Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

I puked from smoking one time. It was the first time I smoke...

My "buddies" told me if I swallowed the smoke I would get more high. I dont know if I got more high since it was my first time, but I puked a couple times walked back home and passed out.
My wife pukes once in a while, if she takes too big a hit off the bong. She'll run into the bathroom, and I'll be laughing my ass off, trying not let her hear me.

I puked at a Pink Floyd stadium concert back in '78. I had some beer, but not enough to puke. Smoked a shitload of weed that day. I found out later one guy was sharing some shit that may have been laced with pcp or something. Anyway, it started with a headache walking from the parking lot. By the time I sat down, I wasn't doing too good, and puked on the floor in front of my seat. Then I felt better, and enjoyed the concert.
I have a friend who "greened out" or whatever from smoking to much back in junior high, puked standing up into his toilet splattering it around the side of the bowl and the the wall a little bit :spew: nasty lol.

The closest I've come is taking a big ass roach in the 3 liter gravitational bong haha. I didnt puke but coughed so hard that I thought I would.
I've heard of people coughing themselves into a gag reflex and yarking, but other than that, don't smoke dirty ass weed that someone grew for WEIGHT...I can make a bud heavier than shit but you don't want it, he he he. I believe there is a human allergy to cannabis in a few people, but I would check that with a doc.
I puked after smoking once when I was a kid. It was probably only my second or third time smoking pot. When you're new to inhaling smoke, it upsets your stomach. I remember the first cigarette that I smoked after I learned what inhaling was--sickest I had ever felt in my life.
Whitey! lol, I thought everyone whitied at least once, When I 1st starting smoking I was just young and remember a couple times puking but ya feel wicked when your done lol.
Even a couple times getting close to sick so id lay on the couch a pillow on my head. This may be because me and my buddies would always see who could smoke the most or take the biggest hit.
I have a friend who pulled a whitey and puked all over me!! it was not pleasant and because he had been drinking ribena it was all purple!!

Mind you it was four of us and an ounce. If you aint a big smoker take ur time cuz pulling a whitey is a nooob mistake!
i only puked after 3, 3ft bong rips, but that was only after i ate 3 double decker taco's in a matter of 5 seconds cuz i got the munchies so bad...took the bt's after and about 10 mins later it was on my friends neighbors driveway.....glad i didnt have to clean that shit up ahahah
not me but my buddy puked out my window of my parents house when we were like 14. He just got too high and got sick, we laughed at his ass and called him a pussy...
i've puked before. then i get this feeling like everything is kind of whirling around, mainly when i first started, and i have puked i think twice in my life. They weren't like monumental sessions or anything, except one was on christmas night dec 25 at like one AM i was soo high i just ralphed
I did... first time I had ever hit a r00r.... was fucking dizzy light headed...layed on the ground and chilled while smoked more...then we left and walking down the stairs...BLAAARGHG there it all came was FUCKED up! was like ..16?

the only time i have ever been sick was a long time ago when i had my first bucket after that I have never had a bucket lol
ive personally never have...but i have known people to take a 2 liter gb and puke afterwards and ive seen a person puke after a bong rip once
Aight so i smoke all the time with my brother and his bestfriend (aaron), and aaron is a total boss at smoking, he can take some huge hits. But whenever we smoke alot of really good shit he always pukes. We K'd an 8th once from a bowl and we were all fucking annihilated and 45 minutes later he puked behind an amatoes. One time he just had a small puff off a joint and he puked everywhere. Another time he had 2 HUGE bong hits, and he puked behind a dairyqueen half hour later.

So is this shit normal? or is he just a noob?

lol, well I've seen my friends cough enough to puke, just see my carpet in my room and you'll see what I mean. I kinda did once, but I was coughing a shit load.

That's about it though.