First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Well-Known Member
Hell Ya Exploit! Thanks for stopping by. I try to update about everyday. But useually turns out to be every other day : )

Your grow is great! you need to put a link in your sig. so people from my thread can check out your grow!



Well-Known Member
Hey DaC...gotta hand it to ya...very ambitious...good work on the bulb search...that will be a nice combo for your you have a dual spectrum! also, when it comes to watering...don't overdo it...when the top inch of soil becomes dry, stick your finger into the soil about an inch down, if its wet, dont water...if its dry...water! I bought a cheap moisture meter from my local nursery that assists me....GL!


Active Member
DAC! how goes it today? i have alot of growth on my girl today. she wants to keep growing straight up, but i keep bending those tops over. and she keeps sprouting up new ones.

cant wait to see some new pics of your girls soon!


Well-Known Member
Hey TK thanks for dropping by : ) Your always welcomes here : )

Ya Ill be posting up pics tomorrow.

Thinking about adding 2 more 150w 2700K CFLs. Couldint hurt right?

Im watering them about 1/2 cup daily, to much? Anyone?



Well-Known Member
JB30 Thanks you Thanks you : )

Ya Thats what all im trying to get straightened out now is the whole, Watering thing... : /

Thanks you for stopping by JB30 : )



Well-Known Member
holy shit jonboy, that spider display picture. creepy as hell lol.
hahaha...thanks DLC...yeah, that female cross spider patrols my garden...any bug dares to enter...muwahhaha:fire:
JB30 Thanks you Thanks you : )

Ya Thats what all im trying to get straightened out now is the whole, Watering thing... : /

Thanks you for stopping by JB30 : )

yeah man, pick up a soil moisture meter from Lowes/HD/Wallyworld...
Hey, btw, my folks just rolled through Ashville last weekend...


Well-Known Member
lol! nice. You live near here?

And ya im thinking about the meter. you said it was only like 10$. But is it that important?

Will be posting up pics soon. Babies are still sleeping though : )



Well-Known Member
Alright! Day #10 Update!!

alright. I have some pics. I think its drooping because of overwatering! or I have a fan on them 24/7 so can they just be bending because of the wind?

The leaves dont look unhealthy or wilted. Just drooping. anyway, will probly go and get that soil meter.

Now for pics!




Active Member
at that point.
You should get the soil moist.
Not soaked.

and water it only a few days...

I'd say like... a few cups or something every other day.......

I once over watered, and left it sit for like 3 days. the plant grew up like a weed in 3 days, doubled in size almost...
after that, I just waited till it LOOKED like it needed water. Then I just grew that bond with my plant for it's first 2 months....

lookin good


Well-Known Member
yeah man wait until the leaves look perky and the ends are lifting towards the light. also stick your finger about 2 inches down in the soil (WATCH OUT FOR ROOTS YOU WILL RIP THEM!!) if it comes out moist and with a bunch of dirt on it DONT WATER. If the soil is dry 2 inches down and not very much sticks its time to water. like shadow said SEMI-FLOOD all of the soil ONCE, then wait until all the water sinks down (you can watch it happen) then semi-flood again and your girl should be done for 2-3 days. I like to use a water bottle with one of those sport caps so i can get a steady stream but not dump it all in at once. GOOD LUCK!


Well-Known Member
Yoyoyo Thanks you for the advise Budz. Im think im going to just water like 1/2 cup or so every other day then see how they do.

Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned in!



Well-Known Member
Yo also I wanted everyone to know that when i went to go tell the babies goodnight, They had grow alot more sence I had taken those pics earlier today. : )

Ill post up pics tomorrow for yall, there beautiful!



Well-Known Member
alright! Im going to take pics now : ) Give me just a bit, I have a slow comp : )

Anyway! Be back in a bit!

: )



Well-Known Member
Alright! Let get some Day #12 Update going!! : )

Ok so Ive cut down on watering to like 60ml a day (1/4 cup). So its not alot at all. Im probly going to change watering over to like a cup or 1&1/2 cups every other day,what do yall think?

Im going to be buying 2 more lights soon (I currently have 4 but have room for 6) Ill be buying (2) more 150w 2700K CFLs. Ill be able to properly finish the grow on all those.

Now for the good news! The babies are on their 3rd node(right word?) like there 3 branches up : )

2 of the babies have kinda ruff leaves then one has waxy leaves,whats that about?

Time for PICS!


