Ear Wax

get it in the oven at 150-170 max. let it sit for a min and whip whip whip! it will start to budder as it cools. if its still oily keep adding heat and whipping! it took me a while to figure out the budder and wax maken too, now im all about clear sap though, whipping ur oil fucks with the terps and changes the taste imo. if i wanna make budder or wax i just heat it a lil longer than i normally would and vac it, comes rite out the vac waxy or buddery, no whipping involved!..
looks like u almost had it in those last pics ur post!..i feel u were almost there,its jsut such a big batch that its gunna take MORE HEAT and MORE WHIPPING! this is how my oild turns out in process.

Low heat and vac multiple times for sap. aka sexy oil

Med. Heat and vac for shatter.

High heat and vac for budder, some whipping if needed.

I agree, maybe fdd you should try doing a smaller run. If thats possible LOL
get it in the oven at 150-170 max. let it sit for a min and whip whip whip! it will start to budder as it cools. if its still oily keep adding heat and whipping! it took me a while to figure out the budder and wax maken too, now im all about clear sap though, whipping ur oil fucks with the terps and changes the taste imo. if i wanna make budder or wax i just heat it a lil longer than i normally would and vac it, comes rite out the vac waxy or buddery, no whipping involved!..
looks like u almost had it in those last pics ur post!..i feel u were almost there,its jsut such a big batch that its gunna take MORE HEAT and MORE WHIPPING! this is how my oild turns out in process.

Low heat and vac multiple times for sap. aka sexy oil

Med. Heat and vac for shatter.

High heat and vac for budder, some whipping if needed.

after several HOURS of whipping and heating i gave up.
I agree, maybe fdd you should try doing a smaller run. If thats possible LOL

i've taken smaller amounts off to the side and whipped the shit out of them as well.

my oil is oil. when i whip it and then let it sit, it relaxes back into oil. no matter how much heat or whipping i do.

i wouldn't have started this thread if i hadn't tried it all first.

maybe my oil is too pure. :eyesmoke::blsmoke:
View attachment 1917817
this is what i got from iso ex,whip game proper:hump::hump:
maybe a lil bakeing soda will help things,lock up for you?


why is it covered in water? or is that iso?
are you grinding ur buds when u do ur runs? if u do try running whole nuggs! stuff ur extractor tight! hotplates help maken wax a lot too!
Im pretty sure some material just wont every "wax up"... You are runnin different material than your friend that gets wax, correct FDD2BLK? Some strain will even wax up naturally once %95 of the tane is evaporated. Also, are you using the same tane as your friend? Same process and extraction tube? Purge it the same as him? There are many variables but the most likely is that your material just cant make wax... Also, get a mighty vac hand pump for bleeding brakes from your nearest auto supply store... really helps things along and purges better.
Im pretty sure some material just wont every "wax up"... You are runnin different material than your friend that gets wax, correct FDD2BLK? Some strain will even wax up naturally once %95 of the tane is evaporated. Also, are you using the same tane as your friend? Same process and extraction tube? Purge it the same as him? There are many variables but the most likely is that your material just cant make wax... Also, get a mighty vac hand pump for bleeding brakes from your nearest auto supply store... really helps things along and purges better.

i have this, ... IMG_3336.jpgIMG_3341.jpg
Hey dont know if youve seen this or not but matt rize was saying on here that budder/wax is the result of Parrafin wax in the Butane.
Dont know if its true or not but figured if youve tried everything else maybe you should buy cheaper butane :P

^Link(second to last post on the page)

matt rize was stuck to my couch last week.

he says "your oil is simply to pure". :eyesmoke:


after stirring my oil for a week, then spreading it out thin and letting it sit in my playhouse on a shelf, it is starting to get pasty. it seems to me that this is happening due to the humidity in the air. the air in my playhouse gets damp overnight and i think the oil is picking up moisture. this may be what is causing it to "paste up".

honey oil is naturally sticky. in order to get an oil/wax/paste that is not sticky something has to change. i'm still trying to pinpoint what exactly that is. i have handled waxs that simply aren't sticky when handled, though they melt into oil once heated. my suspicions are leading to "water".
I accidentally made some and the method was far too easy. Started off doing everything regular; spray in pan, vape off initial gas, scrape into pile. I then placed my dish over a heat pad on high and started whipping the fuck out of it. Whipped it into a ball, let it heat up and melt back into a puddle, repeat... Every time is just settled back out into a clearish puddle of oil. So I left it overnight on the heat pad...


