and even if I had kept pictures of a grow that was roughly 6 or 7 years ago I would not break that rule of mine just to attempt to satisfy a little weasel like you. Unless in the pictures I had signs that said Brick Tops Dr. Greenthumb's Acapulco Gold grow you would just claim I searched the net for pictures to use .. and then say I photoshopped in the little signs.

With some 6,972 posts now I cannot say for sure if and when and where and how many times I may have mentioned Dr. Greenthumb's fake Acapulco Gold. I can say that it is not like I have ever been on some vendetta against him and took every chance I had to mention how he ripped me off. That was why I did not go into detail about it in the message that you have attempted to attribute a totally different meaning to than mine and where you attempted to read between the lines to find non-existent things you want people to believe should have been there and because they were not that it somehow equates to my having lied.

If you have ever noticed when someone asks what seedbanks to consider and I post Greenman's seedbank ratings page I almost always take the time to highlight where he says the seedbanks with a rating of 4 stars or higher are the most reputable and then I go down the line and highlight all those with 4 stars or higher, and that includes Dr. Greenthumb now that he has worked his way back up to having a 4 star rating again. So it is not like I am out to scuttle his business or that I have some ongoing vendetta against him. I know damn well that at least some of his strains are good. Not because I grew them but because friends have and I have smoked them.

The singular reason I mentioned how I purchased Acapulco Gold seeds from Dr. Greenthumb and they turned out to be more like Ghetto Gold or Roadside Red in this thread is because of the similarity of the situation.

When he came out with his Acapulco Gold, that he claimed to be original and pure, it had been AGES since any seed customer could purchase Acapulco Gold. To most it was only a legendary strain that they had heard about and were curious about but had never had the opportunity to grow it and or smoke it. Basically, most who would purchase 'the legend' would not have any way of knowing if what they received was real or pure as it was described because they had never had it before, they totally lacked a comparative base to go by. Only us old timers would possess such a comparative base.

Now Dr. Greenthumb has basically done the very same thing. He suddenly has a legendary strain that only a relatively few number of fairly old timers, but nor true old timers like me, would have ever had before. Like his fake Acapulco Gold he can claim it to be original and pure and few would posses the needed comparative base to ever know for sure after growing it and sampling it. As along as it is high quality, which I have no doubts about it being, people who would never ever have any way of knowing for sure if it is real or not could easily be fooled into believing it is real simply because it might be very good. But even if it is GREAT that would still not be proof of it being what he claims it to be.

So I saw a possible similar pattern where a legendary strain from the past was picked, one that relatively few would possess the needed comparative base to be able to accurately say if it is indeed real or a fake, and suddenly Dr. Greenthumb has it and markets it as being pure original G13.

Since he does have a proven track record of misrepresenting strains it seemed to me to be valid information to mention given all the questions about the difference in the original description of the original G13 and Dr. Greenthumb's description and the evolving story of how he obtained it and from who and the reaction of DoubleD after Dr. Greenthumb claimed it was his cut and Nevil being shown pictures and saying it does look like his old G13 but that it also looked like the Haw/G13 that if I remember right Kangativa said they have growing right now. So Nevil not only said it looked real but that it also looked like a hybrid. Then there was the message you posted where in essence Dr. Greenthumb himself, if the message you posted actually came from him, said maybe it is real and maybe it isn't. He said the source for it was reputable but he did say that he gave the strain the name G13 and not that it came with the name. He said only time will tell and it it turns out to not be real he will change the name, I believe he said he would do it; "in a New York Minute," though I might be wrong about the wording.

If Dr. Greenthumb was positive it is pure original G13 why would he now be saying maybe it is and maybe it isn't and if it isn't he will change the name?

Maybe it is pure G13 but after reading the maybe it is and maybe it isn't message that makes me wonder even more if this is not another strain like his fake Acapulco Gold and he is already feeling the heat and knows if he is 'busted' this time he will totally lose any and all credibility so he is setting the stage so later if the heat does not die down he can say something like, hey, I was taken, I paid a ton for something I thought was one thing and turned out to be something else, but it's still damn good so I have renamed it .... keep buying it.

Personally I hope it is real, or should I say proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be real, because even though I am not an indica fan and even though Dr. Greenthumb did rip me off once in the past, to have the chance to grow and try real G13, I would have to place an order. But I need to positively know for sure up front this time if the strain is real or a fugazi. I am not going to risk being ripped off again.

