First Grow Day 3

Do they look like happy plants?

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I went ahead and mixed 5 ml in with 1/4 Cup of water and fed my questionable plant. Dose recommendation was 15 ml. Anyways we'll see how it goes.

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Active Member
How'd it go? I checked up on mine this morning and it has some very noticeable burned tips. I began germ for a new seed today. Hopefully I won't loose this plant but only time will tell. I am ready either way.


Well-Known Member
How'd it go? I checked up on mine this morning and it has some very noticeable burned tips. I began germ for a new seed today. Hopefully I won't loose this plant but only time will tell. I am ready either way.
So far so good. I'll have to check when I get home. My other 3/4 seeds were planted and have sprouted as well. Good luck to you! I do worry mine are a bit small but I think I'm over thinking again. Roots before shoots

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subbed up. hey dotn add that much nutes yet. use 1 tsp for 32 oz water right now. and dont feed every water. Jar what light you got now i see you got a tent.


Well-Known Member
subbed up. hey dotn add that much nutes yet. use 1 tsp for 32 oz water right now. and dont feed every water. Jar what light you got now i see you got a tent.
Hey bro! Hope all is well.
I ended up getting the 190 a51. Had it for about 3 days.

I'll definitely watch the nute intake. I'm sure I could use your wisdom with that as well!

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Well-Known Member
Soil is tuff but forgiving. You want 75% of the water to be used up before water again. If you dont let it dry that much you will hurt the roots big time. So you have to let it go dry and feel the weight of the pot then you will know the empty weight. then water it and pick up again. it takes a bit to learn this but is how its done. as far a nutes till you have 4 nodes use bloom and veg nutes at 1/8 strength each every other water if watering 2 times a week. each week the plant double in size double the nutes. till you get to max amount. now once you have the 4 nodes drop the bloom nutes and use veg now you will have to double the veg amount to make up for the bloom amount you are not using. that light should be at lowest setting right now. jsut flip a swithc on and look at intensity. and play with switches till you have the lowest on. once you get to 4 nodes then go to next higher setting and leave it till flip.

Hey bro! Hope all is well.
I ended up getting the 190 a51. Had it for about 3 days.

I'll definitely watch the nute intake. I'm sure I could use your wisdom with that as well!

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Active Member
Great advice DC thanks! I think I lost mine but I began a new Germ, had a few left of that unknown bag seed.


Well-Known Member
One question is why give both flower and veg nutes at the same time??

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first 2 weeks they are building a root and plant structure. the bloom has diff stuff in it that it needs. if you have a seedling starter nute then you can use that. My mom runs green houses and has for decades. She uses soil with no nutes then mixes 1/16 both veg and bloom nutes for seedlings 1 time a week 2nd week its 1/8th both. Now if you have nutes in your soil then dont add anything. if you feel the need a tiny bit of bloom nutes. after 2 weeks your plant will tell you if it needs something. If i was a rookie i would go and buy 420 soil. it has everything it needs from veg to flower. just water it. then in full bloom add molasses (mothers).

One question is why give both flower and veg nutes at the same time??

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Well-Known Member
first 2 weeks they are building a root and plant structure. the bloom has diff stuff in it that it needs. if you have a seedling starter nute then you can use that. My mom runs green houses and has for decades. She uses soil with no nutes then mixes 1/16 both veg and bloom nutes for seedlings 1 time a week 2nd week its 1/8th both. Now if you have nutes in your soil then dont add anything. if you feel the need a tiny bit of bloom nutes. after 2 weeks your plant will tell you if it needs something. If i was a rookie i would go and buy 420 soil. it has everything it needs from veg to flower. just water it. then in full bloom add molasses (mothers).
Thanks! I've got a 1 gallon pot.. For seedlings should I water a gallon every time?

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Well-Known Member
No. Rules of watering. for soil/soil less non hydro setup.
First pick up your plant when its dry 75%, how heavy is it (stick your finger down in soil 1/2 way from plant and edge of pot is your finger wet/dry or moist if moist or dry wait till tomorrow or next day till its dry? never apply nute water first. use 1/2 cup water only. Have a drain pan after water soaks in start adding water slowly ( i use the methed from the pic below) till water comes out of bottom of pot 1/2 to 1 cup. No need to drain the pan. now pick up your plant how heavy is it? now you can tell the diff from needing water and not? now im gonna tell you when she starts drinking be prepared to water everyday or every other day usually starts when in flower. Do no i repeat do not ever let you plants go bone dry if this happens first mist leaves heavy every half hour for 4 hrs while adding 1/2 cup water each half hr.
If you cant be around for a week and your plants need water every 5 days then water first and fill up drain pan to the top( should be 2-3 inches high this will give you 7 days max)also mist her good( i like to mist my plants daily with jsut water with a little aloe vera). Running her dry will stress the hell out of her. Puts her in panic mode (she doesnt know what to do but shutdown). doing the mist and slow water will wake her slowly and less stress will show. I hope i made sense. pic below of how i water 10 plants 2 times a day with AIS system.


Thanks! I've got a 1 gallon pot.. For seedlings should I water a gallon every time?

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Well-Known Member
i would mix a little bloom or molasses into the water/ 1/8th amount with water. molasses should sit for a day after you mix it up.


Well-Known Member
i would mix a little bloom or molasses into the water/ 1/8th amount with water. molasses should sit for a day after you mix it up.
Reasons? And are my plants showing signs of need??

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Well-Known Member
The reasons are it will help root and plant growth allot. i know you have seen seedling soil/fert. all it is a more balance of nutes and more micro nutrients. Doesnt take allot. This is from allot of research and also talking with my mom who runs greenhouses for a living. Its your call i add it to my seedling. even my cloner gets 1/8 bloom and Veg nutes. If you add molasses the plant wont even start using it till the soil helps break it down a little more. If you laod your soil with small amounts of everything then when the plant wants it it is there. allot less chasing your tail.

Reasons? And are my plants showing signs of need??

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