Gun control is coming

I don't own a gun, never owned one and am in a state that is taking the first steps that will eventually bring this issue to an end. I'm not a supporter of the gun lobby so its stupid to harangue me about a national issue on which I'm on your side. I understand your impatience but suggest that you choose your enemies wisely.
I have no enemies in this debate and hope you didn't take offence to what I said. There was some nationalist views that were beginning to be expressed and came across with the implication that only comments from people in US were of value, and had to push back on that. I stated clearly that the majority of Americans were not the issue, but that the issue is unique to the US, but affects us all. Kindly pointing that out is what friendly neighbours do, not your enemies.
I have no enemies in this debate and hope you didn't take offence to what I said. There was some nationalist views that were beginning to be expressed and came across with the implication that only comments from people in US were of value, and had to push back on that. I stated clearly that the majority of Americans were not the issue, but that the issue is unique to the US, but affects us all. Kindly pointing that out is what friendly neighbours do, not your enemies.
pretty much none of the regulars think that. I post routinely in the Canadian thread, so I’m not about to throw stones in a glass Tims.
I think you answered that question when you pointed me toward understanding why so many people voted for Trump in 2020.
The democrats were walking a tightrope over abortion and guns, but that has disappeared these past few years and instead of becoming risky issues are now seen as wining ones, especially with younger voters and women. The republicans cannot change or address these issues, it would be as bad for them as turning on Trump as far as the base is concerned. The most radical elements of the base control them and will for a long time to come and nothing will be done on guns for as long as they have their hands on the levers of power. In addition, you must overcome two corrupt democratic senators and get rid of the senate filibuster. The popular will is there, but the political process must catch up and a simple majority or even super majority won't cause change until the house and senate change hands. Of course, America could throw out Joe, one of the best presidents since FDR because he is not perfect enough, or pretty enough, or young enough and should be replaced by the scum of the earth!
Perhaps a stubborn Canadian can start listening to a like-minded person who lives in the the US because that person might know a thing or two that the Canadian doesn't. Is what I said "a nationalist view"? Maybe it is. It does not change the truth in what I have been saying. A majority of voters in the US do not support widely applied bans on guns. Pushing for something like that will cause a backlash. Not only counter productive, wholesale bans are not necessary to achieve the objective of saving lives lost in the US due to guns. Also too, that same backlash will not help and might harm progress toward what is probably most important to Canadians, which is reducing the flow of US guns into Canada.
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pretty much none of the regulars think that. I post routinely in the Canadian thread, so I’m not about to throw stones in a glass Tims.
We are as well aware of the stats as you and nobody is blaming you or the supermajority like you, it is a symptom of something deeper, like Trump is.

Why can't the republicans respond to this information? They are controlled by the most radical elements in America and governed by fear of a base that includes all of America's gun nuts and bigots.

i can't believe we're all quoting a fux news poll, even if it does support our point.
aren't there sources of information that aren't actively working to destroy our way of life?
I have no enemies in this debate and hope you didn't take offence to what I said. There was some nationalist views that were beginning to be expressed and came across with the implication that only comments from people in US were of value, and had to push back on that. I stated clearly that the majority of Americans were not the issue, but that the issue is unique to the US, but affects us all. Kindly pointing that out is what friendly neighbours do, not your enemies.
That still doesn't make you like them any more when they call the cops on your drum circle at 3:30 a.m.
Canadia is ok with me, I just get ticked at times when people offer "helpful" suggestions that seem to be passive aggressive snark poorly disguised as the advice of concerned neighbors...And that isn't meant to imply that you are doing so.
But some people do...
@Roger A. Shrubber You are sort of correct. The Chinese invented a bamboo firearm, but not accurate or reliable. Richard Gatling was a US inventor that make the first cast firearm. Of course, there are many arguments about who was the first.. Colt, Browning, we weren't there, so,... we'll prob really never know.
@Roger A. Shrubber You are sort of correct. The Chinese invented a bamboo firearm, but not accurate or reliable. Richard Gatling was a US inventor that make the first cast firearm. Of course, there are many arguments about who was the first.. Colt, Browning, we weren't there, so,... we'll prob really never know.
A US inventor? are WAY behind the times on that...
while they weren't mass produced item, Asia had reliable black powder weapons as early as the tenth century, and Europe was about 200 years behind.
All America did was turn guns from finely handcrafted crafted instruments into mass produced pieces of pot metal crap, so they could kill more people with them at one time...a trend we've been perfecting ever since.

GAWDDAMN this woman is just a miserable, evil, hateful, spiteful, ignorant, stupid fucking bitch...
She embodies EVERYTHING about the republican party in one disgusting, immoral, unethical, unfaithful package.
Not wishing for harm to befall her, but if it does, i hope it's a white christian male republican magat that does her in....because justice matters...and the irony would be the most delicious thing that i would ever taste.
she is right about one thing, though...Evil forces are responsible, and those evil forces are called the republican party, the nra, and qanon.

