HLVd destroying cannabis crops

I don't think people are necessarily lying. They are misdiagnosing or blowing it out of proportion. How is there even weed in California dispensaries if 90% of the farms are affected? And like I asked before, how have the prices not skyrocketed?
The farms that are affected are still growing weed. I have a friend that has a commercial grow, he has the viroid and he still grows he just deals with it. Some strains dud out worse than others.
I fail to see why anyone would lie about this. It’s not harmful to humans even if ingested. So tell me why they would lie.
For profit. Plain and simple.
Like @lusidghost was saying, it's not that we don't believe it's real....it's just a way for some companies to make money. Commercial growers are (generally) a joke. They usually are rich guys who know nothing about growing weed but want to make money. So their shit fails and they blame.........weed aids. Must be that because 'hell those stoners grow it and theyre all stupid so it must be easier than sticking my thumb up my ass. Yep. Weed aids. That was the culprit!'
Just like calmag.... Every new grower goes and buys calmag. I once had a bottle of calmag that turned into crystals because I never used it once. Now every problem is either weed aids or calmag or leaf septoria because it's the first thing that comes up on Google. It's SO EASY to hype something up in media. And the more they cram it down your throat the more your gag reflex softens and eventually you just Gorf down anything they shit into your mouth.
There's people who's job it is to trick you into purchasing their products. Be it mycorrhizal with actually 0 viable spores, molasses in a bottle of water with a cartoon character on the front promising sweet buds, tests that aren't even real results (how could you prove otherwise?). I read an article about a grower who sent samples to different labs and the results came back diff on both. One pos for weed aids one not. How's that even possible? 'lisa I never ran the tests'. Truth.
Corporations want your money. They see a new market open up with little to no regulation on certain products and all they see is $$$.
The world is evil. People are evil. Corporations are evil.
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Friend in NZ said last year they had major problems with outdoor grows. NZ has always been known as a testing ground for different things because of their population being so concentrated. Wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a controlled experiment.
Laugh all you want @Horselover fat You have any idea how many small farmers Monsanto has sued, starved into bankruptcy because the farmers held back seed they produced on their own land? Big AG businesses have no boundaries nor could give two fucks about people in the cannabis industry standing in their way from making more money. If you don't believe it you are a fool.
For profit. Plain and simple.
Like @lusidghost was saying, it's not that we don't believe it's real....it's just a way for some companies to make money. Commercial growers are (generally) a joke. They usually are rich guys who know nothing about growing weed but want to make money. So their shit fails and they blame.........weed aids. Must be that because 'hell those stoners grow it and theyre all stupid so it must be easier than sticking my thumb up my ass. Yep. Weed aids. That was the culprit!'
Just like calmag.... Every new grower goes and buys calmag. I once had a bottle of calmag that turned into crystals because I never used it once. Now every problem is either weed aids or calmag or leaf septoria because it's the first thing that comes up on Google. It's SO EASY to hype something up in media. And the more they cram it down your throat the more your gag reflex softens and eventually you just Gorf down anything they shit into your mouth.
There's people who's job it is to trick you into purchasing their products. Be it mycorrhizal with actually 0 viable spores, molasses in a bottle of water with a cartoon character on the front promising sweet buds, tests that aren't even real results (how could you prove otherwise?). I read an article about a grower who sent samples to different labs and the results came back diff on both. One pos for weed aids one not. How's that even possible? 'lisa I never ran the tests'. Truth.
Corporations want your money. They see a new market open up with little to no regulation on certain products and all they see is $$$.
The world is evil. People are evil. Corporations are evil.
I’ll agree on the rich shits owning it all.
Maybe he's just a shitty grower?
I wouldn’t consider myself a shitty grower and yet i’ve battled that crap a few times now. Its for real. Just because you haven’t had the pleasure of dealing with it (yet?) doesn’t mean a shitload of us out here in California haven’t been dealing with this for years. I have family members in the legal side and farms they deal with have been testing positive for it. That doesn’t mean everything will dudd on them if they know how to deal with it.
Honestly i dont believe this weed aids crap maybe its real but i dont think thats its as big as a problem as theyre making out too seem :) 90% of farms infected lmfao if that was true wouldnt we hear about it from the farms themselves ? are any big time farms out there impacted by this? i havent heard of any lmfao
I wouldn’t consider myself a shitty grower and yet i’ve battled that crap a few times now. Its for real. Just because you haven’t had the pleasure of dealing with it (yet?) doesn’t mean a shitload of us out here in California haven’t been dealing with this for years. I have family members in the legal side and farms they deal with have been testing positive for it. That doesn’t mean everything will dudd on them if they know how to deal with it.
I don't buy it
“More than 90% of California cannabis farms are infected with a ‘severe’ pathogen called Hop-Latent Viroid (HLVd). An infectious pathogen inside California’s pot farms called Hop-latent viroid, or HLVd is attacking cannabis plants and growing invisibly for months only to spoil a crop just as a farmer is ready to harvest. Scientists believe that it’s in nearly every cannabis farm in California and could be causing billions of dollars in damages to the U.S.’s largest State and it’s largest cannabis economy. [1]”

