Help with Seeds, newbie here.

Ace cole

New Member
I'm a newbie to this forum and what have you, I'm a newbie to plant life in here is my question? I started with Mosca sonic fly in paper towels then ziplock bags and some in a cup of water, they sprouted, so I moved them into pots filled with ocean forest and have them in my closet getting no sunlight or light and this is the result so far, I'm going to be doing an outdoor and would like to know what I do next as well why do the sprouted seeds look like this with the seed shell on top or is it supposed to look like this? Thanks and cheers to all.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg



Well-Known Member
You need to put some cfls over them mate once thee up out of the soil..he shell off the seedswill fall off leave them if they dont in a couple days you can gently remove them ..veg them under 18 hours of light for 4 weeks and then they can go outside ..hope this helps


Well-Known Member
If theres feedingin your soil you wont have to feed atall for the 4 weeks ..just water them leave the pots dy out between waterings


Well-Known Member
like the others said they need light!!!!! keep them in the light, like indirect sunlight before they sprout, and when they sprout put them in direct sunlight!! just make sure they stay wet, the bigger the pot, the longer it will stay wet.

I recommend starting all seeds directly in their final pot, scoop a divet and put some seed starter and the ungerminated seed in that, at the top of the final pot with FFOF and perlite mixed in, give them nutes after about 3 weeks or so...

Ace cole

New Member
Thanks for the info, so 18 hours a day for four weeks, as well can I make my own wooden box and hook a few grow lights on it and keep the plant it that.