Gavita Sold To Hawthorne Group

I can agree with that.

I'm a big hunter. I hate seeing animals on the verge of extinction.

Most people don't realize hunters have done more than animal rights groups ever thought about doing.

People bash trophy hunters. I'm a management hunter. They both are about the same.

A trophy would be the biggest animal at the end of his prime. The most meat. He's bred plenty.

In Africa the places that don't allow hunting have lower numbers of animals.

The countries that allow hunting, take that .money and hire conservation officers to stop poaching. They have more animals.

Also most your state parks are because a hunter. Roosevelt.
Anyways, I don't know why I went off on a tangent.

I think we see eye to eye mostly.

You mention great points. I feel the same. One of those situations where I would prefer if we could just set aside aside tons of wilds and say,"no people allowed to save the animals." Unfortunately,experience has showed me unless one man protects a group of animals, another man will destroy them. That's some hard wisdom to accept when being too idealistic.

I'm pro rhino hunt for that reason, give them a cash value, get the locals to protect it like a resource. This isn't an easy thing to sell to the public though, can be hard to convince people hunting rhinos can save rhinos. Good people on both side of that debate I just happen to think you and I are on the right one for that.

Zoos are unpopular too, but are play a big part in saving endangered animals.

Glad we end on a good note, cheers bro! :)
You mention great points. I feel the same. One of those situations where I would prefer if we could just set aside aside tons of wilds and say,"no people allowed to save the animals." Unfortunately,experience has showed me unless one man protects a group of animals, another man will destroy them. That's some hard wisdom to accept when being too idealistic.

I'm pro rhino hunt for that reason, give them a cash value, get the locals to protect it like a resource. This isn't an easy thing to sell to the public though, can be hard to convince people hunting rhinos can save rhinos. Good people on both side of that debate I just happen to think you and I are on the right one for that.

Zoos are unpopular too, but are play a big part in saving endangered animals.

Glad we end on a good note, cheers bro! :)
As a kid we would go to the nature center at Land Between the Lakes. They saved endangered animals.

What's crazy is we drove there on a vacation and took my kids. They told us the age of the eagle. It was the same one I saw as a kid. They also told us that eagles have great memory.

Some people think hunting means we torture animals or something. The animal I hunt will have lived a free life. I want a quick humane kill.

Compare that to how the chicken or other animals people eat from large producers.

You see that documentary about how chickens are treated? Packed into buildings and lens to the point they can't move.

We raise out own free range chickens, acorn fed hogs, and grass fed beef. Our beef actually has a slight game taste. It is much better than store bought.

Humans are horrible. We destroy everything we touch. It saddens me to go into remote places and still see human trash.

I worry about the future we are leaving our kids.
Corporate bullshit apologetics abounds in some threads. Not wasting time here.

Corporations themselves are just legal constructs. You might as well hate a piece of paper.

It's the legal environment surrounding these entities that's the issue, like 'corporate personhood', preferential tax rates and codes, the ability to both make and write off 'political contributions'- that's bribes, in common language- and much more that's at the heart of the problem.

People made these laws and people can change them. I would like your help in this cause, it would be much more effective than standing on the sidelines, hating just because they're business entities at all.
Been in a few local gov/corporate interactions. They were more workable 30 years ago. They didn't cry for every last dime and tax break. Won some small battles even.

Just recognize that they have no conscience and are driven solely by lustful greed. I'm almost done with active battles but still am involved somewhat. Thank you.
Been in a few local gov/corporate interactions. They were more workable 30 years ago. They didn't cry for every last dime and tax break. Won some small battles even.

Just recognize that they have no conscience and are driven solely by lustful greed. I'm almost done with active battles but still am involved somewhat. Thank you.

Oh I Do indeed recognise that, which is why we need laws with teeth and healthy enforcement to ensure a level playing field.
You mention great points. I feel the same. One of those situations where I would prefer if we could just set aside aside tons of wilds and say,"no people allowed to save the animals." Unfortunately,experience has showed me unless one man protects a group of animals, another man will destroy them. That's some hard wisdom to accept when being too idealistic.

I'm pro rhino hunt for that reason, give them a cash value, get the locals to protect it like a resource. This isn't an easy thing to sell to the public though, can be hard to convince people hunting rhinos can save rhinos. Good people on both side of that debate I just happen to think you and I are on the right one for that.

Zoos are unpopular too, but are play a big part in saving endangered animals.

Glad we end on a good note, cheers bro! :)

Animals aren't resources though. In Texas, where deer are managed like resources, and ranched specifically for game, there's a huge problem with wasting disease. Deer ranchers are actually suing the state over the disease. Why is this disease happening on this managed resource? Hunters do not hunt down sick, weak, or injured animals like predators do. They hunt down the biggest, healthiest, most prime genetic examples and kill those. Leaving the sick and weak to procreate. This thins out the gene pool, weakens the heard immunity, and opens the door for diseases like this.

