Guess i'm sleepin in the tent till harvest...

Dude I've been robbed like the last 3 years in a row its getting bad in canada but fishhooks on fishingline strung through your plants will help atleast then you hear the bastards!!!!
You have to sleep near them and even then it's no guarantee..Here's my set-up....:sleep:


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Get a 2by4 or a plank of playwood the lenght of the fence or multiple peices put a bunch of nail in it, then flip it over then put leaves grassclippings or something to make it not noticable so they wont dodge it, then wait for them to start screaming for some1 to come pul them off the boards.........they jump, then they get a buck of 16penny nails stuck threw there foot and they dont ever come back, if u have to drag there ass out to the road and give them a qwik lesson!!!! it works with people driving threw your property also....... hope you enjoy the info!! and hope your girls make been following them since the santa berries,s and early slowing probs and the haash etc!!
I mean look at my grow guard dog. they will hop that fence one time,one time only with a feirce animal like this. LOL...On the real though, if one out sider knows then more will be enevitable, cops hear about shit like that. Just saying, if you can catch however it is in action and put the fear of god in em, that would be better than nothing:peace:


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Not an expert on electricity but I think you need to be grounded to catch a shock. so across top of fence may not be such a good idea. I say about 5 feet out from fence, about crotch high should work! :fire:

LOL Did you not just say that electric fences were a BAD idea?
Not an expert on electricity but I think you need to be grounded to catch a shock. so across top of fence may not be such a good idea. I say about 5 feet out from fence, about crotch high should work! :fire:
is what I said! Seriously do people even read ? (across top of fence bad idea), guy may not have feet on ground when he touches wire, now 5foot out and crotch high @ night, hello ballz!
Are you not worried that whoever it is has told the whole world that you grow? If you can smell it from the railway tracks then its not good is it....
Go with the hotwire fence that people use to keep their cows pastured with. It'll shock the fucker but it won't kill him. When we were kids we used to dare each other to touch the hotwire with piece of a foxtail plant. It's quite the tingly feeling.

You could go with like a triple height, one ankle height, one at crotch level as was suggested and one at neck level. They have a control where you can adjust the power of the current or turn them off (like during the day when you don't want to get shocked).

How lame to try to steal another persons crop, what a loser.
put glass on the ledge that he uses to climb the fence and put plywood right on the ground in front of the fence so when he jumps on to your property it makes a big thump and u can come out shooting those paintballs. just a suggestion.
get some pit bulls, boxers, dobes, rottis... whatever and put more thorny bushes around all your fences!
Rose bushes under an exterior window is a bigger deterent to home break-ins than an alarm. so I'd have to agree with puting some thorny assed bushes. but he did say that the guy jumped his neigbors fence 1st. Now on the fence between himself and his neighbor, since they are friends, he can probably do anything he wants there. electric, glass, motion sensored auto-matic frozen painball guns, metal spikes, razor wire, and claymore mines.:fire: lol :peace: