First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Well-Known Member
same that I germed in (pg.#1) but I think its just the reg. miracle grow? : )

Thanks you TK for keeping up with my thread : ) +Rep

Hows yours doing TK?



Well-Known Member
Woot WOoT!

Day #13! My babies are growing super fast!

The stems have thickened up nicely, Im proud of them!

Now I have somthing speacial for yall!

Instead of taking pics with my cellphone, I got the wify's digital camera and took some high deff pics for yall! : )

I took a few close ups of the new nodes : ) Enjoy! : P

What do yall think of 2 Cups of water every other day?




Active Member
dude they are looking super good. i think you need a few more lights now man. you can see them growing towards the lights, which means you need some more lumens. good news is they arent stretching to much.

I love the pics :)


Well-Known Member
YOYO! Thanks you both for stopping by!

And I moved the lights for the pics, The last pic is the correct setup for the lighting : )

Ill also be getting 2 more 150w CFLs to go in there within the next week.

What about the watering question? What about 2 cups every other day? Or More? Or less??



Well-Known Member
alright! today is all good, the babies are looking great. Ill charge the batteries for the wifys camera tonight so Ill take PICS tomorrow and post em!

I decided to go with two of my plants getting 2 cups of water every other day, then one of them gets 1 cup every other day. Im useing just plain bottled water from wallyworld : )

Ill probly go get the 2 more CFLs tomorrow or the next day. Not to sure. I moved the lights up some also to try to get them to stretch a little bit. its so wide that the leaves are starting to touch the ground and it kills the tips of the leaves that touch the soil : /

Anyway! Ill post pics tomorrow to so you how much my babies have grown!



Active Member
thats awesome,i did the exact same thing today hahaha moved the light up so it would stretch a bit. cause its so bushy. :)


Well-Known Member
lol! thanks for stopping by TK! : )

Ya yours are looking great I had just stopped by there!

What kinda strain do you plan on growing your next run and how many?



Active Member
haha i answered those exact questions on my journal LOL crazy! i answered on there before you asked . I LOVE IT


Active Member
But i am thinking of starting with just one female, and then cutting clones, andleaving the momma in Veg


Well-Known Member
lol! I just read that! Damnit you ninja! haha!

Super lemon skunk sounds good as hell! Where do you plan on ordering from?

Ahh the cloning! Sounds like a wonderfull Idea!

How many will you flower at a time? and for how long?


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
YOYO! Thanks you both for stopping by!

And I moved the lights for the pics, The last pic is the correct setup for the lighting : )

Ill also be getting 2 more 150w CFLs to go in there within the next week.

What about the watering question? What about 2 cups every other day? Or More? Or less??

Just water them intill the water starts to drip out the bottom than go every day and stick your finger in the soil on the side of a pot like 2 inchs down. If thesoil is moist go another day without watering and do the finger test b4 every watering...
Im in 1Gal pots and coffee pots, and I go 5 days without watering most times


Well-Known Member
YOYO Thanks for stopping by CG : )

Your plants are looking great and the discoloration on the bottem leaves and them dieing are natural and will happin when they just dont get enough light. Its fine : )

Id trim some of those fan leaves while the while flowering : )

Eh id be scared not to water them for 5 days and to water them that much! I feel like the plants are liking the 2 cups of water every other day. I dunno its just them telling me thats what they want. So I do it and they seem healthy : )

Thanks for the advise CG! And I do finger test before each watering,there feeling dry by the time I water : )



Well-Known Member
YOYOYO! Whats up everyone! Im headed to work but will be back later on tonight to take&post pics : P



Active Member
HAHA NINJA!!! my friends down south call me that because i have been in martial arts my entire life. halarious

i dont know how many clones etc.... that ill be doing, it all depends on the box i create. i am getting the SLH from a seed bank! and i cant wait to get it! gonna be a good time! but the box is gonna have to be good because that is an F'ing tall plant

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
YOYO Thanks for stopping by CG : )

Your plants are looking great and the discoloration on the bottem leaves and them dieing are natural and will happin when they just dont get enough light. Its fine : )

Id trim some of those fan leaves while the while flowering : )

Eh id be scared not to water them for 5 days and to water them that much! I feel like the plants are liking the 2 cups of water every other day. I dunno its just them telling me thats what they want. So I do it and they seem healthy : )

Thanks for the advise CG! And I do finger test before each watering,there feeling dry by the time I water : )

IDK my soil absorbs a lot of water, i give 2 quarts to the ones in the gallon pots..
eitther way seems to be working


Well-Known Member
Alright! Lets get some Day #16 Update In Your Lifes!!

Tomorrow Ill be going to get 2 maybe 4 more of the 150w 2700K's to put in there. They will finish the grow.

The Babies are looking amazing. The only thing that Is driving me crazy is the question about how much I will yeild....

I mean Im not looking for anything exact, Just want a ballpark. Like are we talking 1Oz per plant or a QP per plant!?!?! Im just trying not to get my hopes up on anything : /

But is anyone able to tell me a ballpark yeild?

I decided to stick with the 2 cups of water everyother day until I see that Its killing them,lol!

Now for the best part! Pics! : )

first pic is an overview of them. now each picture of a plant is followed by a close up of the stem of that plant,Then the last pic is an overview without the lights there : P





Well-Known Member
Lol TK thats cool, I used to do a bit of martial arts also : )

are you just gonna keep your mother in the box that you have now and then build a flowering box for your clones?



Well-Known Member
Kool Kool CG! Thanks for the reply : )

Have you harvested yet and how much did you yeild after drying?


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Kool Kool CG! Thanks for the reply : )

Have you harvested yet and how much did you yeild after drying?

No i still have 0% red hairs on my big girls and like 40% on my Kush bagseed..
About your yield question-
Its hard to answer without how many lights you have, how much vertical grow space
Are you gonna Top, pinch, LST, SCROG??
How big are your pots??
sorrry if its in your thread previously, i just figured that would take me a wile and you wanna quick ballpark guess