GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

Remember when were like 10& gettn that courage to slice ur finger to be blood brothers w/ur best buddy? Its like that for me upon 1st cut when harvesting! Takes me a minute to do it!
Hey man, I'm so happy I found this thread again it's the only one that I could relate to! I'm subbed man... Have you still got ur white domina?? If you have I would love to see it as mine is now 23 days into veg :)

I'm glad you found my thread !!!!! again !!!! But a little confused.... I'm not sure what you mean by white domina? It's just a bunch of bag seed. +rep for tracking my thread down tho !!! Pull up a chair... I'm about to post some pics.
How did it feel to chop down ? I will have some mixed feeling.

Are you talking about the Male i chopped? Or on my first grow?

The male I chopped - I just get a little pissy...... wait a month or so to find boys trying to sex up my ladies ... bahhhh. (pluss most of the male plants look really good at about a month or so old) It kind of breaks my heart to have to chopp, but when a male gets chopped ..... a seed goes in it's place ! That way I will always have something to harvest.. spread it out.

The one Female on my first grow i ended up chopping way to early - it was a fit of being pissed (a lot of drama going down in my life at the time) and desperation, I didn't have any smoke.... plus i had the wife (imagine the little devil on your shoulder) chop it... chop it... chop it... we need some smoke !


thanks for hittin my journal up Shag ! + rep ( if it will let me!) for reading along !

here are some pics for your enjoyment guys !

I was talking about the male you just chopped.. Im trying so hard to get these gals to grow, I don't I will have the power to chop anything .
I was talking about the male you just chopped.. Im trying so hard to get these gals to grow, I don't I will have the power to chop anything .

you will get over that..... the more you chop.. the more you will be like ..... aahhhhh a male !!!!!! Chop chop chop....

I know what ya mean tho. I chopped another one last night, Celia (the one in the little white pot) had some ball sacks hanging down. I had high hopes for that one, since it started out so small and did so well.... oh well <sigh> but I do have 2 healthy Females !!! and a seedling that (hopefully) will be a female.

yea, males will ruin your crop and harvest.... robb you of good resin and trics.
unless you want seeds.... some growers are also breeders (not me)

Thanks kmk15 - I like using those twists... it give the plants a little play and they don't pinch or tear the bark of the plant when the plant grows and the stem swells. My last grow I used teh same ties and i tied to tight, when the main stem on my Fem swelled, It looked like the plant was growing around the tie and swallowing it...... but what really happened was it was cutting the stem very slowly, and i couldn't really see it....

Well..... back to work !

Take it easy guys !
So here is a pic update... the one in the white pot (celia) got chopped... it was a male.

That ferti-loam potting soil is really absorbant, and holds moisture really well... im not sure if i like it yet.... it stays wet days after you water.

I took a pic of my Nerf rifle .... gotta keep the home front safe ...lolololol


Close up of Nancy


My Bean Collection



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I'm glad you found my thread !!!!! again !!!! But a little confused.... I'm not sure what you mean by white domina? It's just a bunch of bag seed. +rep for tracking my thread down tho !!! Pull up a chair... I'm about to post some pics.

Haha sorry bout that Iv confused myself lol u no how it is... Sweet man Iv pulled up my chair and comin along for the ride, plants are looking good!!! Hope u get some more females come through, u still doing 12/12 from seed??
Haha sorry bout that Iv confused myself lol u no how it is... Sweet man Iv pulled up my chair and comin along for the ride, plants are looking good!!! Hope u get some more females come through, u still doing 12/12 from seed??

Yea, Still 12/12 from seed.....
I took that black plastic off of my box lastnight.... the wall behind it is white, so I figured that having a white backdrop vs a black one woul dbe a whole lot better.... I will post some pics later on .
i painted inside my w/white elastameric roof paint.really thic.but i then bought from walmart ,those emergency blankets.2.99 ea. Took2 to do my cab.idk wuts better-white or reflective mat.,just thought id tell ya!lol
Yeah let me know how that safety blanket works out. Just got one of those and debating whether to use that or a couple of $1 car shades... Right now my box is lined with white poster board.
Sooo... I went nuts with the foil tape i bought at walmart last night.:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

its very reflective.....

So here is my box now... there are a few old pics in there from earlier in the week.

Keep on smokin and growin !!!!:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:

Ok....... so. I woke up this morning to the box lights flickering and the fan making a weird nois.
The 6 way power strip I had burned a socket out... it was all burnt and funny smelling , it kind of scared me.
I ran to wallie world to get another 6 strip.

I flushed the 2 girls today. They needed it.... they perked up a bit. I will post pics soon.

That fertilome potting soil holds watter to well..... I might need to get some perlight.

Keep growing !!!!
ok, so last night I put a can with water, sugar, and active yeast in my box. I'm not to sure how it did for the rest of the plants... but the plant that i sat the can in front of grew about 2 inches. I bought a jar of yeast... so i might do it again tonight... just for some more diy co2. (thanks for the recipe WvMade !!!) it seems to work ! man... I can't wait till harvest... or at least until i start to see some trics.

hope everyone is doing good !!!
Yea man best thing to do is find a hose and poke holes in it and wrap it around your plants. im pretty sure c02 is heavier then air so put it above them =)