red w. blue
Well-Known Member
The two sides are looking at different information and claiming the other is wrong. The problem is, one side quotes the NRA, the gun industry lobby, FOX news and cherry picks one-off press releases.
1 Will you show us where any of the quotes from the above were wrong?
2 Tell us where a quote from fox was used in this thread?
3 Please tell us anywhere in this forum where ALL press releases were used?
4 Please show anywhere in this forum a single press release was used that was not cherry picked?
The other side quotes universities, government statistics and UN reports. But hey, if a person only cherry picks media to confirm their bias, they have the right to do that too. And I have the right to ignore them.
As for statistics- where are the statistics for drug dealers who have not been robbed or killed because it is known they carry or have a gun? Where are the statistics for those who pull a gun and the robber/killer just goes away and the gun may not be legal or they may be smart and not wish to call the cops while having a gun, or maybe the cops wouldn't be called because the cops would put them through a lot of crap for no good result, and just waste a lot of time. I know of many times a gun was used as a show of force to stop a fight from starting make someone drop a knife. A gut I know well stopped a thug from beating guy with a bat, he fired a shot in the air told him to drop it and he did than ran off, later from prints on the bat was caught. The guy being beaten lived but not by very much and was in ICU for 2 weeks or so in the hospital + rehab for close to a year. THIS is WHY I fill that its MY RESPONSIBILITY TO CARRY. I know the guy would have died and have no doubt of it. This guy has a life such as it is today because of a gun that wasn't legal, although he did say to the cops that he took it from the trunk he also said that they didn't believe him. Nothing was in the paper about a gun and only that the noise caused them to call the cops not that my buddy had beat on the door If I am not armed and it comes up where I could have saved a life with a gun I would never forget and it would bother me for the rest of my life.
For these things to get in the statistics someone needs to be shot and then call the cops.
5 Universities, our government and the un ARE THEY NOT the very orgs that wish to take away our right to OWN guns?
Guns are used for many things and in many ways. Many are only used for shooting sports, skeet, trap and other types of targets and are made for only for this.
Guns are also made to defend and protect us.
The same can not be said of spear guns, they are only made to kill and for my part thousands of times I have shot them and only a hand full of times have they failed to kill. [I shoot though the gills, so no pull offs] So spear guns are very deadly. Many people have been killed or injured by spear guns, kids have killed or injured others and have been killed or injured by spear guns.
There are few if any laws regarding negligence of spear guns. Who's only use is to KILL.
6 Do you think there's a need for such laws?
You have questioned many in this thread as to how their guns are kept and demanded answers so I ask you.
7 Do you have a safe properly installed and have your spear gun in it and locked?
8 Do you have your gun and spear locked in different places?
9 Do you not agree that if you keep it locked up at home there is less chance of someone being killed or injured by it?
10 Do you keep your spear gun locked up at home as a responsible person would do?
11 Is it not the obligation of every spear gun owner to take safety training?
12 Tell us of the safety training that you have taken?
Show us your accountability in this disputed controversy you have played such a LARGE PART in.
Or are you not answerable for your own dogmatic spin