Gun control is coming

Wow, now everything will be much safer. Rest easy everyone!
You realize this is a thread about gun control right? Just curious why the (many) pics of your guns? Maybe a thread about “my favourite gun” would be a more appropriate venue, just my opinion. I’d be happy to post a few pics of my collection there. I find myself reluctant to post anything about my guns though, given guns are used more and more to cause extreme sadness and heartbreak. When I first started hunting and collecting (50 years ago) the premise was they brought families together through hunting and the outdoors. That’s changed!!! Now I’m almost embarrassed to be a gun owner given the narrative by the NRA types.
You guys realize its not extremely rare to have robbers ransack your home, or steal your car with your kids in it anymore right? Its like, GTA out there now. Mobs of gang bangers rolling 6 deep in stolen KIAs, ready to smash right through the front doors of your business, or pull up in your driveway anytime now. The most bold tranq doped out criminals ever trying to break in to peoples homes as we speak. Liberal defund the police policies make them feel invincible. They could care less if your families inside. The news is ridiculous everyday now. The odds have skyrocketed, and people are having to fend for themselves. You can't take that right away.

Good luck trying to change out two 10 rnd magazines too. Having a higher capacity could be the difference between life and death at this point.
You guys realize its not extremely rare to have robbers ransack your home, or steal your car with your kids in it anymore right? Its like, GTA out there now. Mobs of gang bangers rolling 6 deep in stolen KIAs, ready to smash right through the front doors of your business, or pull up in your driveway anytime now. The most bold tranq doped out criminals ever trying to break in to peoples homes as we speak. Liberal defund the police policies make them feel invincible. They could care less if your families inside. The news is ridiculous everyday now. The odds have skyrocketed, and people are having to fend for themselves. You can't take that right away.

Good luck trying to change out two 10 rnd magazines too. Having a higher capacity could be the difference between life and death at this point.
I wanted to display my handiwork because I thought people would like it
some do, I guess. I don't normally comment on people who post gun porn because it just stimulates more little boys to show their toys. That said, do you really think I wanted to see your handiwork? I don't, but I'm don't normally comment on it.

I'm sorry that you put so much time into tarting up a killing machine. Eye of the beholder and all that. To me, it's sickening.
You guys realize its not extremely rare to have robbers ransack your home, or steal your car with your kids in it anymore right? Its like, GTA out there now. Mobs of gang bangers rolling 6 deep in stolen KIAs, ready to smash right through the front doors of your business, or pull up in your driveway anytime now. The most bold tranq doped out criminals ever trying to break in to peoples homes as we speak. Liberal defund the police policies make them feel invincible. They could care less if your families inside. The news is ridiculous everyday now. The odds have skyrocketed, and people are having to fend for themselves. You can't take that right away.

Good luck trying to change out two 10 rnd magazines too. Having a higher capacity could be the difference between life and death at this point.
I'm sorry that you live in a shithole. Actually for most in the US, it is a very rare thing to use a gun in self defense.

According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in nearly 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011.

Fun fact from that Harvard study in which they also debunk a commonly cited study that claims 2.5 million people use their guns in self defense every year.

"The researchers who look at [Kleck's study] say this is just bad science," Hemenway says. "It's a well-known problem in epidemiology that if something's a rare event, and you just try to ask how many people have done this, you will get incredible overestimates."

In fact, Cook told The Washington Post that the percentage of people who told Kleck they used a gun in self-defense is similar to the percentage of Americans who said they were abducted by aliens. :lol: The Post notes that "a more reasonable estimate" of self-defense gun uses equals about 100,000 annually, according to the NCVS data.

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I'm sorry that you live in a shithole. Actually for most in the US, it is a very rare thing to use a gun in self defense.

According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in nearly 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011.

Fun fact from that Harvard study in which they also debunk a commonly cited study that claims hundreds of thousands of people use their guns in self defense.

"The researchers who look at [Kleck's study] say this is just bad science," Hemenway says. "It's a well-known problem in epidemiology that if something's a rare event, and you just try to ask how many people have done this, you will get incredible overestimates."

In fact, Cook told The Washington Post that the percentage of people who told Kleck they used a gun in self-defense is similar to the percentage of Americans who said they were abducted by aliens. The Post notes that "a more reasonable estimate" of self-defense gun uses equals about 100,000 annually, according to the NCVS data.

You don't always have to pull the trigger for them to be effective. And violence can happen anywhere, but seems to happen more in Demoratic run cities.

You don't always have to pull the trigger for them to be effective. And violence can happen anywhere, but seems to happen more in Demoratic run cities.

When the subject goes to guns, every day is Groundhog Day. MAGA fascist propaganda, the same shit, every day. No matter how often the facts prove them wrong, GOP gun nuts just post the same shit the next day.

Not refuting it gives them credibility. So, TY for the information. Also, LOL the article that turns tables on the gun propaganda. More gun toting Republicans mean more crime. That's how it really goes.
People in these crime riddled shitholes need to get motivated and pressure their legislatures to get some stiff mandatory sentences on the books for violent crimes. Make the use of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime another charge that adds more mandatory time. Take the power away from these candy ass judges that treat violent thugs with kid gloves. No more shit like a 8 year sentence with eligible parole after two and remaining time served on community probation. You car jack someone and your getting sentenced to 10 years with 7 it with a firearm and get another 5 years mandatory.
I think if people put the same amount of time into trying to control guns into actually controlling criminals they may see some results. A lot of the crime riddled shitholes have had tons of gun control and gun safety pass through their legislatures and it hasn't done squat.
Crime is a risk vs reward venture and it seems criminals don't fear the risk all that much. Time to change that.
People in these crime riddled shitholes need to get motivated and pressure their legislatures to get some stiff mandatory sentences on the books for violent crimes. Make the use of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime another charge that adds more mandatory time. Take the power away from these candy ass judges that treat violent thugs with kid gloves. No more shit like a 8 year sentence with eligible parole after two and remaining time served on community probation. You car jack someone and your getting sentenced to 10 years with 7 it with a firearm and get another 5 years mandatory.
I think if people put the same amount of time into trying to control guns into actually controlling criminals they may see some results. A lot of the crime riddled shitholes have had tons of gun control and gun safety pass through their legislatures and it hasn't done squat.
Crime is a risk vs reward venture and it seems criminals don't fear the risk all that much. Time to change that.
I get your need for revenge but do mandatory sentencing guidelines actually lower crime rates? And what are the “tons of gun control and safety” you state? Federal laws that pertain to gun controls and safety, would IMO be way more effective than the confusing hodgepodge you all have now. I’m pretty sure if you actually researched minimums sentencing guidelines you would find they did not in, any way, effect crime rates. Honestly, I have no clue what the solution is, other than honest, fact based discussions from both sides. Good luck with that!!!