Gun control is coming

now you are just being stubborn. We were talking about handguns in general an not an oddball condition.
It is pushback to the not-quite-right idea that handguns are only or specifically made to kill or wound people. Bad premises create bad policy.

Am I being cheeky? A little. Am I being incorrect? There’s the rub.
It is pushback to the not-quite-right idea that handguns are only or specifically made to kill or wound people. Bad premises create bad policy.

Am I being cheeky? A little. Am I being incorrect? There’s the rub.
You can find an exception and talk about it you like but it's not a useful argument in any way.
I think the better statement is handguns are made for self defense.....bears, people, dogs, brain sucking aliens or whatever.
Have you gone back to study why your original suggestion to apply maximum force on low income districts as a solution to crime is wrong?

Handguns are almost never used in self defense, so that's just a diversion from the main problem, which is that handguns, when they are used at all are almost always used illegally and are most likely to harm the people the owner meant to protect.

Take a reality pill, will you?
Why is it wrong to sentence violent people harsher than some dude that grew a bunch of plants for profit.

Is it wrong or not an effective deterrent?
Handguns not used for defense? If you include police shootings the use of a handgun in the defense of self or others is much higher than criminal use of a handgun. I dunno where you get your facts?

Gun control lobbyist just had the CDC remove data on defensive use of guns, because it spoiled the agenda they were trying to paint.

Link me something credible to back your claims.

CDC Quietly Scrubbed Key Firearm Stats After Pressure From Gun Control Activists, Emails Show | The Daily Caller
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Why is it wrong to sentence violent people harsher than some dude that grew a bunch of plants for profit.

Is it wrong or not an effective deterrent?
Handguns not used for defense? If you include police shootings the use of a handgun in the defense of self or others is much higher than criminal use of a handgun. I dunno where you get your facts?

Gun control lobbyist just had the CDC remove data on defensive use of guns, because it spoiled the agenda they were trying to paint.

Link me something credible to back your claims.

CDC Quietly Scrubbed Key Firearm Stats After Pressure From Gun Control Activists, Emails Show | The Daily Caller
You need to go back and try to understand why criminal behavior comes to be before can understand the solution. There isn't one factor but many. Much of it stems from the conditions under which people are raised. The US locks up more people per capita that almost any other nation in the world and yet crime is still with us. Authoritarian suppression hasn't worked

Because you asked for a credible link:
Risk Factors for Delinquency: An Overview

Page 6 and 7 discuss factors that lead to risk of a child becoming involved with the justice system by committing crimes. study of 250 boys found that among boys at age 10, the strongest predictors of later convictions for violent offenses (up to age 45) were poor parental supervision, parental conflict, and parental aggression, including harsh, punitive discipline.

In a family with a working mother and a father who is in prison, the kid has almost zero chances of avoiding those factors. Note that authoritarian harsh, punitive discipline is listed as a factor that LEADS TO criminal behavior.

In schools, For example, suspension and expulsion do not appear to reduce undesirable behavior, and both are linked to increased delinquent behavior.

Again the kind of authoritarian policies you endorse appear to make kids more likely to offend.

If you really want to learn why the fascist maximum force model of policing will only lead to more crime, the information is readily available at your public library. I'm only giving you some examples that show you are wrong.
Link didn't work for me, but I think I found it: DOJ article by Michael Shader. Very interesting read. So, it seems that these shithole communities are so far down into a negative feedback loop the only real option is escape. It's extremely sad really...they are pretty much saying your FFB (Fucked From Birth) if your born into that environment.
Guess the only option is to be the better person with self-respect, high motivation and promise yourself you'll do all in your power to leave as soon as possible, don't and good chance the negative cycle consumes you as well.
Link didn't work for me, but I think I found it: DOJ article by Michael Shader. Very interesting read. So, it seems that these shithole communities are so far down into a negative feedback loop the only real option is escape. It's extremely sad really...they are pretty much saying your FFB (Fucked From Birth) if your born into that environment.
Guess the only option is to be the better person with self-respect, high motivation and promise yourself you'll do all in your power to leave as soon as possible, don't and good chance the negative cycle consumes you as well.
sad but true.
It could be changed, but you would have to convince a lot of really stupid people who are very committed to their fantasies, that they are fantasizing...
All the poor white trash that is in just about as bad a boat as the poor minorities would have to be convinced that the people they vote for, keep them in the positions they are in, and that it would be in their own best interest to get rid of them and get some more sensible people to make the rules they have to deal with.
That would be a monumentally difficult thing to do. They have a vested mental interest in supporting people who support their fears, which are instilled in them by the very people they would have to quit supporting....
Gun control is a scam used to line peoples pockets. It's lucrative for both the anti and pro sides.

The anti-gun machine gets donations that they use to pay themselves six figure salaries while they sit in a fancy office calling themselves a non-profit and flying around wining and dining spending other peoples money. The pro-gun machine does the same.

The gun manufacturers love the anti-gun lobby because it drives sales.

Gun control is similar to the homeless issue or the drug addiction issue. None are ever going to get solved because there is too much money involved the way things are. After every mass shooting both sides rake in money from donations. There's no real accountability for where that money goes or what it's spent on just like the homeless issue and drug issue. Hundreds of millions of dollars going into a black hole while nothing ever gets done.

Here in Oregon hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on drug programs after the passing of Measure 110 and despite all that money the problem has only gotten worse. Then there's the fact that there were no controls in place to track that money and nobody can tell you what it was spent on. Same thing with homelessness. Portland has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the issue and it's just gotten worse. The money is skimmed away by those advocating for these programs. It's all a big scam and it's happening in every city across the country.

Anyone waiting for any meaningful gun regulation is going to be waiting a long time. Those that think Measure 114 in Oregon is going to make it past the Supreme Court are mistaken.

Ten years from now gun control will be the same as it is today. Nothing will have changed.

This is just an old burned out topic that's been around for decades.

Just because you want something to happen doesn't mean it will.

Gun control? Don't hold your breath.
Link didn't work for me, but I think I found it: DOJ article by Michael Shader. Very interesting read. So, it seems that these shithole communities are so far down into a negative feedback loop the only real option is escape. It's extremely sad really...they are pretty much saying your FFB (Fucked From Birth) if your born into that environment.
Guess the only option is to be the better person with self-respect, high motivation and promise yourself you'll do all in your power to leave as soon as possible, don't and good chance the negative cycle consumes you as well.
I don't know what you read. I do know that when in economic distress, moving somewhere else isn't an option unless you consider going homelss is an option. It is sad. But your solution is what? The one ancient Rome might use, which is to just kill everybody?
