Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)


Well-Known Member
you guys ever have those moments where you're doing a few things, and in the back of your mind you're asking yourself, "am i stoned or not? i can't tell!", and then you realize that the fact that you keep asking yourself that probably means that you are. and then on second thought, you DEFINITELY are.

well, this vape report is dedicated to blue cream, and stoneyluv who advised me on the ways of vaping fresh bud. about an hour ago i took a sample nugglet of blue cream to look at trichs. after much looking through my cheapo 60x-100x scope, i still couldn't tell if they were mostly clear or mostly cloudy on the calyxes, but i definitely saw scattered amber. so.... anywho....

where was i going with this.

right, so i sacrificed this little nugglet, that was a little bigger than the size of a hershey's kiss, maybe 0.2 grams wet?

after i finish my inspection, concluding nothing, i decided to vape it. i asked stoneyluv for advice and he suggested to grind carefully and vape at high temp. well, that shit worked!!!

i'm very nicely baked "stoned smile (too stoned to go advanced)"


Well-Known Member
Well I sure as hell am not going to be the only one NOT baked in here............................................... Baking..........................LOL


Well-Known Member
that's funny shit dude!!! I told ya you would be toasted!!!! here is the tip of the year.... vape your scissor hash! I've talked about that before on Thursday nights... where my scull goes numb!


Well-Known Member
hell yeah stoney, i'm not forgetting that one!!

here's gonna be my routine:
- trim trim rim
- save scissor hash
- trim trim trim
- save scissor hash
- repeat until too sticky to trim
- clean with rubbing alcohol
- if not done go to step 1
- if done, vape that shit


Well-Known Member
That's why I'm never afraid to get up in there deep when i trim... i know NONE of it goes to waste! man am I high right now....


Well-Known Member
ditto, brother. dit - to.

speaking of nothing going to waste, i just took two bonus hits of the BC bud. i thought it was vaped out, but i was wrong! sweet... lol


Well-Known Member
then ya get to make butter from the duff. I've been saving mine for a long time. I have a medium size mason jar filled. and i have saved the trim from my last two plants. I'm gonna try your method next week i think. I'm also gonna buy bubble bags and make hash.


Well-Known Member
then ya get to make butter from the duff. I've been saving mine for a long time. I have a medium size mason jar filled. and i have saved the trim from my last two plants. I'm gonna try your method next week i think. I'm also gonna buy bubble bags and make hash.
oh man, that's great dude. i want to hear how it goes with the butter. you know, i use 5 grams of vape leftover for a stick of butter, but you could go 10g no problem and get stronger butter. just cook it a little longer. and remember to keep adding water as the water evaporates so it doesn't burn. for me this tends to be 1/2 cup of water every 20 minutes or so because i don't fully cover it.

i use an altoids container to keep all my vape poo (as they call it), so i never know exactly what i'm getting, not that it probably matters too much given that it's poo :)


Well-Known Member
lmao man i lnow exactly what you mean about asking yourself if you're high lol
that shit is hilarious
ME: Am i high?
Me: Do you feel high?
ME: A little but it might be you wanting me to be high

I got to get me a vaporizer so i can get on you guys levels
but first i gotta get me a ph pen so i can ph my water when i fertilize.
Ive been getting by but im starting to give more nutes and im sure its either raisng it or lowering it now

Well im baked and starting to ramble yet again
stay baked bro


Well-Known Member
lmao man i lnow exactly what you mean about asking yourself if you're high lol
that shit is hilarious
ME: Am i high?
Me: Do you feel high?
ME: A little but it might be you wanting me to be high

I got to get me a vaporizer so i can get on you guys levels
but first i gotta get me a ph pen so i can ph my water when i fertilize.
Ive been getting by but im starting to give more nutes and im sure its either raisng it or lowering it now

Well im baked and starting to ramble yet again
stay baked bro
hahaha man, you got me lmao now. "ME" versus "Me" that's awesome.

you'll never regret getting a vape. or a ph pen for that matter. i've only ever used the $3 drop method, works reasonably well unless you use opaque nutes. generally i assume (i think correctly) that nutes tend to lower ph. by how much? no idea. i know molasses lowers ph by about 1 point per tablespoon per gallon of water.

peace bro, staying baked. remarkably long lasting for that tiny budlet!


Well-Known Member
oh man, that's great dude. i want to hear how it goes with the butter. you know, i use 5 grams of vape leftover for a stick of butter, but you could go 10g no problem and get stronger butter. just cook it a little longer. and remember to keep adding water as the water evaporates so it doesn't burn. for me this tends to be 1/2 cup of water every 20 minutes or so because i don't fully cover it.

i use an altoids container to keep all my vape poo (as they call it), so i never know exactly what i'm getting, not that it probably matters too much given that it's poo :)
lmao man i lnow exactly what you mean about asking yourself if you're high lol
that shit is hilarious
ME: Am i high?
Me: Do you feel high?
ME: A little but it might be you wanting me to be high

I got to get me a vaporizer so i can get on you guys levels
but first i gotta get me a ph pen so i can ph my water when i fertilize.
Ive been getting by but im starting to give more nutes and im sure its either raisng it or lowering it now

