first grow

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
yea me too. Hydro is not the easiest medium to start with but the rewards can be great. Just remember less is more with the nutes. When is question go easy on them. It is A LOT easier for a plant to recover from nute deficiency compared to nute burn.


Well-Known Member
lol okay i'll remember that, yah when i made this solution i watered it down by and extra cup of water. just to be safe. lol


Well-Known Member
okay i just lowerd one row of my 48'' flouro, the middle row, so they lights are 6'' above the tops and 2 outer rows 10'' above


Well-Known Member
yah but i do have a budding plant because i got it from a friend, but this is first from seed. in hydro.


Well-Known Member
quick question about that rockwool is that rockwool getting wet from the water splashing on it from your bubbler or r you hand watering them right now?


Well-Known Member
There was a well known guy on here named Alb fuct most people know him and he was a real stickler for letting people know about starting off with rockwool. i don't want to come off sounding mean but you might want to move your rockwool up in your cup and hand water them because that rockwool can only absorb so much water. You want your roots to search for the water and if that rockwool is holding all the water in there not gonna go far. It will eventually end up killing your seedling.


Well-Known Member
okay thanks for the pointer i'll get on that right now, ill move them from the little tub they are in now in to a 20L when they are 2 weeks old. for now should i just take out some of the nute solution and raise cubes to raise them out of splash


Well-Known Member
okay well i made my 20L bubbleponic system, i filled it with water now im letting it distill im still waiting for my HS n SB to germanate and sprout.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
My vote is transplant into coco. I could go on and on about the advantages but the biggest one is I can tell you exactly what works and what doesn't. Basically a year of my trial and error I could tell you in a few minutes. I got super fat buds my first grow and didn't have anyone to guide me along.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Cool. You'll like it. Fast, huge growth like hydro but you still get the flavor in the buds like you would in soil. In pure hydro the buds usually don't have as much flavor when smoked. It's also great for beginners because it is very hard to overwater. You can treat it like soil and water when it dries out or water every day and get faster growth like hydro. Depends on the effort you want to put in.