GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

try to elevate it so its blowing across your lights and overtop of your plants but more hitting your bulbs to keep them cooler. anything over 80 is pretty high 74.5 is ideal i keep mine at about 75-76 lights on

+rep man... thanks for the advice !

I found the topped plant is a fem last night. So i have a topped plant with 2 main stems that is Fem !!!! thank god .... last grow i got way more males than females. i will move my fan up to see if that helps.
i topped my dom& lst'd it like urz. Its flowering now (1 wk)& its like 2 seperate plants!

Yea, I love it !!! This is my first successful "topping" and lastnight i tied down each main stem.... there were very little white hairs.. but i saw 2 or 3 of em... hopefully everythign is swinging into place. I'm sooo ready for some dank bud !

+rep for subbing !!!!
Thanxk ... Stay tuned !!! : )
im still readn thru ur thread&wanted to comment-my wife thinks its stupid idea postn pics too!

Yea, I was leery about it... but when you sign up for the site.. it says anything on this site can not be used in court...... so... ehh... plus I'm not trying to deal, or sell.. I just want to support my self... and not spend a fortune doing it....... smoke is getting expensive now!
I've read about lollipopping ... not brave enough to start hacking on my plants
Went home at lunch and snapped a few pics..... enjoy !!!100_3787.jpg100_3780.jpg100_3786.jpg100_3783.jpg100_3788.jpg100_3790.jpg100_3791.jpg100_3782.jpg100_3785.jpg100_3784.jpg100_3789.jpg
Try raising you lights up a Lil so u can get some tight node spacing with that LST it will help alot in the future =) just something to keep you busy and to experiment with =)
Try raising you lights up a Lil so u can get some tight node spacing with that LST it will help alot in the future =) just something to keep you busy and to experiment with =)

The lights are fixed...... you can't see it.. and I'm but it's kind of ghetto how they hang from the top. and the aluminum dryer vent unrolled like that is very flimsy. it's kind of one fo those things.... it where its at and thats where they will

I am going to get some trays and a small stand so I can raise everythign to the lights.
So are you growing in like a Cab or just a extra room you got? Chains are really good for raising and lowering fixtures n stuff. Lights being closer helps ALOT if not you got stretchy plants and most of time they don't turn out to be nice colas just long stretchy plants that are just plain hard to deal with. If you can get more lights i would =) for some side lighting, i got 4x65 watters and 2x 26 watters and i still want more.
i use chain link for my lights & it makes it e-z to keep lights level also. Raise& lower by the link.ya man,get sumthin under to raise 'em up to the lights-itll help alot.
Thanks for the great ideas guys ! +rep (if it will let me) to all.

I tried to put a chain on them.... and it was a little awkward... it's tight fitting both hoods in the cab (It's a cabinet ... kinda). Really it's an old Entertainment Center that i just didn't have the heart to throw out.... and well. now you see where it is.. in my walk in closet being used as a cabinet. The girls are growing very nicely.... i will snap some pics soon... Nancy is just starting to pop out all those nice white hairs !!! Geurimo (the topped plant) is slow to grow.. and only has a few white hairs.... probably due to the "shock" of being topped ..... and then having to deal with force flowering... still growing.. but slow. I'm waiting on Cylus....... the plant looks beautiful... I'm just afraid that it might be male.... no signs of female parts yet..... Celia is actually doing quite nicely !!!! to be so small, she is chugging right along. my wifes garden (the party cups) might produce a gram of they are alll twisty and strechy... but they have actualy picket up a little bit.

Take it easy guys !

So Cylus was a male... upon further inspection I saw lots o ball sacks hiding from me in the very top growth. So.......
Chop chop chop....
I broke out the Ferti-lome potting soil..... ( I never could find an N-P-K ratio WvMade) (here is a link to a product page i found real quick),831.html

I replaced Cylus with a seed.... and soaked well. this potting mix is very spongy and bounces back after you squeeze it. i think it's due to the peat moss in it.... it's a lot "airier" and softer than that MG top soil...... that stuff just turned to tree bark and mud after every watering.
So ... I know it's just dirt... but im excited to see how this seed does.
So I have 2 Fem's at the same age
1 sprout waiting to get big enough to see the sex
1 seed germing in the soil.
a bunch of little pots and cups that my wife is growing. (wink wink..... I water her garden for and pretty much everythign else)
I will try to snap some pics when i go home for lunch today !
Hey man, I'm so happy I found this thread again it's the only one that I could relate to! I'm subbed man... Have you still got ur white domina?? If you have I would love to see it as mine is now 23 days into veg :)