GAWDDAMN this woman is just a miserable, evil, hateful, spiteful, ignorant, stupid fucking bitch...
She embodies EVERYTHING about the republican party in one disgusting, immoral, unethical, unfaithful package.
Not wishing for harm to befall her, but if it does, i hope it's a white christian male republican magat that does her in....because justice matters...and the irony would be the most delicious thing that i would ever taste.
she is right about one thing, though...Evil forces are responsible, and those evil forces are called the republican party, the nra, and qanon.
Show me a republican politician that doesn't have the mandatory AR15 or hunting photo of an asshole that never hunted a day in their lives. Not to worry 80% might say they want it, but they just need to gin up some culture wars and another caravan heading for the border just before the next election. Guns will no longer be an issue when THEY ARE TAKING OVER! Seriously, Texas is a place that just reelected Greg Abbott and a known criminal Ken Paxton as AG, there will need to be an order of magnitude more deaths in Texas before they even think about gun reform. If the feds do manage to pass gun reform, look for Texas to defy it and challenge it in court. Any gun laws the feds pass must include mandatory minimum sentences for state officials who defy them, don't fuck around with them at all, haul them to DC and try them there.
This was posted in the thread on mass shootings:

This is from a study that was released last year,


People know what's going on. Most can see the writing on the wall. Most can see that its the guns and not the most recent distracting claim about mental health.

Its the guns. Yes people in a mental health crisis or troubled state of mind due to any number of issues (divorce, debt, drunkenness, drugs etc.) and sometimes pure evil, such as domestic abusers, pick up guns and kill people. But the US isn't exceptional in that. We are exceptional in guns being readily available at the time of crisis.

So, gun control is coming. Not now. Not soon. But the facts are undeniable and we see through the smokescreens, or at least 60% do. Reduction in household gun ownership will start with stricter limits on gun purchases. At something like 20,000 dead per year, the sooner we start, the better.
Perhaps a stubborn Canadian can start listening to a like-minded person who lives in the the US because that person might know a thing or two that the Canadian doesn't. Is what I said "a nationalist view"? Maybe it is. It does not change the truth in what I have been saying. A majority of voters in the US do not support widely applied bans on guns. Pushing for something like that will cause a backlash. Not only counter productive, wholesale bans are not necessary to achieve the objective of saving lives lost in the US due to guns. Also too, that same backlash will not help and might harm progress toward what is probably most important to Canadians, which is reducing the flow of US guns into Canada.
Suggesting things that are not remotely possible re: taxing guns, banning guns, gun confiscating robots is not helpful or productive, please don’t correlate this with being Canadian lol. Hopefully you all do make some progress in solving this very sad (kids dying is not acceptable) situation, Oregon being a start. Yes it does affect Canadians as well, so yes we all are concerned, as is every country that deals with the prolific supply of US firearms making their way into the countries illegally. Most Canadians hope for logical and sound solutions and not just noise.
Suggesting things that are not remotely possible re: taxing guns, banning guns, gun confiscating robots is not helpful or productive, please don’t correlate this with being Canadian lol. Hopefully you all do make some progress in solving this very sad (kids dying is not acceptable) situation, Oregon being a start. Yes it does affect Canadians as well, so yes we all are concerned, as is every country that deals with the prolific supply of US firearms making their way into the countries illegally. Most Canadians hope for logical and sound solutions and not just noise.
When the pendulum swings violently in one direction, it swings back in the opposite direction just as violently. The republicans might be in for a very big fall from power over the next decade and some democrats I've seen are pretty radical. I think we will see more Canadian style solutions there in the future and even a packing of the SCOTUS over a variety of issues, including guns and abortion. The republicans are extremely radical in their approach to guns and abortion and have not left much room for compromise. It is not the democrats who are radical now, it is the republicans and their day in the sun seems to be coming to an end. It will be the mass murders and shootings that will drive change more than anything else and they will come up with solutions if they have the power to implement them.

The only way handguns might be registered or licensed in America is by taxation and it is the method currently used to regulate automatic weapons and calibers ever since the 1930's, it was the same for pot with the stamp act.
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Suggesting things that are not remotely possible re: taxing guns, banning guns, gun confiscating robots is not helpful or productive, please don’t correlate this with being Canadian lol. Hopefully you all do make some progress in solving this very sad (kids dying is not acceptable) situation, Oregon being a start. Yes it does affect Canadians as well, so yes we all are concerned, as is every country that deals with the prolific supply of US firearms making their way into the countries illegally. Most Canadians hope for logical and sound solutions and not just noise.
Just getting a few very simple and sane measures passed in the form of Measure 114 has generated a backlash from our MAGA voters. Oregon's right wingers say they are launching this initiative in retaliation for Oregon's voters passage of Measure 114.

Oregon’s Next Gun Ballot Measure Looms
It would establish the right to carry concealed firearms without a permit.

Voters in November narrowly passed Measure 114, which requires gun purchasers to get training and a permit before buying a firearm and limits magazines to 10 cartridges.

That measure is now in court, but before the case is resolved, gun enthusiasts have filed a new measure for 2024, now known as Initiative Petition 21. IP 21 would establish the right to carry concealed firearms without a permit.

One of the chief petitioners, former Baker City Mayor Kerry McQuisten, says the passage of Measure 114 (by 1.3%, fewer than 25,000 of nearly 2 million votes cast) has energized gun supporters.

“People are really angry,” McQuisten says. She adds that “constitutional carry” is now legal in 25 states.

I don't doubt they will get this initiative on the ballot. I don't think it will get enough votes to pass but we'll see.