Gun control is coming

Imagine if the same attitude towards guns existed for cars! I don't believe in registering or licensing my car because, you know freedom. I don't beleve in needing a driver's license, because you know, freedom, shit I don't believe in insurance either and want the law to make me free from liability too! I want the right to leave the keys in my car and not be responsible if someone steals it from my driveway and mows down a hundred people!

So, what would happen if all the cars on the road were not registered or had license plates and the drivers had no licenses or qualifications at all! No insurance either and if ya get killed tough luck! It would be mayhem, with hundreds of people killed every day and groups of people run down regularly! There are 285 million cars on the road in America and about 400 million guns, thankfully about 3% of the population owns about 50% of the guns and they can only use one gun at a time, for the most part. Now, does 3% of the population own half the cars in America?
Your post is not only wrong but counterproductive.
It will end up being the stark reality and I cannot frighten them any more than they already are. I see no other alternative in the long run, and I see the GOP going down badly over the next decade, they are controlled by their base and their base is base indeed and is incapable of change. It will happen progressively over time, but when guys like Joe Biden speak openly of banning semi-automatic weapons, it makes my modest taxation and registration proposals seem tame by comparison! This is just the beginning, background checks and waiting periods will be first and then a ban on military style assault weapons and you already had one of those.
It will end up being the stark reality and I cannot frighten them any more than they already are. I see no other alternative in the long run, and I see the GOP going down badly over the next decade, they are controlled by their base and their base is base indeed and is incapable of change. It will happen progressively over time, but when guys like Joe Biden speak openly of banning semi-automatic weapons, it makes my modest taxation and registration proposals seem tame by comparison! This is just the beginning, background checks and waiting periods will be first and then a ban on military style assault weapons and you already had one of those.
When you post about draconian gun ban fantasies, tell people that you are Canadian. Nobody who is serious about reducing US gun homicides (note the difference in objectives) is considering widespread gun bans like you in your are doing in your current manic state. Repeat that also with that dumbass idea of taxing guns. Feel free to ramble on (as if you will ever stop doing so), just tell people ahead of time that your post is flaccid and flabby because it does not have any bearing on what US gun control advocates are trying to do.
When you post about draconian gun ban fantasies, tell people that you are Canadian. Nobody who is serious about reducing US gun homicides (note the difference in objectives) is considering widespread gun bans like you in your are doing in your current manic state. Repeat that also with that dumbass idea of taxing guns. Feel free to ramble on (as if you will ever stop doing so), just tell people ahead of time that your post is flaccid and flabby because it does not have any bearing on what US gun control advocates are trying to do.
What are American gun advocates CURRENTLY advocating? Background checks, waiting periods and banning the sale of military style assault weapons, Biden mentioned banning semi-automatic weapons. Do you think those demands will increase over time? Do you think these actions will have an effect on the number of gun deaths? You posted an encouraging graph based on state laws and rates of gun ownership, but will it be enough, fast enough?

I believe the republicans are headed for a major downfall over the next decade and democrats will be in charge federally and if they are, there will be many ideas to reduce the number of guns in America. Your argument is one of American exceptionalism and I don't believe such a thing exists. You will follow the trend of other liberal democracies in this regard eventually and the way it will happen is by the democrats increasing the effect of democracy on the American political system. With foxnews and their ilk gone, and the republicans reduced to their base eventually, other voices will come to the forefront.
What are American gun advocates CURRENTLY advocating? Background checks, waiting periods and banning the sale of military style assault weapons, Biden mentioned banning semi-automatic weapons. Do you think those demands will increase over time? Do you think these actions will have an effect on the number of gun deaths? You posted an encouraging graph based on state laws and rates of gun ownership, but will it be enough, fast enough?