Personally I do not give a damn what you personally want or need to believe. If you need to compound your previous lies about me with more, then go ahead and keep piling them on until they stack up to be as tall as Mt. Everest. It won't matter one single bit because no number of lies from you will ever be capable of altering the reality that I did purchase and grow Dr. Greenthumb's Acapulco Gold and it was without any doubt absolutely not the real true original pure Acapulco Gold he claimed it to be.

Call me a liar all you want. It is what anyone who says anything against Dr. Greenthumb risks, that and of being called a lousy grower. That is what you stated last August in the message from the seedbank rating site that I posted when you said that anyone who says Dr. Greenthumb gear is not great is either a lousy grower or; "a liar." (that was of course paraphrased and not an inaccurate quote of what you said.)

You broadcast to the world then that regardless of what might happen to someone who deals with Dr. Greenthumb, that anything at all that is negative in nature is either strictly the fault of the grower being lousy or that it never happened and that the person is; "a liar," which is the tactic you have attempted to use with me.

You have attempted to give Dr. Greenthumb a hall pass, a get out of jail free card for each and every possible negative eventuality that could occur growing his gear. It is a virtual impossibility that every single seed, from any breeder, will germ and that if it germs from it will grow a healthy vigorous plant that produces the way the genetics should and is as potent as the genetics could allow it to be, even when grown by the very best grower in the entire world. It is virtually impossible. It is like claiming some baseball player is so good that every single time at bat they will hit a home run.

Kangativa ordered seeds from Dr. Greenthumb and never received them, even after several email exchanges where Dr. Greenthumb assured him his order would be sent. Kangativa since said that Dr. Greenthumb had a good excuse for it, but good excuse or not Kangativa did not receive his order. Not every seed will germ, period, thee end. With the thousands and thousands of seeds a breeder makes eventually some will not pop. Eventually in a run of seeds some recessive trait will pop up, one that assure the plants and or potency will not be like normal. That is inevitable. It will happen sooner or later and it is not caused my lack of grower skill and when it happens it does not make the grower; "a liar." Those, and other negative problems can and will occur with any and every breeder's gear at some point or another leaving a customer/grower dissatisfied. It is impossible for it to never happen.

But you clearly stated the following:
OGMAN August 23, 2010 at 8:08 pm I bought many strains over the years from many breeders. the doc’s all have been keepers for sure. his S1s of elite cuts are the FIRE. Anyone who says otherwise is either a lousy grower or a liar.

That was the statement of a pathological liar. No breeder and no business can or will ever maintain a high enough standard of quality 100% of the time to never end up with some dissatisfied disgruntled customers who have truly legitimate complaints, and those complaints cannot be explained away by the dissatisfied person or people always being; "a lousy grower or a liar."
Only a born pathological liar would ever even begin to believe that they could make such an absurd claim and have anyone believe it.

You are a Dr. Greenthumb pimp, period, thee end. You attempt to protect him more fiercely than a mother grizzly protects her cubs, right down to preemptively blaming any and all possible problems that anyone could ever have with any of Dr. Greenthumbs gear on them being" a lousy grower or a liar."
Don't ever attempt to claim that you have never been caught in a lie again, because you were damn lucky that when you told that whopper of a lie that a lightning bolt didn't come from the sky and fry you dead on the spot.
It should be no surprise that the G13 DrGT has isn't pure. G13 has been dead for years. It probably crossed with an old pre soviet war afghani and then back crossed over and over again to breed out the 'ghani, but pure it is not.
Clearly Dr. Greenthumb does not know what he is selling that he gave the name G13. If he were positive it is true pure G13 he would flat out say so. Evidently he felt no need to have the authenticity of the unknown strain verified before marketing it as being the real true G13 said:
I think He believes hes selling "G13"? Thats why he Bought it for 25,000$ and labeled it "pure G13". Im my opionion that would be saying so?

I also think he did try an authinticate it with Dogless an Nevel before he bought it.
"If you recall when I first got back in contact with you that I had the G13 worked and that I had sold a cut for a large sum to a canadian breeder. A long time before this bullshit started." Ortega.
I would guess that DrGT wanted some proof before layn down 25,ooo$, an I think this is why Ortega was talking to Nevile about selling it to a canadian breeder "before this BS started".

If Neville says its a cross He will label it as such, That sounds fair to me?

Redardless of what he calles it, DrGTs Highest yield, monster strain would still be just as valued if it was called NL x G13?
Folks want it for the yeild not for the name.
Hell most youngsers would think G13 is a street gang?
Redardless of what he calles it, DrGTs Highest yield, monster strain would still be just as valued if it was called NL x G13?
Folks want it for the yeild not for the name.

