Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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Well-Known Member

Hello CryptKeeper, welcome to my ignore list. Ass clown.

When you stop being a child, and prove to me you're a man. ( Show me this metadata you speak of ) -- I will take you off my ignore list. I will then make a thread dedicated to apologizing to you.


Well-Known Member
What's your bane sir? According to your rep you have much to be proud of!! :D
Just psssshhh'ing at how many times I've read someone on a forum claim to do something to another user via the internet. Then they return saying "I'll have my friend do it" or, turns out they're a just script kiddie using outdated software and plain can't do it.

I was let down yet again, that's all.


New Member
View attachment 1441911

Hello CryptKeeper, welcome to my ignore list. Ass clown.

When you stop being a child, and prove to me you're a man. ( Show me this metadata you speak of ) -- I will take you off my ignore list. I will then make a thread dedicated to apologizing to you.
Im reporting you. You act like you got your feelings hurt when your the one who started the trolling. You sir are very hypocrytical.

Oh and the report is for calling a friend of mine a "Ass clown"


Well-Known Member
Just psssshhh'ing at how many times I've read someone on a forum claim to do something to another user via the internet when they then return saying "I'll have my friend do it" or turns out they're a script kiddie using outdated software and plain can't do it.

I was let down yet again, that's all.
LOL, well said sir. well said.


Well-Known Member
Im reporting you. You act like you got your feelings hurt when your the one who started the trolling. You sir are very hypocrytical.

Oh and the report is for calling a friend of mine a "Ass clown"
Sure thing. Go for it.

Oh and Im gunna report you for reporting me, and then Im gunna have my daddy beat up your daddy. You are a poopy face.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't dare post a real picture of me on any drug site...
They have my mug shot in a dozen places not like they dont know me..........and I havent posted a picture of me and a its would be very subjective in court should they arrest me for putting up anything I say or do on here.........they have better things to do then raid my house Tatical style and get at the most a half ounce.............and thats a ticket now...not an arrestable crime........Im parinoid but not that much LOL oh they would have a hell of a time proveing whats in everyones pipe that take a pic of their bongs on here............SO IN MY CASE im not worried..........others may like the guy and kid that got busted it wasnt the pics on the phone that got em busted.


Well-Known Member
Hello KillerBudz1, welcome to my ignore list.

They are going down like flies tonight baby... pow! zap! zing!

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
well thought id give it a try not a very good pic but the only one I have on hand that doesnt really show my face. its a dumb pic I know lol 37490_145226025494782_100000221569161_443569_2486864_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
I see everyone coming off as an assclown... the day they register, myself included.

I don't discriminate, I fucking hate every body!



Well-Known Member
Oh your flaming me now? Your just as bad. Lol talking all big and bad on a pot forum. Seriously dude grow up. My bad cmt for trying to keep this place a adult 18+ area.
sorry, didnt know sayin cryptkeeper shouldnt be your friend is flaming you. didnt realize i was "talking all big and bad," dont see how i was. if i offended you, which clearly i did, i apologize deeply. but i will not apologize for anything ive said towards cryptkeeper...i still think you shouldnt call him your friend. you talk about keeping it adult, getting rid of crypt is a great step toward adult hood. i think you're over-reacting just a little bit, which we all do at times.

and just a friendly lesson since it drives my OCD crazy and i see you've done it a few times...AN is supposed to be used in front of words starting with a vowel, not A.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Just psssshhh'ing at how many times I've read someone on a forum claim to do something to another user via the internet. Then they return saying "I'll have my friend do it" or, turns out they're a just script kiddie using outdated software and plain can't do it.

I was let down yet again, that's all.
Aah. I agree. Now that I look back, the way I worded that post, it does come off like that. :) +rep for making me aware of that fact.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
View attachment 1441911

Hello CryptKeeper, welcome to my ignore list. Ass clown.

When you stop being a child, and prove to me you're a man. ( Show me this metadata you speak of ) -- I will take you off my ignore list. I will then make a thread dedicated to apologizing to you.
But how will you know when I extract your location if you're ignoring me. ;) People really shouldn't embrace ignorance. :( Far to foolish.


Well-Known Member
just a suggestion guys but if ur gonna bicker why not private message bicker its like a show for the world to see now and kind of.....nevermind youlll figure it out. i guess this particular thread isnt as informational as some others but this happens all the time on every forum on the internet not just here so i mean for the sake of everyone else one the thread, cuz thers lots of us, keep it to yourself. penis measuring over the internet across state and countries really shows how much bawls you got...?


Well-Known Member
They have my mug shot in a dozen places not like they dont know me..........and I havent posted a picture of me and a its would be very subjective in court should they arrest me for putting up anything I say or do on here.........they have better things to do then raid my house Tatical style and get at the most a half ounce.............and thats a ticket now...not an arrestable crime........Im parinoid but not that much LOL oh they would have a hell of a time proveing whats in everyones pipe that take a pic of their bongs on here............SO IN MY CASE im not worried..........others may like the guy and kid that got busted it wasnt the pics on the phone that got em busted.

Im sure you have nothing to worry about, but I might.
and its not pot.
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