I believe the republicans are headed for a major downfall over the next decade and democrats will be in charge federally and if they are, there will be many ideas to reduce the number of guns in America. Your argument is one of American exceptionalism and I don't believe such a thing exists. You will follow the trend of other liberal democracies in this regard eventually and the way it will happen is by the democrats increasing the effect of democracy on the American political system. With foxnews and their ilk gone, and the republicans reduced to their base eventually, other voices will come to the forefront.
No. He is simply working with things as they are. He is not trying to hammer the square peg of how they are into the round hole of how you think they should be.
No. He is simply working with things as they are. He is not trying to hammer the square peg of how they are into the round hole of how you think they should be.
The way I and most others outside of America see it is a normalization of a social sickness that has gone out of control. Solutions will be found and will come with political change, the ones I outlined are logical, but America is not ready for them yet. It will be soon enough though, but first the republicans must go to do anything in America, even something as simple as gun control or basic female human rights. These things will be settled inside the democratic party, more so over time and federal election cycles. America is not exceptional in this regard and will eventually follow the trend of other liberal democracies, or you won't have one at all, instead of one that is merely flawed. Listen carefully to those voices inside the democratic party, first comes power, then you decide what to do with it.
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Should we handle inflation with more inflation?

what about over doses, do we give out more drugs?

what other problem in life is solved with adding more of the problem?
I also think all drugs should be legalized.
Thinking so linear (banning) isnt going to solve anything.
Drugs been banned for how long now? Overdose epidemic in USA. Seems the ban is working out really well, along side the 'war on drugs'. You guys think I'm some Republican yahoo waving my gun around when in all reality I'm just fighting for freedom man. How much can the govt take from us and our lives still be considered 'free'?
I don't have the answers. Said that all along, but what I do know is American firearm culture is whack. Here (Canada) it's a privilege to own firearms, not a right. In the USA you can shoot and kill people on your property. In Canada, even if someone is breaking in your house with their own weapon you can't shoot them or you get charged with murder. Case in point this exact scenario just played out. Media, music, american culture, all revolve around guns and how it's your 'right' to own one and shoot people. Here, our laws are far to strict to warrant any type of baffonary without fear of serious consequences. Like anything, it's about education and protocols (gun locks, safes etc). Not banning. Just because ar15's are banned here you think I wouldn't be able to get one? That's a joke.
Case in point: there's a bridge here that lots of people commit suicide on. It's fucking sad. So you know what the city's solution was? Put giant bars on the sides so it's hard to climb over and jump.
Now you think those people went to the bridge and said 'ah gee you know what I didn't expect there to be bars. Guess I'm not gona kill myself afterall.'. No man. They still did it, but it wasn't in the news and in the papers and people didn't witness it so somehow that makes it ok
Dont try to solve the REAL issues, just throw some tremclad overtop 'right over the rust'
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The way I and most others outside of America see it is a normalization of a social sickness that has gone out of control. Solutions will be found and will come with political change, the ones I outlined are logical, but America is not ready for them yet. It will be soon enough though, but first the republicans must go to do anything in America, even something as simple as gun control or basic female human rights. These things will be settled inside the democratic party, more so over time and federal election cycles. America is not exceptional in this regard and will eventually follow the trend of other liberal democracies, or you won't have one at all, instead one that is merely flawed. Listen carefully to those voices inside the democratic party, first comes power, then you decide what to do with it.
They may be logical, but backtracking the logic reveals what are imo quite skewed premises. I certainly do not see the world from your parallax.
They may be logical, but backtracking the logic reveals what are imo quite skewed premises. I certainly do not see the world from your parallax.
Many Americans don't and that is the point, even the ones who think they are antigun. However, it is what the movers and shakers in the democratic party want and what they think they can get away with, without paying a political price. Much depends on the outcome of the next few election cycles, but when the demographic changes take hold, the democrat's confidence will grow. The republicans killed their brand among Gen X and other younger cohorts of voters and several million mostly white republican voters die off every election cycle. The Republicans are not only looking at demographic change, but they are also looking at generational change among white voters too.
What are American gun advocates CURRENTLY advocating? Background checks, waiting periods and banning the sale of military style assault weapons, Biden mentioned banning semi-automatic weapons. Do you think those demands will increase over time? Do you think these actions will have an effect on the number of gun deaths? You posted an encouraging graph based on state laws and rates of gun ownership, but will it be enough, fast enough?

