Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

I avoid powdery mildew and other issues I find an oz of prevention of worth a pound of cure as some say. I have only dealt with a strong go of PM (occasionally get it when I neglect a clone in the chamber too) once or twice over the years and it's pretty powerful stuff no adversary like.... spider mites (shivers) but PM is still a formidable opponent. as I said I hardly every deal with PM except for when I am extremely negligent I see small cases of it that just need to be caught quickly but I credit this to keep a good control on my RH or relative humidity. Humidity leads to development of molds and mildew without a minimum % level they cannot survive although with some molds the kill the mold humidity rate is same as the kill the plant RH so in such case RH control just helps them from getting to strong if you can catch them quick as the lower humidity increases colonization periods. Although mold is a sneaky sob... attacks from the inside.

Hepa filters and all that are great for intakes in some cases but often unecessary if you really feel ya need to go for one then more power to ya but consider your RH and whether or not it is a factor.
Thanks hippy, I appreciate all your advice. I think my RH has been around 30%, so maybe borderline. I think the source of the PM is the closet itself, and the intake is right above the carpet which doesn't help. I will take all your tips for my future setup. Might still use the trueair as intake, probably won't hurt at this point. Thanks again man!
Good glad to see you already relative idea of what you RH is. I hope you don't have some form of spore in the carpet padding... since you mentioned your intake is on the carpet pretty much mind if ask I do you have a plywood subfloor and a crawlspace under the house? I ask because one of my patients from a few years ago had a plywood subfloor and excess humidity from water pooling under the house in the crawl space it eventually led to mild wood rot and a bit of mildew begin growing within the carpet pad we didn't have any idea of any of this as I only rip up carpet for construction of permanent growrooms and her dwelling was a rental but long story short once we went into flower the RH of the grow area was high enough to create a perfect colonization area for PM the worst case if it I have ever dealt with and it was a ***** to find the source of the issue. Sadly the whole crop went to hashish so it could be pasteurized before it was given to the patient.
Dang man it sucks you got some mildew, i hope everythign is alright! If i knew anything about mildew i'd through in my 0.2. I'm hoping for the best!
Thanks man. To be honest, I have no idea what's under the carpet... I rent so not really allowed to rip it off unfortunately. But yeah I think for now I'm gonna try the anti fungal sprays and see what happens.

Can't find Greencure anywhere in the bay area, so I'll have to order online. In the mean time, I'll either make my own spray with baking soda or use "serenade" which they have at a nearby hydro store.
Dang man it sucks you got some mildew, i hope everythign is alright! If i knew anything about mildew i'd through in my 0.2. I'm hoping for the best!

Thanks for the support millyy. It sure does suck. Take notes from hippy's prevention tips for the future!
Thanks man. To be honest, I have no idea what's under the carpet... I rent so not really allowed to rip it off unfortunately. But yeah I think for now I'm gonna try the anti fungal sprays and see what happens.

Can't find Greencure anywhere in the bay area, so I'll have to order online. In the mean time, I'll either make my own spray with baking soda or use "serenade" which they have at a nearby hydro store.

Yeah man neer the end of my grow i started to get some white powerdery looking stuff around my pot..i think you saw it, so I hope it doesn't stay there for next grow...I'll be using the same pot :/
I hope you find some of that greencure
Since it is a rental if you have a stealthy enough setup you can request a mold check (they take an air sample from your house and analyse it) some places check for free and if not then it is on your landlord to pay for the inspection.
or pay for the inspection yourself so you can say what areas they check, then there is no chance of your landlord finding out.
good news: i was able to find some greencure (15 minute drive, better than waiting a week of shipping). i applied it very generously to both plants, and we'll see what happens. i also removed the regular intake fan and replaced it with one of my trueairs... this means clean air is entering the box, and clean air is leaving. should've done that a long time ago...

and now to reply to your comments...

Yeah man neer the end of my grow i started to get some white powerdery looking stuff around my pot..i think you saw it, so I hope it doesn't stay there for next grow...I'll be using the same pot :/
I hope you find some of that greencure

yeah i remember that, and i have the same thing on one of my succulent plant pots. if i were you i'd start fresh with a new pot... they have pretty cheap 1 gallon and 2 gallon ones for a couple bucks at hydro shops and warehouses.