Hunting is not a form of resource management. Hunting for sport thins out the healthiest animals in the population, and leaves the weakest. This argument is a weak one for this very reason. Ecosystems are sensitive, and so are food chains. Rhinos aren't a resource.

Animals aren't resources though. In Texas, where deer are managed like resources, and ranched specifically for game, there's a huge problem with wasting disease. Deer ranchers are actually suing the state over the disease. Why is this disease happening on this managed resource? Hunters do not hunt down sick, weak, or injured animals like predators do. They hunt down the biggest, healthiest, most prime genetic examples and kill those. Leaving the sick and weak to procreate. This thins out the gene pool, weakens the heard immunity, and opens the door for diseases like this.

Hunting is not a form of resource management. Hunting for sport thins out the healthiest animals in the population, and leaves the weakest. This argument is a weak one for this very reason. Ecosystems are sensitive, and so are food chains. Rhinos aren't a resource.

Fact remains the hunted rhinos ARE protected the herds not hunted in a managed state, are in fact, still hunted. Without management rhino will be gone, same with elephant and tiger. All of those animals have extreme cash values on the black market.

Basically they need constant 24hr. protection.

You make excellent points though about the selection of animals.

Deer have no predators in most states they currently populate however. Other than wolves in Montana and such the only thing that takes out sick deer are cars :)

Interesting fact, deer are the 3rd most dangerous animal in North America for that reason. Only behind dogs and bees.
Fact remains the hunted rhinos ARE protected the herds not hunted in a managed state, are in fact, still hunted. Without management rhino will be gone, same with elephant and tiger. All of those animals have extreme cash values on the black market.

Basically they need constant 24hr. protection.

You make excellent points though about the selection of animals.

Deer have no predators in most states they currently populate however. Other than wolves in Montana and such the only thing that takes out sick deer are cars :)

Interesting fact, deer are the 3rd most dangerous animal in North America for that reason. Only behind dogs and bees.

Mountain lions. Plenty of those.
seems something big is coming down the pipeline
And so it begins. I seen this coming a few years ago. So did Larry Brooke and so are alot of industry insiders. Hang on to your wallets kids. Squeeze evey last bit out of this as you can. This whole "industry" was built on one premise...and that premise will soon be a footnote. I been doing this for decades. ..knew this was all going to slowly go away eventually. All it took was a changing of popular opinion through influence and grassroots initiatives to get the real money rolling.
One more reason to ditch gavita!
You can ditch General Hydroponics and Gavita all you want....still wont change a damn thing. This was bound to happen. And its just the beginning. Wait and see. Its almost like the beer companies that had to sell ice cream during Prohibition are retooling up for repeal. Except they arw taking the "industry" we created away from us. The only thing to really pay attention to is the drastically falling prices of cannabis and if its still worth it over time. Whether your a commercial grower or just a personal use grower. I mean really....i grow veggies as a hobby in my backyard to be honest. For my own use...good taste and a slight drop in my food bill but thats about it. Pot isnt like tomatos you say? Give it a little more time....and big conglomerates buying out the hobby cannabis industry and the repeal of cannabis laws....its the obvious conclusion. Theres too much money at stake for it not too go this route. I know one thing.....the Hawthorne Group/Scotts Miracle Grow owes a huge Thank You at the very least to the Marijuana Policy Project and NORML. Oh man....the irony.
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When prices for a pound of excellent marijuana grown by huge companies (if you dont think "they" can - your delusional) hit 500 bucks or lower....who in there rite mind would grow it under any artificial lighting....hid led or otherwise? Nope. The future is outdoor and super quality in huge greenhouses with supplemental lighting just like any other agricultural crop. And believe me....even 100 bucks a pound is an extremely huge profit margin to the traditional agricultural industry. More than all the other ag crops combined.

Just think...alot of us can get jobs at huge greenhouse and processing complexes....packaging up 200$ pounds onto shipping trucks for minimum wage in a few more years. Or you can aim high as a technician or greenhouse manager for one of the big ag companies for 45,000$ a year. I hate to see anyone including myself go to prison (came close years ago) but its almost worth it to go back in time. A little selfish and i take that back. But man. Cmon.
Spoken like a true thread moderator/ or in your words.....cyber cop. Everyone's opinion gets some ty feedback. If it dont apply let it fly ........

Excuse me? Exactly what are you trying to say?

Cyber cop? Did I tell anyone to shut up?

I happen to strongly agree with the post I quoted and I said so.

Sounds to me like you just don't like his message and so you're going to whine at me for applauding it. Not gonna do shit but make yourself look silly that way, bro.

He spoke the truth about the no longer distant future of cannabis in agriculture. It's coming, just as surely as legalization.