How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

Hahahahaha, you really cant tell the sarcasm right? Works all the time.

you make the assumption that having no religion means that you have no ethics or moral values. You assume that because these people, some of whom actually were thiests, did these things because

they lacked the love of jesus. The answer to each individual case can be found in history books, as to why they did it I mean. Making a simple assumption that they did it because they weren't christians shows a huge level of ignorance for history as a whole.

the reason people are asking you how old you are is because you are using reasoning methods that we all remember using in highschool. Seriously. You argue with the methods that teenagers use. And thats not meant ass a slam, but an explanation.
Hep, its funny how he dont reply to me saying im offended by him being gay.

They also get mad when i make the assumption(just like they do about all believers being religious nut jobs anfd thinking im some.ignoramous) that since God doesnt like gays all gays are atheist, therefore all atheists must be gay since they hate God and religion.

This won't stop me of accusing Luger of denying free speech to Christians. For religious people it's like saying I don't have a problem with people believing in science but they shouldn't teach it in schools because that's not right. That would be an asshole move just like saying Christians can express themselves but they shouldn't.
Hep, its funny how he dont reply to me saying im offended by him being gay.

They also get mad when i make the assumption(just like they do about all believers being religious nut jobs anfd thinking im some.ignoramous) that since God doesnt like gays all gays are atheist, therefore all atheists must be gay since they hate God and religion.

Yes I agree that some atheists think all religious people are religious nut jobs, ha. Heis describes them as skeptics or debunkers.
Was that their logic? You know the whole if you're this then you must be that.
you guys are reallynot worth all this trouble. Go ahead, believe what you want. And yes oly, you stupid son of a lose whore, texas, per capita, does lead the world. Texas is like one big fuking joke to the rest of the world, you backward ass hicks. You guys win this thread, its not worth my emotion. Celebrations are yours...for now. Celebrations will be mine when we get to hunt you down to the last man, have you burned alive and thrown into a mass grave where I can piss on the crushed skulls of your stupid, worthlessly sad, shitheaded lives. Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck jesus with a rusty fork, fuck your god, I piss down the throat of your christian dogma. You are loads that should have been swallowed and I look forward to the day I can look down on your grave, laugh, and whip my dick out to piss on the remains of your family and all the other christians who will take the brunt of payback for 15oo years of your STUPID FUCKING RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT. FUCK YOU! I look forward to that day with even more anticipation than I woke up with this morning. Filthy OUT!

that should change their opinions :roll:
you guys are reallynot worth all this trouble. Go ahead, believe what you want. And yes oly, you stupid son of a lose whore, texas, per capita, does lead the world. Texas is like one big fuking joke to the rest of the world, you backward ass hicks. You guys win this thread, its not worth my emotion. Celebrations are yours...for now. Celebrations will be mine when we get to hunt you down to the last man, have you burned alive and thrown into a mass grave where I can piss on the crushed skulls of your stupid, worthlessly sad, shitheaded lives. Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck jesus with a rusty fork, fuck your god, I piss down the throat of your christian dogma. You are loads that should have been swallowed and I look forward to the day I can look down on your grave, laugh, and whip my dick out to piss on the remains of your family and all the other christians who will take the brunt of payback for 15oo years of your STUPID FUCKING RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT. FUCK YOU! I look forward to that day with even more anticipation than I woke up with this morning. Filthy OUT!

Yes so we are not worth the trouble when you are the litlle child who can't handle when people have separate beliefs. I'm sure you're a troll but you're hilarious when you get all butt hurt, ha. Go suck a dick and shut up, hahahahaha. Oh and I'm sure you can't hunt us down because we have the crusades on our side, dipshit. So fuck your grandma your mom and your dad bitch, haha look I'm acting like you.
you guys are reallynot worth all this trouble. Go ahead, believe what you want. And yes oly, you stupid son of a lose whore, texas, per capita, does lead the world. Texas is like one big fuking joke to the rest of the world, you backward ass hicks. You guys win this thread, its not worth my emotion. Celebrations are yours...for now. Celebrations will be mine when we get to hunt you down to the last man, have you burned alive and thrown into a mass grave where I can piss on the crushed skulls of your stupid, worthlessly sad, shitheaded lives. Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck jesus with a rusty fork, fuck your god, I piss down the throat of your christian dogma. You are loads that should have been swallowed and I look forward to the day I can look down on your grave, laugh, and whip my dick out to piss on the remains of your family and all the other christians who will take the brunt of payback for 15oo years of your STUPID FUCKING RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT. FUCK YOU! I look forward to that day with even more anticipation than I woke up with this morning. Filthy OUT!

