Well-Known Member
That's pretty interesting. As AN is not a public nor american company it's pretty hard to know exactly what's going on with "ownership"/control. That said, Mike moved the company over to Europe to be with Gino & Robert, so will he now be returning the company to CanadaIt's honestly hard to believe that Mike would defend these cats so vehemently on international TV and then boot them from the company only months later. I guess the interim "Holiday Heroes" campaign didn't work out as planned ...
I have seen this video countless times and was very disturbed by it as well. I think Mike made a big mistake by attempting to defend that sick fuck. Mike had to know however that the only way to save the company from the shit storm was to play nice with him until he could buy the pedophile out. If he would have thrown him under the bus from the beginning I think the buyout would have not happened so fast or at all.