first grow

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You'll find out that the more leaves they get the faster they grow. That's why the first few leaves seem to take forever.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
In veg you want 60-70% and flower you want 30-40%. Low humidity in flower is way more important that high humidity in veg IMO. I've had buds mold on me while they were growing because the humidity was to high.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
just know that when there's a whole bunch off plants in the room the leaves will perspire and raise the humidity. As long as you have good air exchange between an area with lower humidity than it should be fine but then you have to worry about smell. It really gets quite complicated. Otherwise you have to get a dehumidifier and filter the air in the room.


Well-Known Member
okay so when the humidity starts peaking past about 40% or so turn it on? and hmm so the more plants the more humidity? snap, lol

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
As soon as you have a branch big enough to cut off to make a clone - so way sooner than 2 months. Hopefully in two months you'll be halfway through flower, right?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
That's about as fast growth as you can expect. I notice the difference every day. It kind of sucks that some stretched so much at the beginning. You might have to end up using toothpicks and twistie ties to hold them up because the leaves will get big and heavy soon. You do have a nice breeze blowing on them, right?

When you say "break their shell," are you germing new seeds? If so, you want the tap root to be about 2 mm long and then as soon as you plant it in the soil put the light on.


Well-Known Member
well two got pretty long thive talls so they can go under light now then? and yah they got a nice breeze

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea, as soon as you plant the seed put it under light. I never use a dome for seedlings and have never had a problem. I don't think you need the dome at all, no.