Wow. That wasn't one for our side. I think you guys broke his brain...
What do you religious folks think God thinks as he watches all this craziness he created chug merrily along? Or why does God never show up and clear all the confusion up? Compared to creating the entire universe I would think he could spend just a min or two and clear this all up for us? He really cheeped out on his whole explanation thing and what we are supposedly supposed to base our life around compared to the rest of the wonders of universe he played with as a side project.
What do you religious folks think God thinks as he watches all this craziness he created chug merrily along? Or why does God never show up and clear all the confusion up? Compared to creating the entire universe I would think he could spend just a min or two and clear this all up for us? He really cheeped out on his whole explanation thing and what we are supposedly supposed to base our life around compared to the rest of the wonders of universe he played with as a side project.
I don't know ask god when you see him.
What do you religious folks think God thinks as he watches all this craziness he created chug merrily along? Or why does God never show up and clear all the confusion up? Compared to creating the entire universe I would think he could spend just a min or two and clear this all up for us? He really cheeped out on his whole explanation thing and what we are supposedly supposed to base our life around compared to the rest of the wonders of universe he played with as a side project.
I don't know ask god when you see him.
invent a new religion with some other means of teaching morality, but base it on personal choice not organised or with big hatted men in robed gold to tell us how to live
Wow! I thought i was rough around the edges, lol!

Oh, and you prob dont know what per capita means, check china out on executions..

Originally Posted by Filthy Phil you guys are reallynot worth all this trouble. Go ahead, believe what you want. And yes oly, you stupid son of a lose whore, texas, per capita, does lead the world. Texas is like one big fuking joke to the rest of the world, you backward ass hicks. You guys win this thread, its not worth my emotion. Celebrations are yours...for now. Celebrations will be mine when we get to hunt you down to the last man, have you burned alive and thrown into a mass grave where I can piss on the crushed skulls of your stupid, worthlessly sad, shitheaded lives. Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck jesus with a rusty fork, fuck your god, I piss down the throat of your christian dogma. You are loads that should have been swallowed and I look forward to the day I can look down on your grave, laugh, and whip my dick out to piss on the remains of your family and all the other christians who will take the brunt of payback for 15oo years of your STUPID FUCKING RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT. FUCK YOU! I look forward to that day with even more anticipation than I woke up with this morning. Filthy OUT!
wich god is it that you believe and why is it you chose that god and not any of the other thousands of gods ?
and why dont you leave us alone , stop building your places of worship , and stop indoctrinating our children , then we can call a truse .

the fact that our buildings and all that we do bothers u show no love. so why would i want to imitate or emulate u or ur actions. we should live in love and harmony bearing one another. u suggest strife, violence, hatred, animosity, and the like. why would i want to be grouped or in ur association. if i beleive the wrong thing or wat u dont beleive i am subject to anythingfrom u up to death.
there are many gods with the same teachings. budhists take the whole peace thing a lot further. they include animals, instead of seeing animals as things to be used for the benefit of humans.

actually yes it does offend me. i feel ashamed that our species is still subject to such idiocy.
off topic a bit - some people in this country believe mosques should be blocked from being built because theyre afraid of being taken over by muslims. but we are already taken over by christians! they are just too blind to see it because they are christians themselves, and see this as a good thing. because they REALLY have the good morals... :roll:

i believe there are things that all children should learn, such as science. religion can stop that from happening, especially in the southern states. they tend to say 'jesus did it' rather than finding out the real cause. this produces idiots, who then go on to do the same to their children.

why cant we include children indoctrination along with the rest? teaching children religion is bad parenting. it makes them have a fucked up view of the world.

but what about the kids of religious parents? why should they be subjected to it?

they dont leave me alone. im constantly being told that god is real and jesus was the prophet, etc. there are churches and crosses everywhere. have you ever driven through texas? they have HUGE white crosses all over the highways, and ads that tell you to believe in jesus. i dont think anyone should believe that because its absolutely ridiculous.

