Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

I've never heard from anyone puking from just cannabis alone. He must be special...
i have spewed like 10 times after smoking too much easy
fuck rip bowl after bowl after a while ya going to puke
(if ya dont smoke every day)
never really had the problem so I guess he is a noob as u put it lol The only time I have "Whiteyed" (Puked) is when I drink bare too much beer and smoke bare zoots in one nite, apart from that just keep tokin
i find if i smoke and dont drink (anything,nt alco) i usually feel sick.

if i have a glass of water or sumthing im grand.
add booze and im chucking my nuts up
just smoking im good but i have greened out after 1 cone when i was young once
I have a buddy that every time he tried smoking he hurls right after. Smokes cigs without a problem though so we assume its the green. Maybe he is allergic but I have never heard of such a thing. Especially being allergic to a gas does not make much sense to me.
If you are coughing too hard, IMO you are burning your stuff too quick. Low and slow is the best.

That being said, yes I've puked from smoking weed. It was because this stupid id-git rolled up a bag of seeded no trich crap in a stale blunt wrap and I was trying it just to be nice and hit it, but I puked my guts out. Seeds smell nasty burning. This was the 90's, I don't think I've seen a free seed in 5 years, if you catch my drift. This guy thought that leaving the seeds in made his stuff that much better because he coughs more.

On another note, somehow in the last 2 years I have lost the ability to drink alcohol. One beer, my stomach is upset for hours and I can fight the puking . Two beers, its hard to fight the urge to puke. Three I will be puking before its done.

Shots are insta-puke territory. Yes even the 1oz bar shots.

Don't confuse coughing/lack-of-oxygen for being high. :)
ive puked from bowls. I pull to hard and burning ash hits the back of my throat, prb the worst thing ever and is y i avoid bowls
My daily habit consists of smoking gravity bongs with 2.5 lt bottles in 1 hit i can do this without trouble 1+ times i cant see how someone can puke of doing gravity bongs. But man i had 5 double shots of brandy before a strong spliff with no tolerance in a car while it was parked. When the car started driving over speedhumps every 100 metres i had to stop the driver and open the door and puke on the street :D It was gobsmacked i felt like i would die if i lifted my head up lol carefull with weed and alcohol but weed or gravity bongs are fine imho
yes. i got this realllly goood outdoor shit from one of my buddies. one of the guys that i was with, took 3-4 hits then ate 5 pieces of pizza. then he smoke another 3-4 hits then threw up. then i got a panic atack from the weed lmao (it was my first time)
i was with this dude tht only smokes blunt never a bong and we pack this with some grade a shit from cali he takes this big ass hit and lfight he took the shotgun he just threw up every it waas sick,, thts the only timeive seen someone puke