Well-Known Member
For what? Wanting to feed the children?State Law Prevented Sale of Assault Rifle to Suspect Last Week
don't you feel stupid now?
For what? Wanting to feed the children?State Law Prevented Sale of Assault Rifle to Suspect Last Week
don't you feel stupid now?
Like I've said many times...If I wanted to go on a spree myself, I would use shotguns. I'm smarter than most, though.only because the shooter was prevented from buying one the week prior.
only because the shooter was prevented from buying one the week prior.
Like I've said many times...If I wanted to go on a spree myself, I would use shotguns. I'm smarter than most, though.
If I wanted to kill for numbers, I would use a bomb.
Keep preaching against the AR's, though. It cracks me up.
Only because the shooter had top secret government access even after being relieved of his duties( without an honorable discharge) The shooter also has a past of mental breakdowns and psychological issues. Sounds like if the government were more competent, this could all have been avoided. Washington D.C. has the strictest gun laws in the country. It all happened right there in Washington D.C.
hunting and self defense are excellent, legitimate uses for guns.
there were armed guards. so much for a good guy with a gun.
the gun was purchased out of state. are you saying we need to adopt DC's gun ban elsewhere to see if it works?
or were you just making vacuous, meaningless statements?
Bill Clinton disarmed our military on base. This is his policy. He owns it, and in a way the blood is on his hands.
if he disarmed the base, why were there armed guards there?
if he disarmed the base, why did the shooter take the guns from the armed guards he killed?
or were you just trying to get caught in another lie?
you'd blow yourself up or get flagged before you had half the ingredients for a bomb that could do anywhere near as much damage as an AR15 with a high capacity mag can do.
Those armed guards were not military, they are contracted by the government. I think you're border-line retarded disarming our war heroes.
yeah, what could go wrong with a bunch of suicidal, PTSD shooters going around with guns?
so much for the base being disarmed and a good guy with a gun.
These are the facts...
These shootings keep happening in places where carrying a weapon is forbidden.
Democrats, namely Bill Clinton passed this law into effect for military bases.
And yet, the liberals and Democrats keep telling us that we just need a law outlawing guns and everything will be ok...
I dont think even they are believing their own bullshit.
The truth is that the Democrat party could not exist if there were not victims. And so the Democrat party works hard to make victims of everyone, in this case by restricting the lawful possession of handguns by the very people we pay to protect us.
Newsflash!! Another law is not going to change anything except to make things worse and people more vulnerable. But that is the Democratic goal.
actually Bubba issued orders as Commander In Chief that military bases at home and abroud should "de-militarize", reducing the number and visibility of their armed guards. it was part of his Kinder and Gentler military proram
but the policy establishing that off duty personnel are prohibited form carrying arms except under orders is long established.
when billeted, every man was generally ordered to Pile Arms, and those arms were stored in an armoury. except for those doing Duty Under Arms, the rest of the personnel have been disarmed for nearly the entire history of military firearms.
unless the threat of attack is imminent, or theres actual shootin goin on, "Rear Positions" are pretty much disarmed all the time, and have been since the revolution.
the prohibitions on possessing loaded arms in encampment even required that the First Sergeant personally worm the ball of each musket as a guard shift retired, and send the powder and ball to the quartermaster.
yeah, what could go wrong with a bunch of suicidal, PTSD shooters going around with guns?
so much for the base being disarmed and a good guy with a gun.
'm done making you look like a fool for now.