First grow behind lcd tv


Well-Known Member
yeah watching the plant grow is sick. i got a webcam going right now and plan to creat a time lapse video. but idk ima stoner so maybe not .. lol. n na were all good..


Active Member
just looking in to see hows your plant is doing...
thankssmokeone its doing mighty fine.

time lapse videos are nice man, it would be real nice if you do it, you'll be the first to do it on weed. once my growth is done i'm gonna do it with pictures. cause when i was looking for stages of growth on marijuana i couldn't find it.
Btw i checked out the foxfarm products in my local hydro store they ridiculiously over priced, 25 bucks for grow big same with tiger bloom. But theres is this other hydro store thats selling this thing called DNF grow A and B 500ml dutch nutrient formula.

DNF Gro A & B

Gro A

Soluable Potash…........2%

Gro B

Available Phosphate..…1%
Soluble Potash………….3%

any ideas if i should get this instead?


Active Member
No worries dude at all. and everyones two cents is a great addition. Sharing experience is the best part of learning. If i came off harsh i apologize didn't mean to, and about the experienced still learning and hopefully always will be. Like right now i am trying some LST on a few other plants i have in the cab at the moment, and i really would love to perfect this art. Its neat to watch the plant grow in a circle Ha
I know exactly what you mean man, but it sounds like we all need a better hobby haha so still no ideas on how those burns(rust at the tip of the leaves) are developing?


Well-Known Member
I am going to attempt this one more time, but if my browser kills my post again you are going to have to wait till i finish this bowl.

Ok two things that i can think of that would be causing the tips of the leaves to rust. One being the foil and the other being Ph. On the foil i know that you are not using a high watt bulb, but the tips of the leaves are the frailest part of its structure. The fan leave its self has lots of surface area as well as moisture if humidity is right. It can take a little more heat before breaking down and dieing. If the tips are close to touching or are touching the foil you may see this happen. One way to remedy this is to go get a piece of flat white cardboard and make a tube out of it. This will spread the light even as well as drop the temps. So you will get a dual benefit there.

Now on to the Ph. Make sure that the water you are using is 5.8-6.0 in Ph level. I use 6.0 and lock it there and have my best growth. I cheat a little with this as well. I use chilled rain water for my plants. The reason that i use this is because its free, high in N, and has a natural Ph of 6.0, so who can really argue with mother nature. I have found that when i filter, bottle, and chill the water it stays at 6.0. I always test a sample before i use it and buffer if needed but 9 times out of 10 its right on spot. Plus when i mix in the FF its like steroids for the plants.

Now, about the nutes that you posted. The first looks ok to use through veg. I would start on a low dose per gallon, say 1/8-1/4 strength and then work up as the plant responds. Now when it comes to bloom you are going to need something that is high in phosphorous but still has enough N to keep her leaves green. If you dont get something like this, in the 3rd week of bloom you will run into what is known as the bloom food crisis ( thanks uncle ben). The plant kicks into over drive at this point. If it does not get what it needs from the soil, it will start to pull it from the leaves and you then get yellowing. So nip this in the bud and spend a little money here. Remember you cant repair discoloration in structured leaves you can stop the problem from spreading.


Active Member
wow that just blasted my mind duples, but i got everything you were trying to say, and it makes perfect sense. ill replace the foil with the cardboard and see if its that or the ph. can i give the 2 part nutes for the flowering phase as well then? i use the my houses filtered water which has an industrial filter on it, so no worries on the chorine and what not. Not sure about the ph of the water itself, but it tastes way better than bottled waters.


Well-Known Member
wow that just blasted my mind duples, but i got everything you were trying to say, and it makes perfect sense. ill replace the foil with the cardboard and see if its that or the ph. can i give the 2 part nutes for the flowering phase as well then? i use the my houses filtered water which has an industrial filter on it, so no worries on the chorine and what not. Not sure about the ph of the water itself, but it tastes way better than bottled waters.
for the two part nutes in bloom you can but make sure one of them is bloom food. The other will be a buffer/booster to what you are feeding it. Remember when mixing the two make the entire amount equal to the desired strength of the mixture. If not you could throw things out of wack and mute the plant.

The filtered water is good, but taste alone will not work to detirmine the Ph level of the water. I use an aquarium Ph tester. you can get it for about 3 bucks at wally world. The meter only goes as low as 6.0 on the scale. This is ok for me because i stated in another post i lock mine in at 6.0.