I believe the republicans are headed for a major downfall over the next decade and democrats will be in charge federally and if they are, there will be many ideas to reduce the number of guns in America. Your argument is one of American exceptionalism and I don't believe such a thing exists. You will follow the trend of other liberal democracies in this regard eventually and the way it will happen is by the democrats increasing the effect of democracy on the American political system. With foxnews and their ilk gone, and the republicans reduced to their base eventually, other voices will come to the forefront.
Do you even know what semi automatic means?
It's a buzzword anti gun people try to use to make something seem so scary 'automatic'. Lmao
I also think all drugs should be legalized.
Thinking so linear (banning) isnt going to solve anything.
Drugs been banned for how long now? Overdose epidemic in USA. Seems the ban is working out really well, along side the 'war on drugs'. You guys think I'm some Republican yahoo waving my gun around when in all reality I'm just fighting for freedom man. How much can the govt take from us and our lives still be considered 'free'?
I don't have the answers. Said that all along, but what I do know is American firearm culture is whack. Here (Canada) it's a privilege to own firearms, not a right. In the USA you can shoot and kill people on your property. In Canada, even if someone is breaking in your house with their own weapon you can't shoot them or you get charged with murder. Case in point this exact scenario just played out. Media, music, american culture, all revolve around guns and how it's your 'right' to own one and shoot people. Here, our laws are far to strict to warrant any type of baffonary without fear of serious consequences. Like anything, it's about education and protocols (gun locks, safes etc). Not banning. Just because ar15's are banned here you think I wouldn't be able to get one? That's a joke.
Case in point: there's a bridge here that lots of people commit suicide on. It's fucking sad. So you know what the city's solution was? Put giant bars on the sides so it's hard to climb over and jump.
Now you think those people went to the bridge and said 'ah gee you know what I didn't expect there to be bars. Guess I'm not gona kill myself afterall.'. No man. They still did it, but it wasn't in the news and in the papers and people didn't witness it so somehow that makes it ok
Dont try to solve the REAL issues, just throw some tremclad overtop 'right over the rust'
Your war on drugs was a Republican thing. So because things are going to happen anyway we should make them legal? Does this include rape and murder? :roll:
I also think all drugs should be legalized.
Thinking so linear (banning) isnt going to solve anything.
Drugs been banned for how long now? Overdose epidemic in USA. Seems the ban is working out really well, along side the 'war on drugs'. You guys think I'm some Republican yahoo waving my gun around when in all reality I'm just fighting for freedom man. How much can the govt take from us and our lives still be considered 'free'?
I don't have the answers. Said that all along, but what I do know is American firearm culture is whack. Here (Canada) it's a privilege to own firearms, not a right. In the USA you can shoot and kill people on your property. In Canada, even if someone is breaking in your house with their own weapon you can't shoot them or you get charged with murder. Case in point this exact scenario just played out. Media, music, american culture, all revolve around guns and how it's your 'right' to own one and shoot people. Here, our laws are far to strict to warrant any type of baffonary without fear of serious consequences. Like anything, it's about education and protocols (gun locks, safes etc). Not banning. Just because ar15's are banned here you think I wouldn't be able to get one? That's a joke.
Case in point: there's a bridge here that lots of people commit suicide on. It's fucking sad. So you know what the city's solution was? Put giant bars on the sides so it's hard to climb over and jump.
Now you think those people went to the bridge and said 'ah gee you know what I didn't expect there to be bars. Guess I'm not gona kill myself afterall.'. No man. They still did it, but it wasn't in the news and in the papers and people didn't witness it so somehow that makes it ok
Dont try to solve the REAL issues, just throw some tremclad overtop 'right over the rust'
not enough time to reply to all of that but, good post.

US and have different starting points in our legal history. Canada's system is based upon the principle of an obligation to retreat. The US's system is based upon the principle of NO obligation to retreat. From there has grown what is now a gunfighter nation. This is not a good reason for our whack gun culture. It does explain a difference in culture between the two nations.
Do you even know what semi automatic means?
It's a buzzword anti gun people try to use to make something seem so scary 'automatic'. Lmao
Yep, I do and I'm familiar with a variety of handguns and was C2 machine gunner in my unit and later as an NCO carried a sterling submachine gun and a browning 9mm semiautomatic pistol. I even fired revolvers when I was a kid, before we has gun restrictions and I hunted with my father as a kid and teen, those guns were turned into the police when he passed away.

A semiautomatic pistol also includes a double action revolver, as well as those that operate by gas or breech blowback. It can include pistols and long guns including shotguns as well as what are described as military style assault rifles. If you want a definition of what that is, it is any semiautomatic rifle with a removable magazine and able to hold more the 5 rounds of ammo excluding the one up the spout.

What is so bad about cocking and shooting? Too lazy to move the bolt or operate the lever? Is reloading after 5 rounds that hard for a target shooter? If you can't bring a deer down with 5 rounds and a scope, then you really should not be in the woods or anywhere else with a gun.
Many Americans don't and that is the point, even the ones who think they are antigun. However, it is what the movers and shakers in the democratic party want and what they think they can get away with, without paying a political price. Much depends on the outcome of the next few election cycles, but when the demographic changes take hold, the democrat's confidence will grow. The republicans killed their brand among Gen X and other younger cohorts of voters and several million mostly white republican voters die off every election cycle. The Republicans are not only looking at demographic change, but they are also looking at generational change among white voters too.
You can tell you don’t live here. There are just as many young white Trump lovers as there are old ones. New ones will just step up. Republicans aren’t just going to die off.
Yep, I do and I'm familiar with a variety of handguns and was C2 machine gunner in my unit and later as an NCO carried a sterling submachine gun and a browning 9mm semiautomatic pistol. I even fired revolvers when I was a kid, before we has gun restrictions and I hunted with my father as a kid and teen, those guns were turned into the police when he passed away.

A semiautomatic pistol also includes a double action revolver, as well as those that operate by gas or breech blowback. It can include pistols and long guns including shotguns as well as what are described as military style assault rifles. If you want a definition of what that is, it is any semiautomatic rifle with a removable magazine and able to hold more the 5 rounds of ammo excluding the one up the spout.

What is so bad about cocking and shooting? Too lazy to move the bolt or operate the lever? Is reloading after 5 rounds that hard for a target shooter? If you can't bring a deer down with 5 rounds and a scope, then you really should not be in the woods or anywhere else with a gun.

dude you need 5 shots to bring a deer down?

all i need is 1...that's it
Yep, I do and I'm familiar with a variety of handguns and was C2 machine gunner in my unit and later as an NCO carried a sterling submachine gun and a browning 9mm semiautomatic pistol. I even fired revolvers when I was a kid, before we has gun restrictions and I hunted with my father as a kid and teen, those guns were turned into the police when he passed away.

A semiautomatic pistol also includes a double action revolver, as well as those that operate by gas or breech blowback. It can include pistols and long guns including shotguns as well as what are described as military style assault rifles. If you want a definition of what that is, it is any semiautomatic rifle with a removable magazine and able to hold more the 5 rounds of ammo excluding the one up the spout.

What is so bad about cocking and shooting? Too lazy to move the bolt or operate the lever? Is reloading after 5 rounds that hard for a target shooter? If you can't bring a deer down with 5 rounds and a scope, then you really should not be in the woods or anywhere else with a gun.
Semi auto means pull the trigger and bullet comes out no cocking. Has nothing to do with how many rounds are in a magazine.
So it's ok to own a gun that you have to cock, but not one you don't? Because you can kill less people? Instead of 5 people shot it's only 2 or 3, so that's ok now?
Nice man. Making the world a better place. Now you can rest easy tonight.
Semi auto means pull the trigger and bullet comes out no cocking. Has nothing to do with how many rounds are in a magazine.
So it's ok to own a gun that you have to cock, but not one you don't? Because you can kill less people? Instead of 5 people shot it's only 2 or 3, so that's ok now?
Nice man. Making the world a better place. Now you can rest easy tonight.
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