Well im baked and starting to ramble yet again
stay baked bro
hahaha man, you got me lmao now. "ME" versus "Me" that's awesome.

you'll never regret getting a vape. or a ph pen for that matter. i've only ever used the $3 drop method, works reasonably well unless you use opaque nutes. generally i assume (i think correctly) that nutes tend to lower ph. by how much? no idea. i know molasses lowers ph by about 1 point per tablespoon per gallon of water.

peace bro, staying baked. remarkably long lasting for that tiny budlet!
LMFAO!! You guys are killing me! LOL
AGB you hit the nail on the head...these dudes are some seriously funny mother fuckers..lol. Sorry I havent posted much in the last few days...been sick with stomach flu and I compare that to dying from being gut shot. This will be definite TMI but my ass could pass a freight liner after what I have been through thew last few days. Anyway I would love to sit and have a bake around with all of yas...would be one hell of a time thats for sure!


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks, yeah the tents do look tempting but i cannot leave my ghetto roots, LoL, cardboard boxes for me man. i have the money now to do whatever i want and i still choose to grow this way. i might get a new box to replace this one but its still working fine, just needs a good cleaning, LoL. im happy with the 1 or 2 plants i can grow at a time so most likely, i'll stick with what i have.


Well-Known Member
Wha...who...where was I for all this? I just got caught up and my mind is numb, damn...I feel like crying. Who been fucking with my RIU cause there is no way I just missed all this, damn guys, it takes homer sending me a PM to realize that I got caught slippin...If it's any excuse, the girlie has been crying for attention lately, so I gotta give it up to her first and foremost...But fuck, I wish I lived near you, dawg, fuck! I cant believe i missed out on the bud sampling shenanagins!!!!!! FuckMyLife!


Well-Known Member
hahaha! Man Meta I wish that I could sneak off to Vegas to meet up with you.. :( We will have to e-pass the blunts in the meantime! :D


Well-Known Member
Vegas is gonna be awesome, come on out, we have a timeshare April 11th-14th...Everyone who can make it should head out, get a cheapo hotel room(like 20 bucks cause it's Mon-Thurs)...Man, thats the thing, I would love to really set something up with all the heads on here...just think about it, RIU Con 2011, and in 20 years you could say you were there for the 1st one! (And maybe only?) lol...There are definately some good people on here.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO!! You guys are killing me! LOL
hahaha that was some funny shit last night.

AGB you hit the nail on the head...these dudes are some seriously funny mother fuckers..lol. Sorry I havent posted much in the last few days...been sick with stomach flu and I compare that to dying from being gut shot. This will be definite TMI but my ass could pass a freight liner after what I have been through thew last few days. Anyway I would love to sit and have a bake around with all of yas...would be one hell of a time thats for sure!

damn, another sick one, what's going on? get better arch! some day i hope to vape a few good ones with all you guys!!

thanks, yeah the tents do look tempting but i cannot leave my ghetto roots, LoL, cardboard boxes for me man. i have the money now to do whatever i want and i still choose to grow this way. i might get a new box to replace this one but its still working fine, just needs a good cleaning, LoL. im happy with the 1 or 2 plants i can grow at a time so most likely, i'll stick with what i have.
i hear ya dude. i'll probably end up getting another uhaul lol. the thing that's tempting me for a tent is that i wanna improve ventilation next round -- get a real good inline fan for exhaust and i want to make sure the box/tent is sturdy enough to hold it. even if i get a tent, i'll probably use a uhaul for veg (i just don't wanna get kicked out of the cardboard group! lol).

Wha...who...where was I for all this? I just got caught up and my mind is numb, damn...I feel like crying. Who been fucking with my RIU cause there is no way I just missed all this, damn guys, it takes homer sending me a PM to realize that I got caught slippin...If it's any excuse, the girlie has been crying for attention lately, so I gotta give it up to her first and foremost...But fuck, I wish I lived near you, dawg, fuck! I cant believe i missed out on the bud sampling shenanagins!!!!!! FuckMyLife!
well, it's ok this time meta. but if you fucking do that again... haha, you did miss a good one last night bro. your quick wit would've been appreciated, but no worries there will be more opportunities in the future. and of course, gotta attend to the girlie first and foremost, i can respect that ;)

hahaha! Man Meta I wish that I could sneak off to Vegas to meet up with you.. :( We will have to e-pass the blunts in the meantime! :D
did i hear someone say riu convention?

speaking of which, anyone hear about this event:

richmond ca, april 23, mega hemp fest... could be interesting... i'm putting it on my "maybe" list :)

Vegas is gonna be awesome, come on out, we have a timeshare April 11th-14th...Everyone who can make it should head out, get a cheapo hotel room(like 20 bucks cause it's Mon-Thurs)...Man, thats the thing, I would love to really set something up with all the heads on here...just think about it, RIU Con 2011, and in 20 years you could say you were there for the 1st one! (And maybe only?) lol...There are definately some good people on here.
man we are on the same wavelength today. RIU Con 2011, i like the sound of that! can't make april 11-14, but deepgreenfest, anyone?