if u want to get the word out u advertise. we r charged with hearalding the gospel the good news. like anything advertized if u dont use or need it dont buy it. i don't need tampons or any of that female stuff but see that there is an audience that use the products. so respect those that use the product of what Jesus accomplished and love to see when it is advertised! one opinion is for one not the whole (2 billion followers)
ive been through texas about 5 times and have seen them myself.

i do when its a building that is bigger than anything else around and has a big cross out front.
if there was jewish stars or crescent moons all around your neighborhood, would you be okay with someone telling you just to not look at them? especially when you believe your god is the one true god. its the same thing for us, except we believe your god simply doesnt exist

how does a lack of belief in something make us evil?\
we believe religion should end because it produces idiots that cant understand reality, and they depend on their god for answers, when they should be relying on science to fix the situation. like those prayer services they do in stadiums. those people really believe that if they pray hard enough, god will come down and change events on earth. like i said, IDIOTS.
its not because you are wicked. it is because we see it as harmful to society as a whole, while in disguise as a peaceful religion that harms no one.

we give you and oly plenty of chances. but your explanations are nothing but faith and bullshit. we demand evidence, logic and facts. none of which you guys provide when asked.

edit: actually, hep uses logic. but my point is still valid ;-)

facts me can provide. the facts are all around you, on u in u. logic is reasoning and your reasonings are not on par to understand, u cant even fathom the ocean deep or the universe or even our bodies. evidence; well u see but wont see, u'll hear but not hear. and faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. u cant fill old wineskins with new wine. u cant fill an already full glass. explaining and proving my relationship wont help develop your relationship with God. u see u dont understand that with which u r skeptical. u must come as a new born babe hence born again! babies dont come knowing and intellectually process with fully developed knowledge base (no matter how flawed). trust and beleive
i live in america and can honestly say that we are on the decline as well with religion. havent been to church in like 15 years and only know a handful of people who do. most;y eldr people stuck in their ways. i think the younger society realize its all bs, and most people i know only went as far as they had to make confirmation bc if you dont you cant get married in a church. i have no intentions of getting married in a church but it was imposed upon me to go to religion classes for such reasons, and as a child i did as i was told.

Gods kingdom is not on the decline. the world is though and who will people trust. trust between people is eroding at exponential rates. where will people go to find peace rest, love. every man for himself. paranoia. im sorry i refuse to live that way. people let u down and there is no joy, peace, but i maintain mine. I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me (GOD). let no man rob u of ur peace. I can exist, love, give to, help man expecting nothing from him but my Father in Heaven. but others get mad at the person, hate envy, expet the person to do for them. it all creates problems humans arent able to handle because of the barrage and tenacity in which affliction comes. u have problems an how u handle and hide them is in a human nature way. ur trails and troubles serve to help others but we r a society/nation/world of secrets. how do u think this will play out to get better if you say we r declining? what does the athesits say, how does the world play out? do we decline, or get better. destruction or reconstruction. and if so on what planet? you answer some questions for us. what is ur grand plan for man the world? what should we believe in? convince me ther is no hope, no God, and u people have a plan, a future.
well put man, that pisses me off to...people are to weak to fight cancer..but religion somehow gives em the power to. the human mind is the most powerful thing a person can own.

can u will anything of substance in ur life, on ur body, u have no power. if so the use the other 90% of ur brain. do that in ur power. u have problems and how u handle them demonstrates tha u arent perfect and so arent responsible for one thing that is here on earth naturally or in the universe. fact is we kinow noone that has ever seen the other billion galaxies but we continually purport their existence. u purport and propagate things u have heard bu not seen for ur self.
Maybe one day you will provide some evidence to back this claim up. The null hypothesis being that without religion, billions of people would lead worse lives.
To answer the second question first and that is that most atheists are not tyrannical and would prefer religion go away because of enlightenment and not forced away at the point of a gun.

We have been around and around with this before but I believe that claim that religion is not harmful has been shown to be false many times in many threads. At the very least it leads to sloppy thinking and the erroneous belief that blind faith is a positive attribute. These ideas damage society from within.

history shows that man, man has ruin everything he has come into conact with. man has ruined the earth, man has taken Gods Kingdom principals, statues and laws and have been terrible ambassadors. religion is not of God, religion (diversity of beliefs) is of the prince of the world. God is a God of love and relationship. individualism is harmful because u force on me wat u think and deride and kill me for my beliefs. thats history not Gods plan for us. we have free choice thats why u able to believe the way u do and others have their beliefs to. whos right? we will see until then why not love, respectand help one another.