Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

This is an awesome thread idea! One night I was drinking with some friends at their place and hadn't smoked any weed in about 3 months (was trying to quit) and another mate came over for about 30mins, we decided to leave and walk to his place. When we got their he offered me a few cones of this really sticky weed, Needless to say after being heavily intoxicated, 3 months off weed and the fact that my first hit was some goooooood shit I refrained for having more, walked outside, laid down on the driveway and eventually rolled over and puked up nachos and Jim Beam. I think it was mainly the alcohol but either way I wish I saw it and wasn't the one doing it, my mate was having a good old laugh, of course. Awesome.
i can honestly say i've never even felt like vomiting from smoking weed. no matter how good/bad it was or how much or what way we did it. but smoking the sweet leaf and drinking at the same time fucks me up big time. my world starts rocking and i feel like im on a boat on a choppy sea and i barf in my mouth but hold it until i get to a toilet.

but if im high and i drink a lil bit after i smoke im fine i just get way crunk.
I have seen and puuuuked myself because of the couchlock or because coughing to hard,It totally sucks but it happens,mysister inlaw crys when she sees people smokin it she had a back reaction to it when she was a young teen,and still thinks it is poison,hahahahaha hehehehe some fuckin ppl!!
i once was camping, and my friend and i were hot boxing the tent. id smoked a lot previous to that, but never puked.

anyway he rolls a mental long spliff and we smoked it. i puked my ring up for about half an hour. i ended it with my friend just saying oh for fuck sake man, that is a crazy amount of sick, man it!
where i live, a poor as shit area, the weed is full of impurities n never grown properly, loads of people puke blood. first time i smoked weed, it was dutch munk, puked 4 an hour, then ordered pizzas got sum gyal over, smoked more weed, next mornin felt refreshd so i kept blazin, its made my aspergers so much easier, no more tics , no more sleeping problems and a higher quality of life.
ive puked only once, but it was a couple of pukes,, i got fuking stoned with my frend and were walking around outside.. i got thirsty so i bought arizona iced tea..after finishing that huge bottle of ice tea i projectile puked lmao. I never puked like that in my life, it shot out front wards all juice like a movie or sumthing..ppl on the streets wer starin at me like 0.o haha but ya its like i cudnt even control it. Thats the only time
I've puked twice.

The first time, it was my first time getting really stoned and I was like 16. I was only a sophomore and I hung out with a bunch of seniors. We were at this kid Eddie's house and it was like a huge mansion. I smoked a ton, got a horrible case of cotton mouth, ran to the kitchen, and didn't puke. I drank a strawberry smoothie thing I thought it had chunks of real strawberry in it, but it turns out it had expired.

So then I went back in after chugging it and started smoking a shit ton more. That's the high I've always been chasing, it was insane. But yeah, I spent an hour sitting/laying on a chair trying to not puke and everyone thought I was passed out, but I was just trying not to puke really hard.

So I got up and ran to the sink and I puked in the wrong side. There was the left side, with the hole and the nozzle and shit. And then the right side, which had a bucket like thing with a towel in it. I puked all over that towel xD.

Then the second time I had swallowed smoke. I was smoking by my computer swallowed the whole hit accidently, exhaled into my sploof, got really confused by the lack of smoke, then puked all over my shoes. I wasn't even wearing them, they were just in front of me.
The first time I really got high, we smoked an eighth of good stuff in about a 2 hour period. When I went to sleep afterward, I twice woke up and ran to the bathroom because I thought I would puke. Happily, I didn't.

Another time, I cleared a massive yellow hit of completely dead ash, from a 12" bong and coughed it all out. Yeah. I almost vomited, and then collected myself. Baked, I thought, "if I just stay in this huddled position, I'll be fine."

So then my buddies come into the room and start violently shaking me, unaware of my ailment. I sprinted for the backyard, but again, managed to keep it in.

Good for me.
About 10 years ago was the only time I ever puked. Was at a buddies house and he wanted to roll a honey covered blunt. He had cut the blunt wrapper but it was dried out and it ripped, so he decided to patch it up by double rolling the phillies, then proceeded to coat the sucker with honey. About 3/4 of the way down I got pretty nauseated walked over to a tree and let the demons from my stomach out. Only time I have ever puked while smoking the green but I would take an educated guess and assume it was the 2x blunt papers with the honey that sent me over the edge.
I've puked a few times when I was younger. Back in high school. Each time I puked was a direct result of being way too high. It starts off with a little nausea followed by cold sweats and the desire to be left alone and not move a muscle. If you're able to be left alone you can ride it out, but often times you got too high because you were power smoking with a group of friends and there is no way they're going to give you the space you need to fight off the spins. While you're mentally thinking that you're never going to smoke again if you can just survive this one bad trip, eyes squeezed tightly shut, trying not to think about what you had for lunch and hoping the world will slow down to it's normal spin rate your buddies meanwhile are having great sport in trying to get you to puke. Blowing smoke in your face, asking if you'd fell better if you had a greasy fried egg sandwich or some other puke inspiring delicacy. Once you puke though you feel fine and can finally enjoy your buzz after you've smacked the hell out of your tormentors.
Ive never heard of puking from weed but everytime I smoke I cant breathe out of my nose...lol....I think its an allergic reaction....sometimes its worse than other days....my head gets completely congested.....puking could be an allergic reaction also....
.....puking could be an allergic reaction also....