Hmmmm, smoke em while you got em
Honestly i dont believe this weed aids crap maybe its real but i dont think thats its as big as a problem as theyre making out too seem :) 90% of farms infected lmfao if that was true wouldnt we hear about it from the farms themselves ? are any big time farms out there impacted by this? i havent heard of any lmfao
It’s probably real. The actual end times lol jk j
The dudding that this shit causes is so sad to look at. Our Kush Mints have been testing any where from 28-34%. I asked the post harvest supervisor to test the HLVD KM and it came back 21% THC.
Unless you completely destroy all the genetics and start over, i don’t think you really ever get rid of it.

I’ve gotten through it each time by destroying the obviously sick plants. And if you’ve ever dealt with this you can tell. And only take cuts from the tops of mommas/plants. Actually, don’t even keep mommas is best. Throw those old bitches out and keep making new mommas or just snap from the younger ones is best.

every time i’ve gotten it again was from new cuts i brought in, DHN got me twice, that my dumb ass didn’t quarantine.
The dudding that this shit causes is so sad to look at. Our Kush Mints have been testing any where from 28-34%. I asked the post harvest supervisor to test the HLVD KM and it came back 21% THC.
The very last time i got the shit again was trading cuts with somebody on here, the kush mints i got from him had it. I could tell it had it and i still ran it and that’s all it takes.
The very last time i got the shit again was trading cuts with somebody on here, the kush mints i got from him had it.
I got it from a clone only whose genetics I wanted. I had run closed pretty much prior to that and certainly after that. Mine was very early on and I didn't see it for several clone generations. I just killed it all and moved to seed only. Luckily I had reversed the genetics and the successive runs of those genetics have been clean.

The dudding that this shit causes is so sad to look at. Our Kush Mints have been testing any where from 28-34%. I asked the post harvest supervisor to test the HLVD KM and it came back 21% THC.
Sorry to hear that. We have some huge farms north of Lancaster and I wonder when I drive by them how they are doing.
Honestly i dont believe this weed aids crap maybe its real but i dont think thats its as big as a problem as theyre making out too seem :) 90% of farms infected lmfao if that was true wouldnt we hear about it from the farms themselves ? are any big time farms out there impacted by this? i havent heard of any lmfao
For profit. Plain and simple.
Like @lusidghost was saying, it's not that we don't believe it's real....it's just a way for some companies to make money. Commercial growers are (generally) a joke. They usually are rich guys who know nothing about growing weed but want to make money. So their shit fails and they blame.........weed aids. Must be that because 'hell those stoners grow it and theyre all stupid so it must be easier than sticking my thumb up my ass. Yep. Weed aids. That was the culprit!'
Just like calmag.... Every new grower goes and buys calmag. I once had a bottle of calmag that turned into crystals because I never used it once. Now every problem is either weed aids or calmag or leaf septoria because it's the first thing that comes up on Google. It's SO EASY to hype something up in media. And the more they cram it down your throat the more your gag reflex softens and eventually you just Gorf down anything they shit into your mouth.
There's people who's job it is to trick you into purchasing their products. Be it mycorrhizal with actually 0 viable spores, molasses in a bottle of water with a cartoon character on the front promising sweet buds, tests that aren't even real results (how could you prove otherwise?). I read an article about a grower who sent samples to different labs and the results came back diff on both. One pos for weed aids one not. How's that even possible? 'lisa I never ran the tests'. Truth.
Corporations want your money. They see a new market open up with little to no regulation on certain products and all they see is $$$.
The world is evil. People are evil. Corporations are evil.

I doubt its for profit. It actualy messed dark heart up big time. Alot of people bringing awareness to it have lost out big time to it.