I also think all drugs should be legalized.
Thinking so linear (banning) isnt going to solve anything.
Drugs been banned for how long now? Overdose epidemic in USA. Seems the ban is working out really well, along side the 'war on drugs'. You guys think I'm some Republican yahoo waving my gun around when in all reality I'm just fighting for freedom man. How much can the govt take from us and our lives still be considered 'free'?
I don't have the answers. Said that all along, but what I do know is American firearm culture is whack. Here (Canada) it's a privilege to own firearms, not a right. In the USA you can shoot and kill people on your property. In Canada, even if someone is breaking in your house with their own weapon you can't shoot them or you get charged with murder. Case in point this exact scenario just played out. Media, music, american culture, all revolve around guns and how it's your 'right' to own one and shoot people. Here, our laws are far to strict to warrant any type of baffonary without fear of serious consequences. Like anything, it's about education and protocols (gun locks, safes etc). Not banning. Just because ar15's are banned here you think I wouldn't be able to get one? That's a joke.
Case in point: there's a bridge here that lots of people commit suicide on. It's fucking sad. So you know what the city's solution was? Put giant bars on the sides so it's hard to climb over and jump.
Now you think those people went to the bridge and said 'ah gee you know what I didn't expect there to be bars. Guess I'm not gona kill myself afterall.'. No man. They still did it, but it wasn't in the news and in the papers and people didn't witness it so somehow that makes it ok
Dont try to solve the REAL issues, just throw some tremclad overtop 'right over the rust'