It's not an allergic reaction. If I were allergic to it I wouldn't have been doing it for the past 30+ years. It feels almost exactly like being too drunk. You know, when you get super drunk and finally go lay down in bed you start getting the spins. It's the same sick feeling but instead of being drunk your stoned. And I can't say it's just from being really high because I've been super rippped many time and didn't get sick. The first time I puked on it was my junior year of high school. I had been smoking since 7th grade so I was no longer a noob. My Junior and Senior years I was the go to guy because I was good at it and knew where to get the good shit. Yet those two years were the only time in my life that I got sick from what felt like being just too high. It could be from a chemical reaction from something you may have eaten. I've known other people that this has happened to also and they describe the same feelings and symptoms.
I see,when I oversmoke I have almost like panic attack episodes where I feel like im dying......it sucks bad....but I think shit that does that to me is laced....a couple of weeks ago a friend stopped buy and said he just bought some bomb ass nugs. He was drunk as hell and I just wanted to get him out of my house....

so we went outside and sparked the bowl of nugs he had just bought , I took 4 hits off of the shit and he left, 5 mins later I was so fucked up and tweaking out.....lol...I couldnt stop moving ...twitching all over the damn place.....Turns out the bud was laced with speed....freaked me to hell out....bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
my wife took my blood pressure and pulse and my pulse was 154.....lol.... I think normal is between 60 and 80.....
sorry for blabbing.......im stoned....lol.......
A few of us were drinking vodka in my shed once, then proceeded to get stoned, a few spliffs and bongs later, we managed to gain the energy to go for a walk.

One of my mates had only had about half a spliff, and was trying to hold back his whitey... Ten minutes later we'd walked about a mile, and he was rooted to the spot, saying he couldn't move...

I stood still for about ten minutes waiting for him, then the spins started, I sat down on damp grass for about an hour and a half, my other mate waiting for me, trying to get me to hurry, I couldn't move, but sitting where I was, well... It was quite simply the best place ever, really comfortable.

I have to agree with whoever stated that you just want to be left alone, it is kinda like that,

I was sick over a half hour period, at the time it felt terrible, but as I'd been sick, it gave a nice feeling at the same time.

I managed to get home in the end =o) Motivation and all!

I have yet to be sick from just smoking weed on its own though.
I puked smoking weed once.

It was in the tenth grade on a Friday night. Me and my friends left school at the end of the day, bought some weed, saw some people down at the forest by the school that everyone blazed at, got a huge group together, pooled our pot together and smoked a little bit more than an eighth within the span of about a half an hour (there were lots of us.) I had only been smoking pot for about a month, and it was one of the first times I was actually really high, so, as you can guess, I got completely fucked.

Afterward, we just walked around for a bit, then I started to feel really sick. We went to my buddy's cousin's house (there were only three of us by now) to go grab some money, then we went to McDonald's. I had a really bad feeling about this, as I was feeling like crap and I thought that if I took one bite of anything, that would just make everything worse. That said, I was stupid and a newbie pot smoker and decided to just get a large fries anyway. We went into the PlayPlace after we got our food since nobody was in there and we just wanted to chill, so my friends mow down their burgers while I ate my fries one by one very carefully. Eventually, after the third or fourth fry, I lost it - I puked up red shit all over the floor and all over the play equipment.

After this, we booked it out of the building before anybody could ask us what was up. I started to feel a bit better so I mowed down my fries within a couple of minutes - bad mistake. We went back to my buddy's cousin's house just to chill for a bit where I started to feel even worse. I laid on his bed quietly for about ten minutes before I was at it again - this time, all over my buddy's cousin's carpet before I eventually made my way to the toilet.

Me and my buddy then decided that it would be a terrible idea if I slept over at his house, so I went for a bit of a walk, got my dad to pick me up, went to bed at six PM and woke up at seven-thirty AM the next morning.
thats weird the only time me personally used to want to puke is if i swalloed when inhaling the smoke which then felt like a little air bubble in my lungs/chest which caused my mouth to salivate and could taste a salty taste.it made me wanna puke til i burped up that bubbler in my chest i used to hate that shit..
me and a friend used to buy a bunch of shake and try to serve each other the fattest sobes we could, there were a couple mornings that we both puked because they were so harsh and we would cough so hard.
I sometimes puke from coughing REALLY hard and repeatidly... It's not really fun when it happens but I find it gets me even more fucked up =D

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf: