Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

you talking to the wrong person. I own guns. I support others owning guns. I just don't think a person needs a guns with a clip that shoots 50 bullets or the town idiot owning a bazooka. You should not be able to go to a gun show and purchase a gun without a background check
I don't own a gun but support the right of others to own one. As far as gun restrictions go, well, bazookas and RPGs are probably over the top. Machine guns are already banned. I don't see any need to go further than that unless somebody comes up with tactical nukes. I'd support keeping those out of circulation. I can hear it right now "when nukes are banned only criminals will own nukes", "I feel safer when I carry my nuke" and the ever popular "the government keeps nukes out of public hands so they can enslave the people".

Gun violence is way overstated. The reality is that most gun owners never use their gun for self defense or anything else for that matter. Most of the time, when a gun is used, it is by the gun owner on their self. Think about that the next time you fondle your piece.
I don't own a gun but support the right of others to own one. As far as gun restrictions go, well, bazookas and RPGs are probably over the top. Machine guns are already banned. I don't see any need to go further than that unless somebody comes up with tactical nukes. I'd support keeping those out of circulation. I can hear it right now "when nukes are banned only criminals will own nukes", "I feel safer when I carry my nuke" and the ever popular "the government keeps nukes out of public hands so they can enslave the people".

Gun violence is way overstated. The reality is that most gun owners never use their gun for self defense or anything else for that matter. Most of the time, when a gun is used, it is by the gun owner on their self. Think about that the next time you fondle your piece.
when do I fondle my piece ?
The premise of this thread is that guns "work" or protect their user and loved ones. The premise is flawed and basically regurgitated propaganda from the gun lobby. Gun nuts repeat this again and again. So, OK, I admit that I'm enjoying pointing out how foolish this is, again and again. For the average gun owner, guns do not make you safer.

It took two stupid actions to have tragedy like this. First, the average Barney, gun owner, imagining he is some sort of ninja warrior and strapping the gun on. The second mistake was drawing that thing. Average gun owners that carry in public or keep the gun in their car have just made that first mistake. Too bad that you don't like it when I say it.

When going about in public, the only safe act for the average gun owner is to leave that thing at home in safe storage. If they don't then they are just a Barney and a hazard to those about them. As you infer, it is not strange that a Barney did something stupid.

I still disagree that 'average ' gun owners are less safe when carrying. The average gun owners that I personally know are safer imo. Granted, I keep a small circle of friends.
I don't own a gun but support the right of others to own one. As far as gun restrictions go, well, bazookas and RPGs are probably over the top. Machine guns are already banned. I don't see any need to go further than that unless somebody comes up with tactical nukes. I'd support keeping those out of circulation. I can hear it right now "when nukes are banned only criminals will own nukes", "I feel safer when I carry my nuke" and the ever popular "the government keeps nukes out of public hands so they can enslave the people".

Gun violence is way overstated. The reality is that most gun owners never use their gun for self defense or anything else for that matter. Most of the time, when a gun is used, it is by the gun owner on their self. Think about that the next time you fondle your piece.

That is probably because the government makes killing yourself illegal and thus less violent means are not usually an option. Just another example of how government creates the problems it then causes to be larger.
I still disagree that 'average ' gun owners are less safe when carrying. The average gun owners that I personally know are safer imo. Granted, I keep a small circle of friends.
From your communications, you are not average. All I need to do is read something from NLX and compare.
I don't own a gun but support the right of others to own one. As far as gun restrictions go, well, bazookas and RPGs are probably over the top. Machine guns are already banned. I don't see any need to go further than that unless somebody comes up with tactical nukes. I'd support keeping those out of circulation. I can hear it right now "when nukes are banned only criminals will own nukes", "I feel safer when I carry my nuke" and the ever popular "the government keeps nukes out of public hands so they can enslave the people".

Gun violence is way overstated. The reality is that most gun owners never use their gun for self defense or anything else for that matter. Most of the time, when a gun is used, it is by the gun owner on their self. Think about that the next time you fondle your piece.

Only criminals own nukes NOW. Gun violence is UNDERSTATED.

EVERY edict of government is backed eventually by the threat of use of a gun. In fact, hundreds of millions of innocent people have already been killed by guns and bombs "in the wrong hands" .

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Some dead guy that made a lot of sense
The guns appeared to have worked as designed.

guns are designed to kill people over $25 disagreements?


You can "jibber-jabber" all you want, deny reality to your hearts content --- a human made a bad decision and unfortunately a couple paid with their lives.


i make bad decisions all the time and have never been killed by a gun because of it.

maybe you need to quit denying reality and accept that guns are mostly unnecessary killing tools that most civilians wil never have any use for, ever.
I still disagree that 'average ' gun owners are less safe when carrying.

it is america, so you are free to be wrong.

for every time someone uses a gun to defend themselves, there re a dozen other incidents where that gun is used to kill an innocent person, themselves, or their own kid.
And this is why....


let's play a game. you keep quoting articles like that, and every time you do, i will quote two of these:

Boy, 6, fatally shoots toddler brother while playing ‘cops and robbers’

On Saturday night, Santiago’s security scheme went horribly wrong when his son found the loaded gun. The boy, who has not been named by police, then began playing “cops and robbers” with his younger brother, 3-year-old Eian, when the gun suddenly went off.

The bullet struck Eian in the face, killing him.

But you abuse this right.
The two sides are looking at different information and claiming the other is wrong. The problem is, one side quotes the NRA, the gun industry lobby, FOX news and cherry picks one-off press releases. The other side quotes universities, government statistics and UN reports. But hey, if a person only cherry picks media to confirm their bias, they have the right to do that too. And I have the right to ignore them.

At least @NLXSK1 is honest in saying the he rejects information that conflicts with his sense of what's correct, as flawed as that may be.
I think I would enjoy very much what you are smoking. What an imagination
you talking to the wrong person. I own guns. I support others owning guns. I just don't think a person needs a guns with a clip that shoots 50 bullets or the town idiot owning a bazooka. You should not be able to go to a gun show and purchase a gun without a background check

If one of the purposes of an armed populace is to ensure that "the people" have the ability to repel a tyrannical government, how would you propose "the people" do that if they are out gunned?

Are you aware in most government genocides, ancient and modern the disarming of the populace was a primary ingredient of the eventual tyranny and ensuing slaughter?

I could list many instances where government disarmed people and then slaughtered them.