firecrackers w/ leaf?


Well-Known Member
just sittin around smoking some god-awful leaf and came across a recipe for firecrackers. for those that don't know wat they are: its basically 2 crackers smeared w/ peanut-butter sandwiched together w/ weed in the middle then baked.
my question, for the ones that are already familiar w/ em is: if most recipes (that i saw) call for between .5-1 g of bud, how much leaf would suffice? if i took 2 oz of leaf and mixed w/ a whole jar of peanut-butter, would that work? anyone out there experienced w/ this?
i already know, nutella also works, use organic p.b., etc, i just wanna know if anyone thinks i could make em w/ leaf, and if so how much i should use. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Depends on the leaf. Some leaves have very little thc, so it would take ALOT. On the other hand if it is good bud leaves off some white widow or similar weed 2 oz/jar would probably give you a pretty nice buzz.


Active Member
I've been making firecrackers all week, there the best! But honestly there probably gonna taste like butthole with 2 zips of leaves.
Like Cindysid said, it really depends on the leaf, but in my experience, even making them with some fire mid I need to eat at least two of them to get good. It all comes down to your personal tolerance and the quality of the leaf you're using.


I've been trying to make some Firecrackers all week. I havent been using Organic PB instead I was mixing Jif with oil. I read someones recipe and it said that would work as well as the organic PB. So far though I havent been getting any good results. Anyone have any tips?