In the morning after ~8 hours on the heat pad it looked like honey that had started to crystallize (bad lighting much more yellow) and the entire glob just scraped up nice and clean. I don't have a picture but the rest of the oil I scraped out of the pan was hard flakes - when gathered and pressed together they formed a very waxy ball that looked just like your friends. I have a feeling you could forgo all the whipping and just leave overnight on a heat pad and then scrape and mold together - would likely create a whole pan of the firmer wax.



I've never been able to create "butter" or wax before so I assume it was the long low heat.
Did you read my first post fdd(pg 3)? I shoot my BHO directly into water and skim the floating layer after its ran with a razer blade. This extra moisture makes oil come out a caramelly(sp?) consistency and it has whipped in the oven after a few minutes with all strains i have tried. The whipped consistency is non-stick like you speak of, and the extra moisture from the water makes sense if your not getting the budder consistency after extensive whipping and purging.
If you get it fluid enough, add a dash of hot water, and whip really quickly you can form an emulsion between the water and the oil. It will look and behave like wax but will sputter when smoked.

The above method is a great example. I've done that several times but it's always popped and fizzled on me. Doesn't burn like true wax with no water in it, and you can't remove the water without removing the emulsion.
I think let the water completely evap when i left a sample in the oven and dried out at higher temps for longer. It turned into malleable(?) chunks when whipped, same "no stick" feeling, was fun to scrape too :). Gastanker is right though, all but the overdried sample had an odd "boiling" until it saturated into the buds. Dabs were a little violent but controllable. The overdried sample slowly broke down into smaller particles in the fridge and smoked better than any concentrate I have come across. felt like what I made was actually worth the 50-60 a g prices I see in some clubs, too bad it took 7 grams of primo buds to make... :(
i don't know how to make it. :-(

i have tried numerous times and failed. i try whipping and stirring and heating and warm water and everything my buddy told me to do. it just melts back into oil. :sad:

i hate when i can't do things. :sad:

this is my buddies, i want to make it just like this ... View attachment 1895878View attachment 1895879

but i can't because i keep failing. :sad:

Whats the diff between that chunk and the one you showed me a couple months ao. I believe I mentioned to you that I had seen anything that wonderful looking since 76.

Im real old and I have a bad memory but I believe you said you bubble bagged it.
Whats the diff between that chunk and the one you showed me a couple months ao. I believe I mentioned to you that I had seen anything that wonderful looking since 76.

Im real old and I have a bad memory but I believe you said you bubble bagged it.

i can make bubble hash that looks like that. :)
matt rize was stuck to my couch last week.

he says "your oil is simply to pure". :eyesmoke:


after stirring my oil for a week, then spreading it out thin and letting it sit in my playhouse on a shelf, it is starting to get pasty. it seems to me that this is happening due to the humidity in the air. the air in my playhouse gets damp overnight and i think the oil is picking up moisture. this may be what is causing it to "paste up".

honey oil is naturally sticky. in order to get an oil/wax/paste that is not sticky something has to change. i'm still trying to pinpoint what exactly that is. i have handled waxs that simply aren't sticky when handled, though they melt into oil once heated. my suspicions are leading to "water".

So instead of parrafin or water you should find a substance that combusts/vaporizes cleanly and that makes the oil wax up then mix it in to your pure BHO. :P Im sure some glycerin product would work.
i'm simply trying to replicate what others are already doing so i will understand what is going on. once i figure it out i will go back to simply letting my oil dry, undisturbed, until it shatters. :eyesmoke:
