Ear Wax

hey fdd i can finally give you some advice,after all the butane evaps off, vacuum purge it, you can make a vacuum pump out of a refrigerator compressor, i always get a consistency between taffy and earwax. peace

it always goes back to a clear oil, .... IMG_3336.jpgIMG_3341.jpgIMG_4031.jpg
Yo fdd just a suggestion man take it with a grain of salt :). IMHO shooting oil right into room temp water helps the evap process and whips budder up nicely, my uncle has been doing it for years and turned me onto it about a year ago. after the oil is ran it floats on top of the water and collects into a sheet. I tap the sheet of oil with a razer, all comes out with a poke or two, no messy scraping except for the corners :) give it a try if you have some extra trim! From your other posts I have a feeling you have some laying around :D
Shit looks tastey to me. Try the double boiler on low method it's low enough heat to not mess with the terps too much unless it's a real lemony strain. It budders most every time I double boil it for a bit. You'll see it go from clear to a cloudy dry chunking in the pan. purge a lil longer (10 min) the scrape. Budder for me atleast.
try purging it multiple times, looks like there's still a little butane in it, maybe let it evap a bit more before purging also

i purge it until it stops bubbling. then i even tried going back the next day and purged it again. i have been stirring and purging this last batch for 4 days now. nothing is happening.

i am not sure if everybody saw the pic or not, but this is nothing like what i get. when you warm it up it does melt like oil. it almost gets drier, then melts. it is dry, like playdough. it is not oil in any form. it is more like a dry paste.

the oil i make is in the dish. the "wax" was made by my buddy.

are you using trim or buds? trim is usually harder to get to wax, try purge then stir, repeat, i have had batches that took at least 10 purges to wax up
are you using trim or buds? trim is usually harder to get to wax, try purge then stir, repeat, i have had batches that took at least 10 purges to wax up

i'm using stems. ;) IMG_4204.jpg

it's ground bud with spoon fulls of kief added actually. :)

after 10 purges i've smoked it all.

i need my buddy to walk me thru it.
one more tip, i evap with hot but not boiling water, in my experience higher heat = darker, stickier oil. hope that helps
Im gonna take a wild guess that while it may be strain related, its likely also related to the time at which the material was harvested. Its well know that THC gland heads start clear, become cloudy, then turn maroon/redish color as the plant matures and gets older. This could definately attribute to the many different colors and consistencies. I would most likely assume that you and your friend are using different starting material FDD2BLK? Did he harvest earlier than you? Or grow more sativa dominate strains? I suspect the waxy/flakier consistencies are from higher THC% and low CBD%/CDN%. IMO the darker/oilier consistencies have seemed to be more heavy/stoney/lethargic body feeling, while the lighter/waxier consistencies have seemed to be more clear/soaring/energetic. I may be wrong but these statements have seemed consistant with my findings thus far:)
i stirred this before it even evaped all the butane off. i think i'm getting close. it's still hella sticky though.

Have you tried butane hash oil exchange method?
Heres a vid i just looked up, its a decent one. You basically strip the weed of resin slowly...

how do you get the youtube box in your post I think that's why I didn't get an answer.
when i scrape it up and roll it into a ball it turns into oil. it shatters, and it's hard. if i hold onto it for more then a second it gets melty and messy. this is not the paste i am looking for. it sure is good though. :-P


it is dry to the touch, but when i run my fingers across the top the next day it looks like this, ... IMG_4546.jpg
u can make budder or wax with ANY strain! just keep adding heat and whipping, it will start to wax/budder up!
get it in the oven at 150-170 max. let it sit for a min and whip whip whip! it will start to budder as it cools. if its still oily keep adding heat and whipping! it took me a while to figure out the budder and wax maken too, now im all about clear sap though, whipping ur oil fucks with the terps and changes the taste imo. if i wanna make budder or wax i just heat it a lil longer than i normally would and vac it, comes rite out the vac waxy or buddery, no whipping involved!..
looks like u almost had it in those last pics ur post!..i feel u were almost there,its jsut such a big batch that its gunna take MORE HEAT and MORE WHIPPING! this is how my oild turns out in process.

Low heat and vac multiple times for sap. aka sexy oil

Med. Heat and vac for shatter.

High heat and vac for budder, some whipping if needed.
wtf 005.jpg
this is what i got from iso ex,whip game proper:hump::hump:
maybe a lil bakeing soda will help things,lock up for you?