Since it is a rental if you have a stealthy enough setup you can request a mold check (they take an air sample from your house and analyse it) some places check for free and if not then it is on your landlord to pay for the inspection.

or pay for the inspection yourself so you can say what areas they check, then there is no chance of your landlord finding out.

smart idea stoney as the inspections really aren't much like $30-$50 per room it's the repair that is costly

great suggestion guys. i will think about it. my current relationship with the company that manages our building is "crappy" to say the least, so if i do this it'll be on my own terms. i'll see what i can find out. $30-$50 wouldn't be too bad, but like you say the repair might be...

Every things looking good homer
I dont know why i haven't been following your grow but im here now *pulls up chair*

great to have you kush! i'm following your grows too bro. if i can beat this PM, things will get good here :) . +rep for joining!

p.s. just wanted to say "Thanks" to everyone who stepped in to help with this PM issue, even with just moral support :) ... great to know i got some good peeps here watching over my ladies!
Rest easy, Homie, that greencure is gonna do it's trick, one more application in like 5 days or so and it should be looking sweet! I hope everything works out, but more so, I hope this solution eases your mind...Lets just light one up, kick back, and not worry about shiiit!
sounds good meta, sounds very good. will be lighting up later tonight (after i get some work done... had to skip out of work early to get the greencure... priorities lol).
Yeah i wouldn't want it to spread to my new one once i start it.. Anything i can do to wash it off or anythign or i need to get a new pot?

Also I'm glad you got the greencure!
thanks millyy! honestly, not sure if washing will eliminate it... yeah, it's a relief i found that stuff. so far the plants are looking better. i did go a little trim-happy (despite metasynth's warnings) and cut off some of the worst leaves. we'll see how things look tomorrow...
we'll see how things look tomorrow...


Sorry to be jumping in so late, but I just got back to the thread. Here is something interesting:
As you know, we got our clones from the same place and they are likely from the same mother (or at least that is what I would assume). About three weeks into flowering, my grow tent got very cold and humid for a couple of days and my plants developed powdery mildew as well. I picked up some Serenade from the local store (safe for organic gardens) and hit it once and then once again in three days and it never came back. Here is the interesting thing though - in my research it seemed that powdery mildew will retreat when you treat foliage, but will still be present in the plant. If conditions are right, the powdery mildew will express - including in that plants clones. Given that we have clones from the same place, and that we both got powdery mildew at essentially the same point in our grow, I would not go tearing up my carpet just yet. I would personally be more inclined to suspect the plant stock. So... good luck. Mine has not come back again with two treatments, and I am 60 days into flowering at this point.
good info dread. it sounds like a definite possibility that it was in the plant from the beginning. i almost picked up "serenade" today but was reading about a foul odor it leaves, so when i was able to locate a store that carried greencure, i went for that. like i said earlier, i gave the plants a heavy treatment (or three), and they look pretty good so far. the stuff dries instantly, leaves no residue or odor, and so far the mildew seems to have receded quite a bit, but time will tell. i'm happy to keep spraying that stuff every few days if need be. as long as i can make it to harvest and not poison myself with mildewy buds, i'll be happy :)

so, you are 60 days into flowering, man you must be getting very close. please post a pic if you can -- i'd love to see amnesia in late stage flowering!
good info dread. it sounds like a definite possibility that it was in the plant from the beginning. i almost picked up "serenade" today but was reading about a foul odor it leaves, so when i was able to locate a store that carried greencure, i went for that. like i said earlier, i gave the plants a heavy treatment (or three), and they look pretty good so far. the stuff dries instantly, leaves no residue or odor, and so far the mildew seems to have receded quite a bit, but time will tell. i'm happy to keep spraying that stuff every few days if need be. as long as i can make it to harvest and not poison myself with mildewy buds, i'll be happy :)

so, you are 60 days into flowering, man you must be getting very close. please post a pic if you can -- i'd love to see amnesia in late stage flowering!

glad to hear that stuff is working for ya... like you said time will tell! i got my fingers crossed for ya!