I would only want it if it was positively the real true original pure genetics. I only supply myself so having a massive producing strain is not of major importance to me. In my case the high is always more important than the yield. Even though I am not an indica fan I would like to be able to grow and sample 'the legend' and a cross with 'the legend' that produces like mad would not be anywhere near as appealing sounding to me, especially at the price that is being asked.

If I wanted a G13 cross I would just purchase Mr. Nice Seeds G13 Widow or G13 Skunk. and get 18 regular seeds of the G13 Skunk for $81.31 or 18 regular seeds of G13 Widow for $97.57 and be sure to end up with more females for the money and have far less risk of going through hermie Hell because of feminized seeds.
I also grow for myself in a lil cab.
I got no room for Big plants. So Ill prolly never try DrGTs G13.
But I also have got no room for males, an wont try MrNiceSeeds anytime soon either.


I am skeptical of it being Pure G13, Or that G13 was ever Liberated from the U of Miss.
But I do believe Drgt's G13 is the G13 Neville gave Ortega. And that it should be the same G13 as DDs.

So the Pros -its Feminized, high potency, Big yield an good taste. Has pedigree with some big names in the cannabis community.

An Cons-Its feminized, No way to ever really prove its Pure G13, high cost 65$ ea. Descriptions of smell not the same - Fruit vs Shit.
(an his Acapulco Gold may have sucked ?)
(an his Acapulco Gold may have sucked ?)

Check out this review and decide for yourself:

Grower Report - CaptainChronic on November 16, 2005, 3:34 pm Acapulco Gold from Dr Greenthumb rated 6.43

Overall Rating: 6 Effect: Somewhat heady
Potency: 5 Stature: Average size
Yield: 9 Phenotype: Sativa
Ease: 7 Indoor: 65 to 70 days
Appearance: 7 Outdoor: Not Listed
Odor Level: 6 Odor: Lemon lime, spicey, hazey smell
Taste Level: 5 Taste: Fresh piney taste
Grower's Tilt: 6 Sexes: Standard (M/F)
SI Rating: Not Listed Vintage: Not Listed

I got 14 beans in the pack from Dr. Greenthumb. I germinated all of them, and all of them came up. Out of the 14, I only got 2 males, and the other dozen were females. For the most part, they were pretty stable, some phenos varied in smell and apperance, but most were similar in every way. The Acapulco Gold is a very easy plant to grow, no special attention needed, and she took any nutrients that I gave her without any problems. For a sativa, shes also a very fast flowering plant. I flowered them kind of small, expecting alot of stretch, but they did not stretch nearly as much as I planned on. Now overall in flowering, the AG is great all around. Now the best part about this plant is the yeilds that it gives. I got monster yeilds from the AG, more than most all of my other strains. Now the reason I got these AG seeds, is because I wanted to find a keeper AG mom, one that is a knockout like the AG from back in the 70's. Well that was not the case here. The Acapulco Gold from Dr. Greenthumb was some of the weakest bud I've smoked. The potency is very poor. You have to smoke alot of this stuff to catch a good buzz. The taste is alright, smooth but nothing special. The smell is also nothing special when dried, just a fresh piney smell. In flower she smells really good, like lemon lime mixed with a hint of Haze. So overall, the AG is not a keeper in my opinion. I was very dissapointed with the potency of this one. I suppose if you started about a couple hundred of these seeds to find that special potent pheno, you may have found a keeper mom, but other than that, I wouldn't waste the money on these if your looking for something that is like the original AG from 30 years back. If it wasn't for the amazing yeilds she gave me, I would have been exteremely unsatisfied.

Garden Information for this report
Bloom Wattage Used: 1100w to 2000w
Average Plant Height: 96
Plants per Sq. Foot: 1.00
Average Yield per Plant: 3.00
Pruning or Plant Style: Perpetual Harvest
Fertilization Method: Mix of chemical and organic

Veg under fluros. Flower under two 1000 watt HPS's. The flowering space is around 13 x 10. Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil is used from start to finish. In veg there fed Fox Farm Grow Big, Hygrozyme, and Liquid Karma. In flower they are fed Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, Earth Juice Bloom, PBP Bloom, Liquid Karma and Hygrozyme.

One thing that struck me a funny about this is the amount of veiws this topic gets...Im journaling the G13 on 3 sites and all 3 of them put together dont have as many views as this thread.
I guess people would rather argue about it then take a look at it growing out..??????????????????