First Grow - CFL + Bagseed + Cabinet (previously rubbermaid)


Active Member
I was waiting for the confirmation on them cancelling my other order before placing it again... as of now it looks like i'll get the deal though.


Active Member
So... i looked into other seedbanks and it seems most all of them are international so i won't be able to use the gift card and i really don't want to use my debit card right now. Instead though... I ordered a 125w daylight bulb and 2 120mm fans so i can make a mini veg section in my cab. Bag seed round 2 coming up in a few weeks ;)


Well-Known Member
thats cool .... if my mate still aint talked his missus round about growing i'll keep my cab (instead of gifting it to him) and re-use it as a veg cab when i move and get the space for my tent setup


Well-Known Member
So... i looked into other seedbanks and it seems most all of them are international so i won't be able to use the gift card and i really don't want to use my debit card right now. Instead though... I ordered a 125w daylight bulb and 2 120mm fans so i can make a mini veg section in my cab. Bag seed round 2 coming up in a few weeks ;)


Active Member
Bagseed is almost more exciting... you'll never know what you're gonna get! Especially when purple is a possibility!


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah, most seedbanks oddly enough are uk based lol and or Dutch and there abouts...

Though I like to know what I'm growing and much prefer femmed seeds... Don't forget to post pics of the veg cab when it's done! :)


Active Member
Oh for sure, finals end in a few days then i'll have plentyyyy of free time. I'll probably order some seeds in the next month or so just waiting on another paycheck. I'm sending them to a friend so worst comes to worst i simply say i sent him a gift of a t-shirt (which will be shipped along with the other "gifts")


Well-Known Member
It looks so good! Can't wait till mine starts developing buds!
What kind of amount are you hoping to get from this? Any sort of goal?


Active Member
Been trying to hold back on the pics to show a bigger difference but day 30 sounds like a good update day... anyways here's the pics. Much more orange hairs coming in...


about halfway through flowering? further maybe? thoughts?