First Grow. Cfl in PC Case - Red Dwarf and Pakistan Ryder


You have a decent plan here, if you want some info on assembly or setups with pics feel free to pm me.

At this point may I please ask, how long will the veg cycle last? Does that really block odor?


Well-Known Member
Hey man looking good... Could you please tell me how many Litres/gallons or what size are the pots

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Ona scent block works like no other. Covers plants/smoke,pets it does everything. I always keep one in the car ;) covers smoke like a motha lol. And btw your girls are looking good man. Keep up the green thumb. Respect man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments guys ! :)

laboratory, the veg should be 14 days for Pakistan Ryder and 14-21 days for the red dwarf .

swantip, i dont know the exact sizes, one is about 1 liter and the other one 1.5 liter .

loudpac, i will check your grow ! :)

King Blunt, thanks for the reply, this Ona thing is really strong lol :). Respect ! :)

and todays update -red dwarf @ day 9 and paki ryder @ day 6



Well-Known Member
The red dwarf is still not looking good, should i do something or it is normal ? red dwarf @ day 11 and paki ryder @ day 8
i dk if its a good idea but i have seen groweres cut away the brown parts of the leaves maybe it may help ( but i think its more for pests)


Well-Known Member
The red dwarf is still not looking good, should i do something or it is normal ? red dwarf @ day 11 and paki ryder @ day 8
i dk if its a good idea but i have seen growers cut away the brown parts of the leaves maybe it may help ( but i think its more for pests)


Well-Known Member
Is there enough drainage in the pot man? how many holes are at the bottom of the pot? maybe it could be that or maybe it could be from overwatering. I wouldn't cut any part of the plant at this stage.its too young.


Well-Known Member
i think thats enough.overwatering is probably the issue. in that stage in my grow i use only a sprayer to water the plant, just to moist the surface of the soil. they dont need too much water yet. a few sprays on the surface is ok


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone :) Little update, i have made more holes of the pot and did not give the red dwarf water for 2 days. Now it looks better i think :) The pakistan ryder is growing good, its on picture 1 and 2. Red dwarf @ day 13 and paki ryder @ day 10 .

I am wondering, should i put the plants more space away from the bulbs so they can get some height or to stay like they are now, close to the bulbs ?



Well-Known Member
What rampage said. Do not lift your lights.The height they gain by staying away from the light is called stretching and it is not good as it reduces the final yield.Plus you are growing in a pc case which means that you want them short and bushy


Well-Known Member
Thats why i love af's, they are growing superfast compared to photoperiod plants and you can fit them anywhere.Perfect for stealthy grows.


Well-Known Member
first 3 pics - red dwarf @ day 20 , next 2 pics - paki ryder @ day 17 , and the last is group pic :)
Im thinking to changed one of the bulbs from 6500k to 2700k for 1-2 days, and after this to put the second 2700k :) Is it ok like that ? And should i LST or its ok ?