Active Member
aright cool, i'm gonna have to grab that asap, i hope i can get that today or hopefully tom.


Well-Known Member
aright cool, i'm gonna have to grab that asap, i hope i can get that today or hopefully tom.
awesome the kit is a tube and Ph drops and it comes with a little color chart. that way after adding the drops you can hold it to the card and match the colors.


Active Member
ok i have a lot of updates and a decent amount of questions to ask haha. The plant is doing well to begin and i bought some serious nutes which ill post the pics and its ingredients tomorrow (camera still down :( ) And i put white wallpaper (which i found in the basement) around the plant, and it seems to be reflecting light well. First off, i'm wandering at this stage of the game (the plant turned 3 weeks old this sunday) how much water should i be giving it ( cup measurement or in mL would be nice) when? do i give nutes with every watering? how much nutes (ill post the strength of the nutes tomorrow). Also i have a quick question about cloning, can i clone plants (not pot) in "water" with this nutrient...? cause on the label it says help for rooting as well. what i'm thinking is chop off some of the plants that i want to clone and put it in a dark pot full of water with nutrient inside it. will it root this way? some people say you need to do it in rockwool, and that its the humidity that forces the plant to root. so what i'm thinking is if put my cut plant in water full of nutrients will it drown or will it root? sorry for the long post but i'd really appreciate the help. thanks


Well-Known Member
its really hard to say just how much to give it. I usually go buy the weight of the pot as well as the moisture level of the soil. If it does get over watered it will show, and if that happens just wait till the soil is really dry before watering again. As far as the nutes go and feeding. I my self feed with every water. i usually pre mix a gallon of water with the amount of nutes i have been using and then feed from that every water till gone. i usually dont run into nute burn and it keeps the PPM and Ph at the same levels all the time in the soil. this has brought me tons of luck.

With the cloneing i will let some one with more experience handel, as i am still very green at this my self. I usually grow from seed and have not taken that many clones. I do know that high humidity will assist rooting, but thats about it.....sorry on this one fiveoh


Active Member
nothing to be sorry for man, you've been really helpful. i need a 1 gallon container though, i fed my nutes with a 2 litre. premixing would be nice because the water will get to stay at room temperature and air out. I'm posting some pics this afternoon so stick around. In the past 17 hrs the nutes made it grow a little bit faster. I'm gonna see if the plant needs more water if so, then ill give it some more nutes today. i gave it yesterday at 7pm but right now its 12pm and nice n sunny ( so its tempting)


Well-Known Member
nothing to be sorry for man, you've been really helpful. i need a 1 gallon container though, i fed my nutes with a 2 litre. premixing would be nice because the water will get to stay at room temperature and air out. I'm posting some pics this afternoon so stick around. In the past 17 hrs the nutes made it grow a little bit faster. I'm gonna see if the plant needs more water if so, then ill give it some more nutes today. i gave it yesterday at 7pm but right now its 12pm and nice n sunny ( so its tempting)
looking forward to the pics. One thing to be cautious of is do not feed it high direct sun light. You risk frying the plants this way

glad that i have been some help to ya bud


Well-Known Member
cant help you with the cloning either but have HEARD its best to feed when lights come on and amount of water is just till you get 10% run off you dont want any dry areas in soil or air pockets thats why its good to make sure to evenly water the entire pot until you get run off hopefully someone will come by and answere your cloning Q if not you can post it in advanced mj threads maby?


Active Member
ok i'm just gonna give you guys what you came here to see. you can throw out comments on whatever you see in there, good or bad...



Well-Known Member
wow deff hooked it up with the pics she is looking great nice and green when you plan on putting her outside?


Active Member
wow deff hooked it up with the pics she is looking great nice and green when you plan on putting her outside?
lol yah bud, i'm thinking i would put her outside during the flowering stage. should i be worried about the rust on some of the leaves?


Well-Known Member
long as all your new growth is coming in nice and green with none of the rust looking stuff then its a problem of the past but if its coming in on new growth then you should be worried still


Active Member
oh got it, so you mean that the rusting was from a previous watering mistake (more acidic water i suppose). But i think the rust is growing on those leaves, should i cut it or let it be for now. i'm thinking i should cut it if it gets much bigger.


Well-Known Member
ah crap dude im tripping some deffencies will grow on diff parts of the plants IE old or new growth feel like a deush for posting that last one ill look at ur pics again and grab my book see if i can identify it when my son wakes up he's sleeping on my chest right now lol