How can I lose 60 lbs without working out?

Lololol. So your a doctor??????

I'm pretty sure this thread is dead but u can keep trying to advertise yourself.

Did u read about his health concerns either???

Your a trainer, good for you.... Try not to send anyone to the ER
Lmao advertise myself for what? On a site for growing weed when I live in an illegal state? Are you gonna tell me I’m trying to advertise by giving facts from my own life when all you can do is post from shit you read? Get your weight up kid lol
Lmao advertise myself for what? On a site for growing weed when I live in an illegal state? Are you gonna tell me I’m trying to advertise by giving facts from my own life when all you can do is post from shit you read? Get your weight up kid lol
Advertising how you are a trainer.... Great, your a trainer. Message received.
Lmao advertise myself for what? On a site for growing weed when I live in an illegal state? Are you gonna tell me I’m trying to advertise by giving facts from my own life when all you can do is post from shit you read? Get your weight up kid lol
And no I didn’t read about his medical condition nor did I say this would help him, just stated facts.
Advertising how you are a trainer.... Great, your a trainer. Message received.
awesome where’s my fucking ribbon???
Currently a software guy who sits all day so I recently started working out again. It's so much different now but take my advice as sage trial run advice. Honestly when I was wrestling in high school we did a bunch of different shit to loose 20 pounds a night before weigh ins but that's not going to do yo uh any good. You want to take weight off and keep it off. First that involves getting all of your body on the same page. The way I see it is its cardio first, then working out, then diet. You can eat whatever as long as you work off the calories. First download the runner tracker app and take a mile jog before you even shower or smoke or poop make this a daily habit always increasing your distance or average rate of speed. Make this a habit. Next start meal prepping. 6 fruit cups a day and 4 things of milk plus chicken breast for dinner with veggies and cheese. Next find a workout that is more like lifting cinderblock all around you instead of lifting weights. Weights are for muscle targeting but if you twirl a cinderblock around your working like 100 different ones that come in handy during sex and a fight(wrestling talk) lastly just make sure not to drink pop so much but energy drinks can still be drank due to them increasing your metabolism.

My tedtalk

I do intermittent fasting. I only eat between 11-7 the rest I just drink water. That way you can kind of keep your diet the same.
It has to be the easiest approach. I bet it can be hard to find something healthy for every meal, but it’s not very hard to not eat. I mean how hard is it to just not do something. Maybe people get addicted to eating though. Because I can’t imagine someone telling me to just not smoke pot
It has to be the easiest approach. I bet it can be hard to find something healthy for every meal, but it’s not very hard to not eat. I mean how hard is it to just not do something. Maybe people get addicted to eating though. Because I can’t imagine someone telling me to just not smoke pot
You already mentioned that your skinny, so your body has different demands than mine. I’m 5’10 225 lbs. I get hungry there’s no getting around that lol and on top of that if you are working out and not taking in everything you need your gonna hurt yourself and be in worse condition. Fasting in my opinion and for my body is used more for cleansing purposes. For years I’d fast for 3 days out of every single month. Now I don’t do that so much and it hasn’t really made much of a difference. Others might feel different, less lethargic for example. It all depends on your body and body chemistry.
You can lose 60 pounds without training, but it will take a very long time. I would like to know why you can't do sports? From personal experience, I want to say that the diet is more effective if you add exercise. I can recommend the program, which will develop an individualized nutrition plan based on your food preferences and plan a workout that matches your lifestyle. I should say that an individual weight loss plan perfectly disciplines! With this program, I lost 16 pounds that I couldn't lose for 3 years.
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Just pop a couple of these at night before bed. No exercise necessary. The fat just burns off while you sleep.

I weighed 280 and now I weigh 185. I didn't train, I didn't diet. That stuff works for people that don't get high. I smoke dosido and that helps curb my appetite. I eat everything that I want, but I wait until I have rumblings in my stomach, before I start cooking. I'm hungry when I eat. Everything I cook tastes so much better when I'm hungry. I do limit my eating after 8pm. I don't watch as much tv. I take stairs instead of elevators. I work on my yard digging up trees and replanting them. I try to stay on my feet most of the day. I rest very little. I have been doing this for over a year and I'm trying to get back down to 160. I've been hung up on 185 for a couple of weeks. I've cut out most dairy, except yogurt drinks and cheese. I'm not a doctor or workout bro, I just try to be honest with myself. That works best for me. Some people can rationalize what they do, and pretend it should work. It is a simple mathemagical formula that can make it happen. If you work harder and eat less before sleep, you will become stronger. When you get stronger, and still eat less before sleep, than when you were gaining weight, you will lose weight.
What worked for me was doing a lot of intermittent fasting and eating healthier foods. I skip meals usually breakfast and lunch (although may have some snacks) and have a good dinner. You can make low calorie foods that taste great such as vegetables stir frys with meat or seafood. Some days I just eat whenever I feel like it but I try not to over do it unless it’s a cheat day. If you keep the majority of your days on a good diet and fast, you body will become accustomed to less calories and better foods. Next add in daily moderate exercise and you will see the weight drop, especially exercising while fasting. Keep this up for a while and you will lose weight. You may have to calculate your calorie intake if not sure to get a better idea of what you should be consuming daily. Try to get used to smaller portions. When you fast for a while food tastes even better. This may not be the best way to lose weight but I lost over 50 pounds in about a year.
Lose pounds , lose sleep , excessive sweating , rotten fucking teeth - No eating ! :clap:
Excessive shaking gets those pounds to drop off !

Discipline yourself to be comfortable while being hungry. Fasting like other's suggesting or try keto which help a lot to be less hungry during the day. Only eat two times a day and between 6 hours. Eat at dinner and something later to keep you from being hungry before going to bed.

If you fast for 18 hours every day it will be way easier to loose weight.
Do you drink soda? I know just by quitting soda I lost 30lbs in a short period of time without working out, I am on my feet and active though
Also Intermittent fasting is a good way to lose weight too, something like 8 hours of caloric intake, then 16 hours of fast, nothing but water. You will be hungry before bed for a while, but once you get past that it isn’t bad, and you can eat larger portions during your 8 hours so it’s more satisfying I think