Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Add Subway to that list... I'd rather eat my own face.
yeah, it's all about Quiznos and ToGos!
imma dream about the Spicy Baja Beef tonight.
Add Subway to that list... I'd rather eat my own face.
fuck all those shit factories and their fake bread and shitty meats.
if your bread wasn't baked fresh that day, it's crap.
if the turkey in your hoagie came from some god forsaken poultry mill, Dog save your soul.
don't even get me started on cheese not from a local source, like the tillamook cheese which satisfies my hunger and fuels my massive anal gas eruptions.
carrying a gun and being a certain skin color are two vastly different things.
you'd have to be borderline retarded to even compare the two.
We as americans suffered a mortal wound in 2008. We have been bleeding to death ever since. We must start over.
You'd think so but then again their persecution complex tells them otherwise. Anything short of being able to spin/stroke your gun in a starbucks is the man keeping you down.
We as americans suffered a mortal wound in 2008. We have been bleeding to death ever since. We must start over.
...yeah, that would be the election of that fool in the Whitehouse and it won't heal until we throw the bum out.
fuck all those shit factories and their fake bread and shitty meats.
if your bread wasn't baked fresh that day, it's crap.
if the turkey in your hoagie came from some god forsaken poultry mill, Dog save your soul.
don't even get me started on cheese not from a local source, like the tillamook cheese which satisfies my hunger and fuels my massive anal gas eruptions.
Global Warming Explained.
You'd think so but then again their persecution complex tells them otherwise. Anything short of being able to spin/stroke your gun in a starbucks is the man keeping you down.
I believe even in the old west, the sheriff would collect firearms of visitors, to ne returned when they left. We commonly and temporarily relinquish some of our rights when visiting anothersNext time I pass one of these, Im gonna strap the 10mm into my leg rig and walk in to get a cup of coffee. What an asinine thing to request of your customers "Please don't exercise your constitutional rights in our store."
And Im not gonna leave a tip, isn't that shit like 10 bucks a cup anyway? Do they even sell regular coffee there, or do I need a curious friend along to help with the order?
I believe even in the old west, the sheriff would collect firearms of visitors, to ne returned when they left. We commonly and temporarily relinquish some of our rights when visiting anothers
establishment, or are all others rights secondary to your right to keep and bear.
You may be right, but it IS funny that whenever guns are discussed we then - and usually only then decry the ineffectiveness of laws. If criminals don't obey laws, then why are there any at all?NOPE
The a few of the Cow Towns like Wichita and Dodge City (both in KANSAS, not the west) had local ordinances prohibiting drovers from carrying arms in public.
The drovers were a rowdy bunch, much prone to fights, who came in with the cattle drives from the Actual West, stayed for a few days then went back.
These local ordinances had almost no effect in stopping the "violence" of the "Cowboys", since as everyone is already well aware, they preferred punching to popping off rounds, and as those of a criminal bent do not follow the laws anyhow. Criminals continued to carry arms even in Wichita and Dodge city despite these ordinances. (also note, the second ammendment at the time was viewed as a bar to congressional action, not state or local laws...)
as sherrif of Tombstone AZ, Wyat Earp attempted to institute a ban on carrying arms, and it FAILED miserably. it is also interesting to note that Earp was a criminal himself, he wore a badge only as one more hustle in a long line of shady dealings and criminal enterprises.
the next great "advance" in gun control was New York's Sullivan Laws. Pushed forward by "Big Tim" sullivan, notoriously corrupt politician and gangster (seriously, he was the leader of the Irish gangs in the 5 points region of New York before discovering that politics wasnt so different from The Rackets) f the Tammany Hall era of New York politics. the laws were written and passed, NOT to protect the public from armed gangsters but BY the gangster to protect THEM from armed citizens.
in the early 20th century gentlemen always went about armed, knives, daggers, sword canes, shillelaghs, pocket pistols, etc were as common as dirt. unfortunately this mean that when the mobs went about "Unionizing" the dockworkers (whether they liked it or not) their faced the real possibility of "Workplace Violence" as they threatened, roughed up or attempted to intimidate the dock workers.
more than a few "Union Organizers" (see figure 1) got themselves a serious case of Lead Poisoning while "encouraging" reluctant longshoremen to join their union.
Figure 1
After the pasage of the Sullivan Act, "Workplace Violence" was greatly reduced for the gangsters and union thugs, but the hazard of being found floating in the river greatly increased for everyone else.
100 years later and not a thing has changed, criminals still carry guns at their whim, and law abiding citizens are at the mercy of any thug, gangster of street mutt who fells the desire to engage in crime.
New York New York, the city that never sleeps, because it is terrified of it's criminal element.
get it right or save the bullshit.
You may be right, I am only going by the movies. But it is funny that mostly the only time folks decry the ineffectiveness of laws is when it comes to guns. Gun laws are not the only laws criminals seem to ignore, yet we still have and continue to pass more laws of every sort.
You may be right, I am only going by the movies. But it is funny that mostly the only time folks decry the ineffectiveness of laws is when it comes to guns. Gun laws are not the only laws criminals seem to ignore, yet we still have and continue to pass more laws of every sort.