To further iterate my point...

If you worked at any company in which you had to sign a NDA (non disclosure agreement for anyone that doesn't know), and you not only removed intellectual property from the company but also were sending and receiving the information on servers outside of the company, you'd be terminated and likely face criminal and civil suit for theft of intellectual property. A promotion... ha.

Apparently NDA protections are more serious an issue than our highest level security classifications and protocol.
Absolutely, if an employee violates a non disclosure agreement they can be reprimanded. Hillary was reprimanded. What do you think the FBI lead investigator meant when he said that in "similar circumstances," someone might face security or administrative sanctions, but not criminal charges?

You know what? Hillary doesn't work for the government right now. She can be prevented from doing so if enough people don't vote for her and vote for the other guy. Your problem is, the other guy is Trump. If this is the worst you can do to smear Hillary, you lose. Because Trump smears himself every day.
So the official statement is always correct... the official statement is that cannabis is harmful, has no medical benefit and should be classified schedule 1. So you believe all official statements??

2. I never claimed she was guilty of a crime, but I have repeatedly pointed out her lying, and the FBI acknowledgement of her gross negligence. You have yet to concede that she acted negligently even though the FBI told us so.
So, then, we agree. Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug. No evidence was found that Hillary committed a crime.

What do you want to argue about?
Whether or not Cannabis should be a schedule 1 drug or
Whether or not evidence was found that Hillary committed a crime?
She did do wrong. Her actions were denounced. An employee has been reprimanded. Exactly the correct punishment to fit the crime. You claim she is guilty of criminal acts. No evidence of this. Yet you continue to say she should be charged with criminal act, even though Comey said this:

In "similar circumstances," someone might face security or administrative sanctions, he said, but not criminal charges.

As a result, the FBI is recommending to Justice Department prosecutors that no charges be brought against Clinton.

And you guys say I'm retarded. Laughing at you.
Your hopeless...LOL She was much more than an employee, she held one of the highest security and ranking positions in our country and did or potentially did endanger our country by not following the laws she was to uphold and follow. She was not a low level employee but the Secretary of State, and she blew those laws off for her own personal convenience. If that is who you want to be our president that is your prerogative, but as secretary of state, she should be held to the standard that the position requires, and she showed no regard for her position or the safety or security of our nation. You can spin it however you want, but the facts are the facts. This demonstrates how screwed up the system is, that is all. If one of your homeboys did this, they would be fired or have their ass in military jail, and then you would be screaming from the hilltops that the system was rigged.
It's not about smearing anyone, that's where you're completely misguided.

It's about the powerful and corrupt continuing this farce in order to retain power.

She has been a lifelong politician with ties to the upper echelon of humans on this planet. To be this deep in her career and prove inept at her last position somehow qualifies her to take reigns of the most powerful country in the world?

I'm sorry, a lifetime of scandal and anything short of excellence is not reason to be catapulted into the oval office.

They tried to smear Obama, unsuccessfully. I'm not trying to smear Hillary, only point out she's not some jewel in the rough or some unfortunate sole who fell onto unfortunate circumstances.

She has held some of the most powerful positions in the history of the world, and she continues to consistently be at the center of scandal, this time as a result of her gross negligence, criminal charges or not.
@Fogdog... good job with that deflection. I know you're smarter than Buck and do understand the intent (hehe) behind my comparison of what those in power say not always being true or the moral correct thing.

The comparison being that those who told you Hillary committed no crime, are telling you that cannabis should be criminal.
It's not about smearing anyone, that's where you're completely misguided.

It's about the powerful and corrupt continuing this farce in order to retain power.

She has been a lifelong politician with ties to the upper echelon of humans on this planet. To be this deep in her career and prove inept at her last position somehow qualifies her to take reigns of the most powerful country in the world?

I'm sorry, a lifetime of scandal and anything short of excellence is not reason to be catapulted into the oval office.

They tried to smear Obama, unsuccessfully. I'm not trying to smear Hillary, only point out she's not some jewel in the rough or some unfortunate sole who fell onto unfortunate circumstances.

She has held some of the most powerful positions in the history of the world, and she continues to consistently be at the center of scandal, this time as a result of her gross negligence, criminal charges or not.
"a lifetime of scandal" Not one of those scandals have amounted to anything. Not one. A lifetime of accusations is the reality. Which is why I mock.

Did you know that Trump is guilty of raping a child. Four times! with people watching, yuck.

