Gun control is coming

Not really, some people can't be reached or can deal with reality, like the bunch who stampeded from foxnews over them calling the election of Biden, they could not handle the truth. The real problem is they don't want to form a caring sharing human community with people they consider to be "other" and that is where communication breaks down. Both sides are not the same, one side is clearly wrong, malicious and unpatriotic, they are called republicans and they are at war with the US constitution, and they can't put enough lipstick on the pig to hide that simple fact. From a corrupt president, to corrupt members of congress (J6) and senators (J6) and corrupt members of the SCOTUS, who all happen to be republicans.
I don't believe in broad generalizations like that as an accurate measurement of character.

Ideology is set in stone, individuals can change.
Common element is mental distress/mental illness.
The common element is access to a gun, Americans are not the only people subjected to mental and emotional stress, people with over 20 times less gun deaths are too, except they don't have easy access to guns.
The common element is access to a gun, Americans are not the only people subjected to mental and emotional stress, people with over 20 times less gun deaths are too, except they don't have easy access to guns.
So banning guns will then all of a sudden stop anyone accessing a gun? Hmmm seems legit.
I'll go with you on this. Given your assertions are true. The other weapons cause nothing like the rates of homicides guns are causing in the US. So, suggest we go after the heavy hitter first. What do you propose be done to reduce the rates of gun homicides in the US?
More guns
Handguns were invented for killing people.

Tools are designed for tasks. The gun was designed to kill. Targets are designed to make an individual more apt at using the tool to kill. Sports developed from the tools do not change the reason for their inception.
Meh. Disagree. I didn't buy a gun to kill anyone.
Just because you have genitals doesn't make you a prostitute
I don't believe in broad generalizations like that as an accurate measurement of character.

Ideology is set in stone, individuals can change.
Sure, individuals can change, but why do we find statistics so useful? When we are talking about reducing gun deaths in America we are talking statistically and about national solutions, not local or state ones, unless they add to federal restrictions on guns. The simple fact is where there are fewer guns there are fewer deaths every single time. America is not freer because of guns it is much less so and other liberal democracies restrict guns and have over 20 times less gun deaths. Character means their ability to comply with reasonable constitutional laws, not immoral laws, but practical ones for public safety.

These matters will be sorted out in America over the next decade and the republican party is making itself irrelevant to any adult conversations on the topic and are in political decline. They are poisoned by their own base, and it will take a long time to purge themselves of the sickness, if ever.
Sure, individuals can change, but why do we find statistics so useful? When we are talking about reducing gun deaths in America we are talking statistically and about national solutions, not local or state ones, unless they add to federal restrictions on guns. The simple fact is where there are fewer guns there are fewer deaths every single time. America is not freer because of guns it is much less so and other liberal democracies restrict guns and have over 20 times less gun deaths. Character means their ability to comply with reasonable constitutional laws, not immoral laws, but practical ones for public safety.

These matters will be sorted out in America over the next decade and the republican party is making itself irrelevant to any adult conversations on the topic and are in political decline. They are poisoned by their own base, and it will take a long time to purge themselves of the sickness, if ever.
Statistics only display pieces of the puzzle, and they don't directly correlate with solutions.

If we can enable reasonable gun control while mitigating the human suffering that leads to gun violence, we would do more than simply alleviating a statistic.
Right, so can you see why "go ahead and talk" is a bit of a strawman?

I'm happy for Oregon, much like when kansas kept abortion legal, I believe it inspires hope.
A straw man argument is when words or actions are falsely laid on another person.

You said this: "I don't know. Gun to my head, I would say people should talk to each other, especially those we disagree with. Start from a place of common ground. "

You said it and I don't think I'm taking it out of context. You advocate more talk. Which is fine I don't see how, after fifty years of dialogue more talk is needed but I'm not against people talking. I don't see how compassion will change the heart of a person who doesn't care about people killed by guns in our society. To me, that is a red herring and not going that direction. But you do you, If you know of a way to change peoples hearts and minds, I'm not in your way.

I'm advocating a more active dialogue and approach as in: This is what I propose, this is why and this is where we stand in getting something done. Measure 114 in Oregon is not enough to reduce gun homicides to the level of other G7 nations. But it is an example of positive change toward progress. It's still going through the process of getting implemented. Suggest that others take a look at what we are doing and think about trying to implement something like it in their state. The objective is to save lives, not take guns away from people who will never use them for no good reason.

If you think mental health is an avenue for positive change in reducing gun deaths, I'm interested in hearing about what can be done.
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So banning guns will then all of a sudden stop anyone accessing a gun? Hmmm seems legit.
Over time it will, in Canada you have to register all handguns and have had to for decades, now when you die the police confiscate the gun with no compensation and you can't sell or pass it on. Everybody dies sooner or later, and I'll bet most of the 3% who own 50% of the guns in America are over 60 years old, shit the 10% probably own 70% of the guns are most likely over 60. The feds just need to impose an annual gun tax of $100 and a registration fee on top of that for handguns. Military style semi-automatic long guns with removable mags and capacities over 5 rounds can be simply banned. This can all be done constitutionally and is in compliance with the 2nd amendment. It is just a matter of political will and polling, the republican party is on its way down and probably out, poisoned by a base that cannot change and that is fueled by hate and fear.
That sounds suspiciously libertarian. Reliance on self-motivation is the Achilles’ heel of any libertarian construct. It does not work.
I believe in individuals ability to affect change in the world. My feeling about government are more nuanced than any political ideology I am familiar with. To quote the late great Barry Crimmins "I'm a gay communist with aids and I bite."
Statistics only display pieces of the puzzle, and they don't directly correlate with solutions.

If we can enable reasonable gun control while mitigating the human suffering that leads to gun violence, we would do more than simply alleviating a statistic.
Sure, you can, and gun control will lead to major cost savings that can be applied to mental health programs. We can't cure all of human suffering, but we can reduce and mitigate much of it and getting rid of guns like all other liberal democratic societies will do much to reduce the fear and anxiety that fuel mental illness and distress.

Statistics are the guide for making laws that are general in nature to solve problems that are also general and systemic in nature. One statistic you can't avoid though is the high number of gun deaths in America and the callousness of the fear driven and greedy who oppose gun regulation and don't care about the tens of thousands of deaths each year. Guns are the leading cause of death among kids these days and the progun crowd does not give a fuck about them, so why should the rest of America give a fuck about them?
Meh. Disagree. I didn't buy a gun to kill anyone.
Just because you have genitals doesn't make you a prostitute
No one wants to castrate you, just register your guns and pay the taxes on legal guns and turn in those guns that are illegal. Pass a background check and meet other requirements like not having a criminal record, being crazy or on a future domestic terrorist watch list. Bolt action repeating arms are considered the most accurate and used as sniper rifles, they should be fine for target work, and 5 round patterns can easily become the norm. I know reloading after 5 rounds and cocking to shoot is an inconvenience, but it's nothing compared to having your balls cut off!