Feminists, Women organizations and stuff...


Well-Known Member
I don't want to rape anyone... it doesn't seem fun at all. Actually it seems like hard work, aaaaand I just don't think I'm down for hard work.
Rape is not usually a horny kind of thing...it is about the violence involved and the control over another person that causes most people to rape...it isn't like a guy is going to keep getting shot down and one day go out and rape someone....It is about anger and violence, the need to control and inflict lifelong pain on another person...It isn't abot sex usually..it is about control and breaking another person...that is why rape is common in jail. There are plenty of men that will happily have sex with a horny guy in jail...when someone gets raped in jail it isn't because some guy got horny...guys are raped in jail because there are rapists in jail and while it might be deepseeded anger against women or some other issue they still feel the need to dominate and injur other people it weakens the spirit more than your average beating...Like dogs humping...they aren't horney they are showing they are the boss...uuuuggggghhhhhh new topic...gross


Well-Known Member
I didn't know mac & cheese was a white thing.
It isn't really...some comedian sometime was saying every race does something...what is white and all the audience could come up with was wine in a box, and Macaroni and Cheese...but I was like hey! I love Mac and Cheese...I also enjoy fried chicken and watermelon---and my skin gets no more tan...I also enjoy tacos and burritos and nachos...all the os really...I also love Chinese but my eyes don't have that super awesome slant...I am just saying different strokes for different folks...Everyone has their side of the fence and their complaints about everyone's grass...

I get really mad when my husband tells my son to stop being a girl, because is it really so terrible to be a girl...?! I haven't been a guy, but I feel like being a girl agrees with me for the most part... Hell at shitty jobs you can usually get paid more and still keep your clothes on...Then again I am a manipulator...so I am pretty good about sizing someone up and knowing how to interact with them in a way that most benefits me...wish I didn't, try hard not to...but I'm not going to get a damn ticket and if talking to someone a certain way gets me out of trouble then you guys keep getting beat up on COPS while I roll on through


Well-Known Member
If I hadn't been treated differently for one reason or another throughout most of my life would I feel and act the way I do now...Who knows...but some people say that it is the segregated view that causes all the issues in the first place... So really don't start nothing and there won't be nothing...But the idea behind any movement is to get people to look at things differently..I have a male friend that is super into women's rights and we'll debate sometimes and he always gets me with would you feel that way if nobody ever acted that way towards you...? And I am always like well damn! would I?...


Well-Known Member
I just deplore the fact that instead of taking advantage of each others strengths (races, gender, age...whatever). We use the weaknesses to discriminate and separate instead of all uniting together and improving each others strengths and weaknesses...


Well-Known Member
Then again I am a manipulator...so I am pretty good about sizing someone up and knowing how to interact with them in a way that most benefits me...wish I didn't, try hard not to...but I'm not going to get a damn ticket and if talking to someone a certain way gets me out of trouble then you guys keep getting beat up on COPS while I roll on through
This is off topic but it's what I found most interesting in this thread. I can't stand manipulators, people who must exercise their control over other people. Wannabe gods. I think the reason they bug me so much is because A) I'm one of them B) I've spent a lot of time around them. I find intelligent people to be the most manipulative, self-serving people around. They grew up learning that, if they put their mind to it, they can get whatever the fuck they want, so they carry that notion into their adult life. Meanwhile, other children who are just as important (in my opinion) infer that they aren't as special, and must surrender their power to the "superior" manipulators. The manipulators convince themselves that they are above everyone, including concepts such as "the law" and they will often do things such as speeding (missnu's example, I'm guessing) or even embezzlement, without feeling that they deserve any negative consequences, like a ticket or jail. It seems so unjust. I hate that I have the tendency to manipulate practically programmed into me.

If you really want to change the behavior than you're on the right track with admitting it exists.