Your Presidential candidate secretary of state blamed the loss of an ambassador on a fucking website. (which later proved, through her own emails, to be a known perpetuated lie)

Good day.
Your hopeless...LOL She was much more than an employee, she held one of the highest security and ranking positions in our country and did or potentially did endanger our country by not following the laws she was to uphold and follow. She was not a low level employee but the Secretary of State, and she blew those laws off for her own personal convenience. If that is who you want to be our president that is your prerogative, but as secretary of state, she should be held to the standard that the position requires, and she showed no regard for her position or the safety or security of our nation. You can spin it however you want, but the facts are the facts. This demonstrates how screwed up the system is, that is all. If one of your homeboys did this, they would be fired or have their ass in military jail, and then you would be screaming from the hilltops that the system was rigged.
She collected a salary and was an official in the government. That makes her an employee, as much as anybody can be. She isn't an employee now and may be not ever. If not for Trump, that is. (snicker)

You say all these things, "endanger", "not following laws" and so forth. I'm not spinning anything, you are. The lead investigator said there was no evidence of a criminal act. None. That's what he said.

Now, based upon this accusation that has no evidence you continue to say "endanger", "not following laws", all of which are not wrong. Just not criminal acts. You also say this proves the whole system is rigged. Based upon accusation. Not evidence of criminal act.

So, I agree the system is screwed up. Also people are shot and killed by cops without cause yet the cop walks without accountability. This is wrong. But to say anybody should be held accountable for a crime based upon accusation alone is pretty fucked up too.

Trump is accused of a crime of rape. Four times. In front of people, yuck.

By your standard, Trump is already guilty and should be put in jail for the rest of his life.

Your Presidential candidate secretary of state blamed the loss of an ambassador on a fucking website. (which later proved, through her own emails, to be a known perpetuated lie)

Good day.
Benghazi, another scandal that has amounted to nothing. You claim she's guilty there too. Too funny this. You guys just keep walking into it.

So based upon your standard, Trump is guilty of raping a child. Four times. In front of people, yuck.
What exactly did I claim her to be guilty of? She lied, that is already proven from her official public statement at the time of the ambassador's death, the emails that emerged after the fact. She said YouTube, but YouTube is still up... so who was responsible for Benghazi if not YouTube like Hillary claimed initially (though through email she said otherwise admittedly acknowledging even that it was NOT YouTube)

Based on my allegation, she lied to the American people just like she lied to Code Pink and Cindy Shehand about her vote for Iraq.

Did she vote for Iraq, did the FBI say she was grossly negligent in her actions as Secretary of State... sure trump raped someone, happy now, now your turn...
What exactly did I claim her to be guilty of? She lied, that is already proven from her official public statement at the time of the ambassador's death, the emails that emerged after the fact. She said YouTube, but YouTube is still up... so who was responsible for Benghazi if not YouTube like Hillary claimed initially (though through email she said otherwise admittedly acknowledging even that it was NOT YouTube)

Based on my allegation, she lied to the American people just like she lied to Code Pink and Cindy Shehand about her vote for Iraq.

Did she vote for Iraq, did the FBI say she was grossly negligent in her actions as Secretary of State... sure trump raped someone, happy now, now your turn...
People lie all the time. You don't think Trump lies? It's what they do that matters. You don't like that she lied. I can live with that.
LOL, have to laugh Comey says her actions were extremely careless, but it can't be proven that she intended to break any laws, but any Reasonable person should have known to not be sending or receiving these highly classified top secret emails on an unclassified system....well I guess he just called her and her colleagues dumbass's and said they could not prove that she intentionally broke the law...that is our next commander in chief...so she is careless, wreckless and we can't prove she intentionally did this...actually this is worse then intentionally doing it!:roll: Lord help us...:|:|:|
She will sell us out for her own. See ambassadors lost as a result of YouTube.

For me, I don't like any of the lifetime billionaire sleezeball class, they are all likely raping people and doing ungodly atrocities, but please stop painting her as if she's just some unfortunate soul victim to circumstances which inconveniently follow her throughout her tenure as a politician.
Anyone else in a position of power would have gotten the boot and been held to never again be in a position to have in their possession or control any documents of any level of classification.

This is like catching someone with a box cutter on a plane, and being like... well we cannot prove the intent with what you might have done, so go ahead and get on a bigger plane.
She will sell us out for her own. See ambassadors lost as a result of YouTube.

For me, I don't like any of the lifetime billionaire sleezeball class, they are all likely raping people and doing ungodly atrocities, but please stop painting her as if she's just some unfortunate soul victim to circumstances which inconveniently follow her throughout her tenure as a politician.
LOL, more sob stories than one person can count..