hope you don't mind pissing in a cup to recover your own money

what fate would you wish on someone who praises the KKK?

They should be strapped in a chair and forced to watch the 700 club and old Oprah shows half the day and listen to Margaret Thatcher speeches for four hours followed by the song "Puberty Love" from the movie Attack of the Killer Tomatoes for 5 hours after which they spend 3 hours straight with their nose buried in the sweaty ass cheeks right up to the bung hole of a randomly selected NFL lineman after a two-a-day practice session.

All they are allowed to eat is the toe jam of any local high school track team.

All they are allowed to drink is their own tears.
Class warfare is when the upper class uses their power to disenfranchise the working class.

They just hijacked the term in an attempt to deceive.
Yes, and slavery is illegal.

Not the new kind of slavery though...

People still have to register for a military draft and kids are forced to attend government schools and their parents are forced to labor to pay for their indoctrination. Also, prohibition, taxation, etc.
Not the new kind of slavery though...

People still have to register for a military draft and kids are forced to attend government schools and their parents are forced to labor to pay for their indoctrination. Also, prohibition, taxation, etc.

Forced to attend government schools, lol. You're an idiot ,Rob.
This sounds like slavery in our prison system.
What are their punishment options if you work but do a shitty job? Do you think Aaron Hernandez is being forced to work right now? Fuck no -- he can afford a lawyer.
So basically it boils down to getting fucked if you can't afford quality legal representation, which has been a problem with our system from day one.
It is messed up...
Since you think everything is peachy, why didn't someone tell these folks about their "rights"?
13th is yet another in a long line of documentaries that hash out the same old shit all over again without ever actually addressing how to fix it.

The simple fact of the matter is that we have the only prison system with no goal other than profit. You can take everything else and flush it because in the end, that is the issue. Slavery was about nothing but profit. Prisons are about nothing but profit. So naturally the powers that be will do anything they can to keep the status quo.

Every other civilized nation on earth abandoned that model over a century ago and began a rehabilitation/education model. Their thought was that if you prepared a criminal for a productive life, something that the VAST majority had never been prepared for before, they would become productive members of society rather than a hindrance to it.

They have been proven correct.

It's easy to make a documentary about problems. It's been done to death for decades. The hard part is making a documentary about the solutions.

But nobody wants to do that because there's no money in it.

That is why things will never, ever change.
Ok so ending the war on drugs would be a big help. In your opinion what other regulations could be abolished to remove profit incentive?
LOL, Do you still think people in jail have all these "rights" you speak of?
That is my only point. I call bullshit when I see it.
You were the one that devolved into name calling and trying to insult me based on my "education".
No sleep was lost on my end. I spoke to my daughter last night and she lives in Milwaukee. It came up in discussion so it was on my mind this morning.
I've liked many of your posts and will continue to do so. As far as being smart and cool, my daughters are both cooler and smarter than me by far, just ask them, lol. And chicks....................that's another story.
This whole policy is so telling about the Republicans. It plays to the white folks that have this pervesive resentment toward the poor. This is not about fiscal responsibility, this is about stripping people of their dignity.


It's their mean spirit..mine-all-mine..self-centeredness.

They're bitter, controlling, authoritarians.

They pretend that everything they have was worked hard for and they consider the cheating as their right- but don't you do it.

Case in point: my landlord wants to sue me over having a landline installed that I paid for and need for work. We literally have no cell access. He had it uninstalled because he's a controlling shitstain.
He said I frauded him because I called the cable company. I asked if it is fraud like his family receiving benefits from State of Florida when they don't qualify, fraud..:mrgreen: funny, he didn't have an answer for me.. double standard hippocrites.

It's their mean spirit..mine-all-mine..self-centeredness.

They're bitter, controlling, authoritarians.

They pretend that everything they have was worked hard for and they consider the cheating as their right- but don't you do it.

Case in point: my landlord wants to sue me over having a landline installed that I paid for and need for work. We literally have no cell access. He had it uninstalled because he's a controlling shitstain.
He said I frauded him because I called the cable company. I asked if it is fraud like his family receiving benefits from State of Florida when they don't qualify, fraud..:mrgreen: funny, he didn't have an answer for me.. double standard hippocrites.

His property, his rules.

Maybe you can sue him. ;)
His property, his rules.


You are not permitted under any lease agreement I've ever seen to have any work of any kind done without the express written permission of the landlord. There are many, many reasons why.

Maybe you can sue him. ;)

No, but I'm sure the department of social services would be very interested in whatever proof you have of them being defrauded by him. But it better be actual proof; they don't take kindly to false/fabricated reports.