Guess i'm sleepin in the tent till harvest...

fuck frozen paintballs and electric fencing! kill the asshole and use his body for fertilizer! i bet he wont sue you then!
Thank you. the guy staring at the plant I took over about a month ago. Hes about 10 months now.

The black one, his name is Angus and I adopted him as a puppy from the pound.

Sometimes I think they're the only reason I haven't gotten my plants stolen.

Even if you don't have a dog, put "BEWARE OF DOG" signs up. Could make people think twice about hopping your fence.

Lol I already have two dogs - they are the cutest, most useless fucking dogs ever though. I'm never letting my wife pick our pets the fuck are a Pomeranian and a damn Weiner dog supposed to protect my crop?!
Daaaah LOL thats so fuckin wife is telling me to get a little dog as well. Im goin with a baby Rott...she will ove it for the 1st 2months when its little LOL
Lol I already have two dogs - they are the cutest, most useless fucking dogs ever though. I'm never letting my wife pick our pets the fuck are a Pomeranian and a damn Weiner dog supposed to protect my crop?!

LMMFAo!!!! We have a chihuahua and a wiener, they make a lot of racket if anyone comes around.....the wiener's breath could knock a fly off a gut-wagon.
Lol I already have two dogs - they are the cutest, most useless fucking dogs ever though. I'm never letting my wife pick our pets the fuck are a Pomeranian and a damn Weiner dog supposed to protect my crop?!
LOL, I have a pom also..barks alot but hides under my feet. Don't knock yourself out trying to figure out who it was, just keep an eye out.. Good luck:eyesmoke:
im caged razor wired and im using trip alarms there called pull alarms look them up on amazon run 2 with 3 wires each across your yard with fishing line
So my neighbor, who doesn't grow but is cool with my stuff, came over yesterday to tell me that he caught some dude trying to hop the fence between our property. He yelled at the guy and the dude hopped back over my neighbor's back fence and high-tailed it down the railroad tracks. You can't get into my back yard from the railroad tracks behind my house due to the 8 foot high fence and roughly 40 feet of gnarly thick blackberry bushes, so I guess the would-be theif tried to go thru my neighbor's yard into mine. Since that fence adjoining our properties is the only possible point of entry into my back yard, I plan on setting up some booby traps and sleeping in a tent with my paintball gun for the rest of the summer...

Anyways, I was curious how you guys keep dirty lowlife scumbags out of your crops. I'm also open to any tips on how to protect my 25 girls.

Peace, love, and hack-e-sack.

In NorCal (my place in particular), this time of year, someone is armed and on site 24/7 NO IFS ANDs BUTS ABOUT IT.
Here's how I see it....
25 girls =100+ lbs = $200k+
Forgot to mention....
If you go to a Security type store/dealer, you can buy these motion detectors that run off batteries. I own many of these and you can set each one individually into one of four zones. When the motion sensor is triggered, it sends it to either a base unit or the walkie talkie. "ALERT ZONE 3"......"ALERT ZONE 3"......"ALERT ZONE 3". By setting up zones, you can KNOW whereabouts they are on your property. In my case, it's 20 acres. It'd be nice to know which direction to either aim or run to.

Word of caution, you will get false alarms on occasion. Over the yrs, we have perfected our placement so the deer don't set them off.

the boxes are green and i usually spray paint the antenna-shiny metal piece.

i use these for the yard as well as for indoor rooms. It's nice to know when there may possibly be someone or something around or IN your garden.

Bottomline, your best course of defense is to camp it out, man. You have a dog? Got a friend's dog that obeys you somewhat that you can borrow? hehehe
You don't necessarily have to hurt or kill anyone, but having a presence is usually all it takes to deter thieves. Your paintball idea is good.
You're only real fear should be the feds barging in or a gang of ppl coming to rip you off( as opposed to a single person that you could probably fend off)
Dude I've been robbed like the last 3 years in a row its getting bad in canada but fishhooks on fishingline strung through your plants will help atleast then you hear the bastards!!!!