Gun control is coming

Just getting a few very simple and sane measures passed in the form of Measure 114 has generated a backlash from our MAGA voters. Oregon's right wingers say they are launching this initiative in retaliation for Oregon's voters passage of Measure 114.

Oregon’s Next Gun Ballot Measure Looms
It would establish the right to carry concealed firearms without a permit.

Voters in November narrowly passed Measure 114, which requires gun purchasers to get training and a permit before buying a firearm and limits magazines to 10 cartridges.

That measure is now in court, but before the case is resolved, gun enthusiasts have filed a new measure for 2024, now known as Initiative Petition 21. IP 21 would establish the right to carry concealed firearms without a permit.

One of the chief petitioners, former Baker City Mayor Kerry McQuisten, says the passage of Measure 114 (by 1.3%, fewer than 25,000 of nearly 2 million votes cast) has energized gun supporters.

“People are really angry,” McQuisten says. She adds that “constitutional carry” is now legal in 25 states.

I don't doubt they will get this initiative on the ballot. I don't think it will get enough votes to pass but we'll see.
It seems one step forward and two back is the norm now. Constitutional carry huh?
It seems one step forward and two back is the norm now. Constitutional carry huh?
If it has enough support to carry a majority, then, yes, two steps back. If it loses, then another step forward. I think that this initiative is going to result in hardening the majority's resolve to enact reasonable gun control measures. First it needs 156,000 valid signatures and be submitted by Sept 23. We'll see what happens.
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Connecticut moves the rock forward. :bigjoint:

Connecticut Governor Poised To Sign State's Most Sweeping Gun Measure Since Post-Sandy Hook Laws

Among other things, the changes would ban openly carrying firearms and prohibit selling more than three handguns within 30 days to any one person, with some exceptions for instructors and others.
Other provisions include expanding Connecticut’s current assault weapon ban to include some other similar weapons; stiffening penalties for possession of large-capacity magazines; expanding safe-storage rules to more settings; and adding some domestic violence crimes to the list of disqualifications for having a gun.
The measure passed the Senate 24-11, following a 96-51 House vote last week. Democrats control both chambers.

They show that thoughts and prayers can be made while doing something to prevent the need for more of them.

Does anybody from Conn want to share their thoughts. pro or con?
After being licensed to own a gun and possess ammo that includes a sanity check. The long guns don't even need to be registered, but the purchaser must have a permit to own them. It's not the people hunting in the woods who are the concern, it is those hunting people in the towns and cities that are the problem. Most hunters also have to pass a hunter safety course, wear safety clothing and the long gun can't hold any more than 5 rounds.
After being licensed to own a gun and possess ammo that includes a sanity check. The long guns don't even need to be registered, but the purchaser must have a permit to own them. It's not the people hunting in the woods who are the concern, it is those hunting people in the towns and cities that are the problem. Most hunters also have to pass a hunter safety course, wear safety clothing and the long gun can't hold any more than 5 rounds.

I've been waiting since the first week of March for my PAL to show up and if I wanted to go hunting I have to take a first time hunter's course. Just finished my PCOC, Pleasure Craft Operators Certificate, so I can legally use my 12' Tinny in a body of water other than my dugout.

If I were to take up hunting there's plenty of deer but my old .303 holds 7 rounds in the clip and 1 up the tube so are they coming for my gun! Do bump stocks work on bolt action rifles? :D

It needs a scope but no mount for it but I found a good way to do it.


I've been waiting since the first week of March for my PAL to show up and if I wanted to go hunting I have to take a first time hunter's course. Just finished my PCOC, Pleasure Craft Operators Certificate, so I can legally use my 12' Tinny in a body of water other than my dugout.

If I were to take up hunting there's plenty of deer but my old .303 holds 7 rounds in the clip and 1 up the tube so are they coming for my gun! Do bump stocks work on bolt action rifles? :D

It needs a scope but no mount for it but I found a good way to do it.

View attachment 5296769

Modify the mag or get another one that complies.
Is that your weapon? There gunsmith's ya know!
Jesus Christ.
Modify the mag or get another one that complies.
Is that your weapon? There gunsmith's ya know!
Jesus Christ.

Hell no that's not my rifle! There's a bolt-on unit I will get once my PAL shows up so I can get a modest scope for it. Already have a guy, same guy that bought my .22 ammo for me a few weeks ago, that has a professional bore-siting kit that will do it for free. Just a young fella but really into, and seemingly knowledgeable about guns.

I'll have to check into the mag issue. I'm thinking that it only applies to semi-auto centre-fire rifles and not to legacy bolt actions. AFAIK it's still legal to have over 5 for rim-fire semis like my Ruger 10-22. It has a 10 shot mag standard and I also have a 25 shot one. My old single shot .22 takes over a dozen up the tube-type mag under the barrel.

I thought about putting this in GOP leadership thread, because the main theme is fear and loathing in Repugistan.

But what caught my eye is an effort to unite the party around a regressive bit of legislation centered on needless and harmful pistol braces. This is their rallying ground?

Several states have these laws on the books and they have won when they were challenged by the gun nut lobby. So this is good news but not unexpected.

The key hurdle for Oregon are challenges under the state constitution. The measure was blocked in Harney county by a state circuit court judge. This article:

ends with the following:

Despite the federal decision, Ballot Measure 114 remains blocked by a state court. A trial is scheduled for September in Harney County Circuit Court.

I don't expect that Harney County judge to rule in favor of the measure. He was hand-picked by the gun lobby and his seat is safe in that tiny rural county as long as he rules against the measure. The Harney County judge already told us what he will rule. In January, he said the measure prevents people from obtaining firearms, which is simply not true. But he won't be in the way much longer. His ruling will be appealed and the higher courts can overturn his ruling. So I figure once his ability to block this measure expires, it won't take long to clear the remaining hurdles.
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another stand your ground defense?.....
3-year-old accidentally shoots, kills 1-year-old sibling after getting ahold of unsecured handgun: SDSO
another stand your ground defense?.....
3-year-old accidentally shoots, kills 1-year-old sibling after getting ahold of unsecured handgun: SDSO

Here in Canada the owner of that gun would likely be facing charges for criminal neglect causing death and rightly so.

But lets not infringe on 'merikkkan's freedumbs now.

